Phone number to home depot credit card services

Late fees? Hidden charges? Sneaky fine print? No thanks, we’ll leave those to the credit card companies. At Affirm, we like to keep it real—and that means no fees, no gotchas, and no regrets.

This eligibility check won't affect your credit score.

Pros: Location, Location of store, Product availability, It was easy to initially purchase, I have spent thousands at

Cons: Customer service, Lack of customer service, Unwilling to fix problem, Unhelpful staff, No customer service


The Home Depot, Inc. is a large retailer of home improvement supplies. The company was founded by Pat Farrah, Bernard Mamrcus, and Arthur Blank in 1978. Its headquarters is based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Home Depot provides a broad range of products under the following categories: Garden Supplies, Flooring, Home Appliances, Building Materials, Hardware, and many more. The company also specializes in tools, paints, plants, lumber, and plumbing. Home Depot has 90 distribution centers which serve more than 2000 stores in the United States. There are also Home Depot locations in the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Mexico, and South America. Interline Brands is a subsidiary of The Home Depot, Inc.

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Topics from recent customer chat windows

I set up auto payment but they didn’t charge from my bank and I can’t log in

A double payment was made by mistake

I want to know when I get to pay my payment for my credit because I don't know when the...

I purchased refrigerator on my credit card last week and forgot to use my ** .** coupon...

I bought a whirlpool refrigerator last week I forgot to bring in my coupon for **.** ba...

Had lost old credit cards in house fire. Cannot get my new cards registered. Cannot log...

I want to talk to a customer service representative about a late fee on my credit card bill

I have multiple charges on my Home Depot credit card that were supposed to be canceled...

Pay off card and receive updated account statement by email at danielbates***@gmail.

I want to pay off my card and get an updated account balance statement by email it dani...

Make payment and get updated balance statement by email to: *****@***.com

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Chatting with Home Depot Credit Customer Service

GetHuman always knows the way to live chat with a company like Home Depot Credit when it's available. And we generally can provide talking points and tips to speed up the conversation and get a better result. In the last 18 months, 24,786 customers have searched for Home Depot Credit live chat-based customer service and we have had to tell them the disappointing news: they don't offer customer support though chat. Luckily, there is still a way to get a real human being to help you with your Home Depot Credit customer service problem, and that's by calling them on the phone. We've provided the best phone number, along with our best information that we've sourced from other Home Depot Credit customers and our free tool that helps you skip the waiting on hold part. Find that information above. The reason why most customers are looking to chat with Home Depot Credit is because they have Billing issue, Close or change account, Account issue, Complaint, Order issues and other customer service issues, but they then usually end up using other tools or information that GetHuman provides to actually resolve the problem. Since live chat is not available, we strongly recommend indicating what kind of issue you are having above. GetHuman can then route you to the best phone or web information for your specific problem. It's hard to tell if companies like Home Depot Credit offer customer care over live chat, so we started compiling this information and best alternatives from customers like you. Please keep sharing what you know about contacting Home Depot Credit with GetHuman and keep sharing with others so we can together make customer service less frustrating.

Contacting Home Depot Credit

While Home Depot Credit does not offer live chat, they do have a phone number. In total, there are 3 ways to get in touch with them. The best phone number for Home Depot Credit is their 800-677-0232 customer service phone number, and you can get the details and use our free call-back service by finding the link for it above and clicking it. Know any other ways to contact Home Depot Credit? Or is any of the information above inaccurate? Please let us know so we can keep sharing the best possible information with other customers.

Are Home Depot Credit and GetHuman affiliated?

GetHuman and Home Depot Credit have no relationship whatsoever. GetHuman has been a forum for customers to share tips with each other since the early 2000s and continues to be a resources to over 50 million US customers per year, as well as consumers around the globe. Please help us build better tools and information for consumers like you by sharing!

How do I pay my Home Depot credit card by phone?

Pay and Manage Card..
Card FAQs..

What number do I call to pay my Home Depot credit card?

Phone: To make a Home Depot® Credit Card payment over the phone, call the number on the back of your card or the main customer service line, at (866) 875-5488. You should call between 6 a.m. and 1 a.m. EST from Monday to Saturday or between 7 a.m. and 12 a.m. EST on Sundays.

How do I make a payment to my Home Depot card?

The easiest way you can make a Home Depot® Credit Card payment is either online, or over the phone at (866) 875-5488. Alternatively, you can pay your Home Depot® Credit Card bill through the mobile app, by mail, or at a branch.

How do I speak to someone at Home Depot credit?

Consumer Credit Card Account. 1-800-677-0232..
Commercial Revolving Charge Card. 1-800-685-6691..
Commercial Credit Card Account. 1-800-395-7363..