Left foot pain on top left side

Regardless of age, everyone experiences body aches at one time or another. These discomforts could be the direct result of a workout or sports injury, or from simply sleeping awkwardly one night.

Obviously, not all aches and pains require a visit to the doctor’s office. But, some do.

Pains That Need Your Attention

Rahul Kapur, MD, Penn Sports Medicine physician and lead medical physician for Penn Athletics, discusses certain pains that need your attention.

Wrist Pain

Oftentimes, minor wrist ailments occur from repetitive movement, such as writing or typing on a keyboard. Relieving this type of pain may be as simple as making a change to eliminate repetitive strain, performing stretches to relieve tension, or wearing a splint or brace to stabilize and put pressure on the joint.

More serious pains – for instance, discomfort on the thumb-side of your wrist – should be examined by a physician, as it could be a scaphoid fracture.

Groin Pain

Especially in athletes, this type of pain is typically caused by a muscle, tendon or ligament strain. It may occur immediately after an injury, or develop gradually over a period of weeks or months. In many cases, simply reducing the use of the injured area can help to alleviate the discomfort.

If you experience a sudden onset of sharp, intense pain in the groin, buttocks or thigh at the time of an injury, this could indicate a high-risk stress fracture of the femoral neck (a break in the neck of the femur or thigh bone). If this occurs, it is recommended you seek medical attention.

Shoulder Pain

Getting dressed or lifting an item over your head shouldn’t cause pain. The shoulder has a wide and versatile range of motion and when something is wrong, it can hinder your ability to move freely.

If you experience pain that radiates down your arm during one of those activities (or at all), this could indicate a disc issue in your neck - especially if you have numbness, tingling or weakness.

Heel Pain

Heel pain is most often caused by plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the band of tissue (the plantar fascia) that extends from the heel to the toes. This condition can be treated by performing stretching exercises, avoiding going barefoot and icing the heel several times a day.

If pain is present in the back of the heel or Achilles region and is accompanied by swelling or bruising, this could indicate a partial tear and should be examined by a physician.

Foot Pain

Don’t ignore or try to suffer through foot-related conditions simply because it’s “only your feet”. If you have trouble walking, you are more likely to stop being physically active, which can lead to further health issues down the road.

Nagging pain at the top of your foot, especially over the outside (pinky side), could be from a stress fracture. You may be told to keep pressure off the foot for a while or need a cast for a few weeks.

Shin Pain

If you train too hard over a short period of time, you may experience shin splints. They often plague runners who do not build their mileage gradually enough or who abruptly change their workout regimen. Treatment for shin splints can be as simple as decreasing, or completely stopping, your training until the pain subsides.

If there is pain in the lower leg, this could be the result of a stress fracture (an incomplete crack in the bone), which is much more serious. If it’s accompanied by numbness or tingling, you could have what is called exertional compartment syndrome (an exercise-induced muscle and nerve condition). It is important to see a physician so that they can perform the necessary tests to correctly diagnose the injury.

Big Toe Pain

Because we are constantly on our feet, there are many causes of toe pain. Cuts or scrapes and blisters can easily be treated at home. Your toe, though, supports the majority of your weight when you push off your foot and pain there could also be an indication of something more serious, such as gout or arthritis, or in some cases a tear or stress fracture.

While there are aches and pains that don’t warrant a visit to the doctor’s office, it is always better to err on the side of caution. If you have been experiencing pain for some time or are concerned about a recent development, it is best to get checked out by a physician.

A tendon is a type of body tissue that connects muscle to bone. If a tendon becomes inflamed — painful and swollen — the condition is called tendonitis.

In your hands, there are so-called extensor tendons that connect the muscles to bones that allow you to move your fingers. In your feet, extensor tendons connect the muscles that help you raise your toes and flex your feet to your bones. If one of the extensor tendons in your foot becomes inflamed, you have a kind of unusual condition called extensor tendonitis.

The extensor tendons in your feet are called the extensor hallucis longus, extensor hallucis brevis, extensor digitorum longus, and tibialis anterior.

