Mother teenage daughter weekend getaways texas

Been home for less than 24 hours and I already miss Texas…and my mom!

This past weekend, my mom and I met for a getaway in Dallas, then drove down to Waco and Austin for the weekend. We started a new tradition last year where each spring we would go on a mother/daughter trip somewhere new and this year we picked Texas…primarily so we could go see Magnolia and the Silos! We are die-hard Fixer Upper Fans 🙂

We ended up flying into Dallas (and somehow ended up at different airports…oops!) since it was cheaper than flying into Austin, plus the drive down there passes straight through Waco! We got to Magnolia around 11am on Friday, which I highly recommend doing!

I had read so much about how crowded that place can get on weekends and I totally believe it! We took a stroll through the store, which is unbelievably well-decorated and has a ton of incredible and beautiful pieces for the home and affordable prices. They also have merch, so of course I had to get a Texas t-shirt!

After shopping, we picked up cupcakes, a cookie and a cinnamon roll from the bakery, popped into the gardening store, and wandered around the grounds (which are so well-done, just so perfectly on point with her style!) until grabbing some lunch at one of the many food trucks.

We opted for grilled cheese and ate on the lawn. They have a big patch of fake grass with some bean bag chairs and lawn games. It’s seriously the cutest thing ever! Once we were done, we drove about 5 minutes away to Harp Design Co. – Clint was a regular on the show if you’re a fan too, and his store is also beautiful!

Saturday started with an early breakfast in the hotel – we stayed at The Driskill in downtown Austin and I swear it is the prettiest hotel in the city! I feel VERY spoiled, but I guess if you’re going to do a getaway once a year, might as well make it count! We originally were going to go on a hike held by Athleta, but it ended up getting cancelled due to rain. Instead, my mom and I walked along the river for about an hour and a half and somehow only managed to get rained on once!

Lunch was at a vegan restaurant called Counter Culture and my friend Helen joined us! We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring South Congress, where there are a ton of cool shops and restaurants like Allen’s Boots (my FAVE) and Amy’s Ice Cream (which we were too full to try this time!).

We then went to June’s All Day for an early dinner, some amazing cocktails, and delicious food! I highly recommend the fried chicken sandwich, which we ate too quickly to photograph…??

We called it a night pretty early, but not without eating the rest of our cupcakes in bed, of course!! I’m telling you, those cupcakes are the BEST I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a lot of cupcakes in my day! Highly recommend the carrot cake, coconut, and lemon lavender!

Sunday morning was when the Athleta hike was supposedly rescheduled for, so we went over to Barton Creek Greenbelt a bit early. We waited a bit and couldn’t seem to find anyone from the store, so we decided to venture out on our own!

We ended up walking along the creek, which was absolutely stunning. I had no idea Austin was so lush! I’ve been once before in June, but for some reason it just seemed extra green this time.

Post hike/walk, we went to a spot near to our hotel called Modern Eatery for some amazing salads (their prices are great, too!), a latté, and then went back to the hotel to hang out.

At about 4pm, we went over to Uncommon Objects, a super famous antique shop in Austin! I went with my friend Nicole the first time I was in Austin a few years ago and knew my mom would love it. They have such interesting stuff and the displays are done so creatively!

For dinner, we had reservations at Perla’s on South Congress and you GUYS. I’m 99% positive this was our most memorable meal – the drinks were unreal, the food was to die for and the service was on POINT. If I were to go back to Austin, I would for sure make reservations here again!

After that, we pretty much called it a night since we were so fantastically stuffed, but we had to stop one last time at Magnolia on our way back to the airport Monday morning!

And there ya have it! If you made it this far, I applaud you? There were just so many incredible moments I wanted to share! I really do love Texas and I think it’s an amazing spot to explore with loved ones.

I just want to give one quick shoutout to my mom who made the whole weekend possible – I know I am SO lucky to be able to call my mom my best friend and to be able to travel with her?

xo Jordan

For more travel info on Austin, head to my older posts here and here!


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