Why did zulemas daughter kill herself

** This interview gut the final chapter of Vis a vis from beginning to end**

The last minutes of Vis a vis They have reinserted the inmates, by means of a kaleidoscope to the future (12 years), in that happy ending that had been running for four seasons. Saray, the gypsy who was raped by Sandoval, the director of the prison, and whose daughter (fruit of the aggression) was snatched, regains custody and lives with his girlfriend (La Mala Rodríguez, interpreter of the song of header). The dysfunctional Rizos continues to fiddle and return to jail every two minutes. Tere, the politoxicómana, detoxifies and becomes a social therapist. Goya continues to endure a total of zero nonsense from anyone now as warehouse manager. Luna, the voice of reason, becomes flight stewardess. And the guard Antonio becomes the best warden that Cruz del Norte has ever known. What about the protagonists, Maca (Maggie Civantos) and Zulema (Najwa Nimri), It's another story.

After waking up from the coma that has been removed from the series since the beginning of the third season, Maca returned to prison to sign a truce with his nemesis, the soulless Zulema. Where does that alliance come from? "From the writers", clarifies Najwa Nimri by phone to El País. "Zulema moves only out of necessity and because of the love she feels for Saray, she knows that with her she is lost and goes nowhere. Zulema learns to control and Maca to overcome, there arises the pulse, so that end can be seen as a fantasy. The last scene of Vis a vis shows Maca and Zulema overproduced as a version of Thelma and Louise playing Ocean's 11: they dock a jewelry whose value Zulema does not understand but lives God who will enjoy.

"Zulema ends up alone and I, like Najwa, told everyone that I wanted to finish the others by the hand. But they would not let me. I guess she would never stay there to say goodbye to Sole, she's where she has to be. As always, we have gone without concessions and to sacco ", concludes the actress, who debuted on television with Vis a vis and now it rolls The paper house with the same team. In the final chapter of the series the prisoners riot not to escape, but out of solidarity with Sole. She, like the series, wanted to die on her own terms.

Sole has said goodbye to her colleagues, also acting as spokesperson for the writers: "I have never felt so happy and as free as in this prison, and all thanks to the yellow tide". It is explicitly saluted for the first time since Cruz del Norte prison, to the fan movement that managed to resuscitate the series after its cancellation on Antena 3 with two more seasons on Fox. Vis a vis he has not survived in the jail of the audiometers thanks to the public but in spite of him: as happened with The paper house, the traditional consumption failed to the series (both fictions lost almost two million spectators throughout its two seasons in Antenna 3) but the television of payment saved it.

We travel with Najwa Nimri prison 'Vis a vis' in the third season of the series.

A prison drama in which one inmate (Zulema) causes an abortion to another (Maca) in prime time did not come to Spanish television to make friends. "People want cane. The kids want to see a person burning everything because it frees them that someone does it for them, since they can not, "explains Najwa Nimri. In a television fiction, the Spanish one, in which the characters that transcend appeal to familiarity (Chanquete, Marcial, Recio) Vis a vis and Nimri have cast in that pantheon to an "elf of fucking hell".

In the final chapter we have seen his latest version. Najwa Nimri, the only singer of the cast, does not participate in the euthanasia of Sole (the coven says goodbye to her I learned with you) because Zulema is locked up with Sandoval in a final confrontation between the two villains. The elf has become a clown, through a makeup that reminds the Joker of The dark knight and with which Zulema has spent the last two episodes: that mascara is a map of the only time he has cried in the whole series, the death of his daughter (whom he met this season) literally at his feet when She was pushed from a helicopter to the prison yard by Sandoval's orders. This time it is personal.

"As we did not agree completely, the makeup has been a bit surprising. It occurred to me that we had to take it further, with an almost archetypal composition, absolutely dramatic and very expressive ". Nimri has struggled to preserve the animal nature of his character, always asking permission from the writers: Zulema has barely given testimonies to camera, as they did their partners, and the actress suggested that the trauma of his character lies in the abandonment of his mother and not from his father, "because of that you do not ever recover". However, the humanization of Zulema is not so much a creative decision as, again, an adaptation to adversity: "She has not evolved, what happens is that Maggie [Civantos, que interpreta a Maca] It had to go to another series and I have been giving more footage. Then you have seen Zulema in different situations and not only at the expense of Maca's character. "

That Sandoval, the system, has ended up stabbed to death by the prisoners does not detract from his discourse on how in this society one has to choose whether to be catfish (to eat) or cod (to be eaten) but both species are needed the one to the other. Zulema listens to him attentively, with a revolver in one hand and a craftsman dagger in the other generating that sensation that has marked all his scenes in the series that at any moment could kill the one in front of him. But he listens to him, because a villain understands another villain's right to his final monologue.

"Many codfish think they are more catfish than they are," says Nimri, "there is a lot of tolai who thinks he is super-talented, at times we think we have everything under control but in reality there is nothing to control. That's why we're all pretty cod. " Most women in the series, however, have opted for the third way (jump from the aquarium) and spend the rest of their lives to live, tired of surviving.

Nimri confesses that it is not difficult for Zulema to be removed from the head but for the flesh and sometimes even spontaneously combusts to face a reckless driver. "The move is that I've taken it off, I'm more calm, but not people. And I do not know how I'm going to shake it, honestly, everyone loves me a little in Zulema and I have to do my best to make a better character. " While Nimri decides his next blow, where is Zulema going? "You'll see it." Where? "Somewhere, sure. We continue to serve the machinery, which is not only executives and creatives but also consumers. " In the end it turns out that, even without intending it, everyone is someone's catfish.


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