You're at risk for this condition if you have a high instep. In contrast, if you land on the inner side of your foot when you walk, you're also a prime candidate. If you are a runner, dancer, skier, or ice skater, you may be more likely to get extensor tendonitis due to the tightly laced footwear these activities call for.

Symptoms of Extensor Tendonitis in the Foot

The main symptom of extensor tendonitis in the foot is pain on the top of the foot. It is often right where your shoelaces are. You may feel this pain while you are running or walking.

Sometimes, there is visible swelling or a bump on the extensor tendon that is injured or inflamed.

Diagnosis of Extensor Tendonitis in the Foot

Doctors may be able to diagnose tendonitis with only a physical exam and medical history. However, if your doctor is worried your pain could be caused by a different condition, they may order an X-ray or an MRI.

What Causes Extensor Tendonitis in the Foot?

Most cases of tendonitis are from repetitive motion and develop over time. However, they can also occur because of a sudden injury.

Extensor tendonitis, in particular, may be caused by:

  • Shoes that are too small or tight
  • Doing too many uphill workouts and not enough downhill ones
  • Running on an unstable surface

How Can You Treat Tendonitis At Home?

You can treat some cases of extensor tendonitis at home. Rest the affected foot for two to three days. Use it as little as possible to give the tendons a break.

While you are resting your foot, put ice on it for 20 minutes every two or three hours. 

Wrap an elastic bandage around the injured area to reduce inflammation, or use a brace. Make sure the bandage or brace is not too tight and take it off before you go to sleep.

Try loosening your shoelaces or trying different shoes to see if that helps. You can also add some padding under the tongue of your shoe before you return to activity.

How Do Doctors Treat Tendonitis?

If your home treatment doesn't help your foot after two or three days, you should contact a doctor. 

Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or prescription-strength medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Aspirin and ibuprofen are among the most common ones. These are available as oral and topical medications. Your doctor may also want you to have a corticosteroid injection, a steroid shot, to reduce inflammation. 

Your doctor may also recommend a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment. In this treatment, doctors take your own blood, take out the blood fragments known as platelets, and then inject the platelets into the affected area. Experts are still studying this treatment, but many agree that it shows promise for treating chronic tendon pain.

Physical therapy may help to strengthen your muscles and stretch your extensor tendons to reduce pain. 

If you have tried the above treatments and you still have tendon pain, your doctor may recommend dry needling. During this procedure, a doctor inserts a needle into the tendon to stop further damage and promote healing.

If scar tissue is causing your tendonitis, an ultrasonic wave device can help remove scar tissue and ease your pain.

If you have severe tendonitis, and the tendon has started to pull away from the bone, surgery may be required.

How to Prevent Extensor Tendonitis

The following tips can help you prevent extensor tendonitis:

  • Always do a warm-up and cool-down before and after exercise.
  • Don't forget to stretch.
  • Build your workout gradually (start slow and lower intensity).
  • Train the muscles you will be using in advance of activities and sports you know you will be doing.
  • Learn the proper form for any exercises you do.
  • Exercise regularly (more than one time per week).
  • Listen to your body, especially if you are not accustomed to exercising.
  • Wear shoes that fit properly.
  • Pay extra attention to how your feet feel while exercising after switching to new shoes.
  • Don't delay more than a few days in contacting your doctor when experiencing foot pain.

Why does the left part of my left foot hurt?

Although many mechanisms can be to blame, side of foot pain is often due to overuse, improper footwear, or a combination of both, resulting in injuries including stress fractures, peroneal tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.

Why does my foot hurt on the top part?

The extensor tendons, located in the top of the foot, are needed for flexing or pulling the foot upward. If they become inflamed due to overuse or wearing shoes without proper support, they may get torn or inflamed. This is known as extensor tendinitis, which can cause significant pain in the top of the foot.

How do you relieve pain on the top of your foot?

Ice: Applying ice to the inflamed area can help reduce pain and swelling. Medication: A doctor might recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Over-the-counter NSAIDs can help treat mild pain, while prescription NSAIDs can help with more severe or chronic pain.

What is pain on top of foot called?

Symptoms of Extensor Tendonitis in the Foot The main symptom of extensor tendonitis in the foot is pain on the top of the foot. It is often right where your shoelaces are. You may feel this pain while you are running or walking.