How much does it cost to get permanent dentures


Today, different types of materials can be used to replace your lost teeth, and give you back a natural looking smile.

Broadly speaking there are three different materials are used in complete or partial dentures, including:

1. Acrylic Resin Dentures

Acrylic resin dentures are pink colored in order to resemble the gum. Teeth are resin colored to resemble that of natural teeth.

⊕Less expensive than porcelain dentures, lighter and easier to adjust.

−But, may wear down more quickly than porcelain and thus durability is shorter. Replacement  be done between 5-8 years

2. Porcelain  Dentures

Porcelain is harder than acrylic. This makes dentures more durable.

Also, porcelain dentures provide excellent aesthetics since the replacement teeth look a lot more like natural teeth. This material is better for bearing the daily wearing of teeth while we talk, chew or bite.

⊕Durability and Aesthetics

−But, they are more costly and prone to breaking due to accidents.

3. Metal Dentures

Metal dentures mean that the clasps of the dentures, or the palate layer of the denture is made of metal. Usually cobalt chrome is used for metal dentures.

⊕Durability and long lasting nature.

But, poorer aesthetics since the metal color can be easily noticed.

 4. Other Flexible Materials for Dentures

In some cases other flexible materials can be used to manufacture dentures.

Materials including polycarbonates and polypropylene are used for making dentures. These flexible materials make dentures more adaptable to your mouth and this means more comfort to the patient.

⊕Much more comfortable than other types of dentures.

−But, flexible materials can be more likely to build up bacteria in or around the prosthesis.


How Are Dentures Made Today?

Digitally Made Dentures

Dentures, as many other restorative treatments, have highly benefited from the advances in technology in the field of dentistry. The clinical aspect as well as the digital process of dentures is very important when you are getting dentures.

With the use of T-Scan technology, today dentures can be made from start to finish digitally. The old molds can be replaced by 3D images that recreate the exact features of your mouth. Then the dentures are designed and printed based on the data provided by the digital technology.

Digitally made dentures provide:

How much does it cost to get permanent dentures

  • perfect fit
  • a natural looking smile
  • data that  is saved digitally. So dentures can be made again if they break accidentally.

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

It is difficult to estimate the cost of your dentures before you see your dentist. Each patient has different needs, wants, and budget.

The cost will vary depending on the type of denture you need, the number of missing teeth you have, and the whole treatment  required for your restorations.

However, the following information can give you a rough idea about the cost of dentures:

The initial consultation can run between $ 85-110, though costs may rise if you need updated x-rays (but you can always take your previous x-rays if they are about 2 years old.)

Remember it is difficult to establish the cost of your treatmente without a doctor seeing you first. Costs will vary according to treatmentes, and treatments may vary according to:

  • Your oral conditions at the moment of the treatment (if you need bone grafting  or have some teeth removed, for example)
  • Your insurance coverage
  • Lab materials used

So, broadly speaking we may estimate that

  • Complete or full dentures  may range between $ 1500-5000 
  • Partial dentures could be half 
  • Snap-on or implant dentures (such as All-on-4)  may more costly as they involve implant placement. 

Does Insurance Cover Permanent Dentures?

Depending on the dental insurance you have , and the type of plan, your dental insurance should cover at least some part of your dentures treatment. If your plan is full coverage it will probably cover the whole treatment. So make sure you get the right information at your insurance company to know how much out of pocket money you will need to spend.

What is the Cost of Dentures When Going to an In-Network vs Out-Of-Network Dentist?

The cost of dentures will also vary depending on whether you go to an in-network vs an out-of-network dentist. Even if your dental insurance covers 50% of your treatment in both in-network and out-of-network dental offices, in an out-of-network office you will have to pay more out of pocket money.

In-network dental offices are contracted with insurance companies and must abide by a fee schedule. Out-of-network dental offices are not contracted with any insurance company so their fee schedule is not restricted.

However, you shouldn’t make a healthcare decision based solely on out of pocket cost. Usually an out of network office will use the best labs , the best material, the latest state of the art technology and thus will probably provide more effective treatments.  So try to find an office with good reviews, and that one that is worth paying for that added peace of mind.

Also, pay attention to practices that try to make up the difference in fees by adding services you might actually not need (for example, charging for gum surgery when it’s not needed or tooth extractions).

The best option is always to visit your preferred dentist first. Office staff can always do  a complimentary insurance check to find out what your dental insurance will cover.

You may also do some research to make sure your dentist’s fees are within range. But do not forget: don’t just base your oral care decision solely on price. The office staff, the doctor’s expertise and the labs and materials used are very important to avoid extra costs in the future.

Types of Dentures and Cost: What Should I Consider When Getting Dentures?

Dentures are an effective way to restore your smile and your teeth functions.  That means your dentures will be your new teeth now.  Certainly,  you want to have a long-lasting treatment, done in the most professional and skillful way.

So, when considering types of dentures and cost try not to opt for the cheapest option first. You need to evaluate all aspects. Try to think about your particular needs, and the results in the long run.  You’d better spend a bit more pocket money on a high-quality treatment that will last many years and give you peace of mind.

Try to  find a professional you feel comfortable with, and for dentures, specifically remember the best option will always be a specialist in prosthodontics.

You should also check if your dentist works in-network or out-of-network. Remember that quality is the main thing you need to consider when renewing your teeth and smile. Good quality work and restoration will help you achieve an overall improved experience and avoid further costs and problems in the future.

How long does permanent dentures last?

It is important to note that although permanent dentures are considered permanent, they do not last forever. This is because, as you continue wearing the permanent partial dentures, your gum tissue and bone gradually change as the years go by. Therefore, permanent dentures should be replaced every 5 to 10 years.

Are permanent dentures the same as implants?

Permanent dentures are an alternative to traditional removable dentures. They aren't the same thing as dental implants, but they are affixed to them. Surgically-placed dental implants replace the roots of missing teeth and create a stable base for permanent dentures.

How much does it cost to get all your teeth pulled and get dentures?

A full set of dentures costs between $2,000 and $20,000, and this depends on the type and quality of materials used. Added to the cost are the upper and lower arches, tooth extractions, and preparations. The average cost complete dentures is around $8,000.

Can dentures be permanently attached?

Permanent dentures are also known as implant supported dentures. The reason this type of denture is known as a permanent denture is that dental implants are used to hold the dentures in place.