Job knowledge and skills performance review phrases

Here are job knowledge performance review phrases to use during employee evaluations. To reduce carelessness and laxity, every employee must clearly grasp how their duties fit into the wider organization.

What is Job Knowledge?

Employees' proven job-relevant knowledge and vital skills, such as work practices, rules, procedures, resources, legislation, customer service, technical information, and the work's relevance to the organization's goal, are evaluated.

Why is Job Knowledge Important in the Workplace?

Human resource practitioners can get valuable insight into how people view the demands of their employment and the value of fulfilling those tasks. Job redesign, job evaluation, training needs, and performance management are just a few human resource tasks that might benefit from such knowledge.

Exceeds or Meets Expectations for Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases

He is a hard worker. He is eager to learn the skills he will need for his work. He tells the rest of the squad what he knows.

He keeps himself up to speed on new facts and knowledge in his field of expertise.

He demonstrates a potentially high understanding of the work requirements and relevant abilities.

He is quite educated about the company's goods and their unique qualities.

John is a dedicated worker. He tells his coworkers all he knows. He isn't averse to learning anything related to his career.

He continually shares new and updated information and expertise about the specialty field where he works.

He possesses superior knowledge and abilities required for his position.

He is pretty knowledgeable about the company's products and their unique properties.

He possesses the necessary skills to accomplish his work at a high degree of professionalism.

He takes advantage of any opportunity to broaden his knowledge of vital job abilities.

Does not keep a backlog of work; prioritizes and schedules own duties, and produces high-quality work on time.

Arrives early to set the agenda for the day; is always on time, and does all possible to avoid being late.

If it makes a difference in the success of a project or task that one is working on, stay late.

Looks for new ways and ideas to better a task or project that has been allocated to them. Assists coworkers with useful recommendations regarding circumstances and listens to them when they need someone to talk to. Maintains a personal life outside of the workplace to prevent being overwhelmed or distracted.

Behaves professionally and does not waste their time or that of others.

Asks for feedback regularly to learn what others anticipate, any weak areas, and what one should focus on initially.

Does an excellent job on their own task, no matter how boring or challenging it is, and ask questions when necessary.

Accepts personal responsibility for acts; owns up to faults, and does not place blame on others for a job well done or not done.

He completes his work precisely, on schedule, and with efficiency.

He shares his expertise with his employees.

He keeps up to date with his professional and technical knowledge.

Regularly, he exhibits his job expertise.

He continually incorporates new information into his work and stays current with advancements in his area.

He is always the first to grasp new regulations, updated software, and enhanced equipment and to adjust to the changes.

His skill level much surpasses the job's requirements.

Expectations were not met. He is unable to do his obligations because he lacks the requisite job expertise.

Meets Most Expectations for Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases

Maintains positive connections with coworkers and treats them with civility, respect, and kindness.

Takes a study course and attends training whenever possible to develop one's professional and personal abilities.

Maintains a clean job performance record by producing high-quality work, being on time, and maintaining a solid attendance record.

Defines clear and attainable goals and devises strategies for achieving them.

Inquires of one's supervisor about the project's requirements and tries to satisfy those expectations.

Even when confronted with challenging conditions or working under duress, remains calm and composed. Even when things do not go as planned, remains positive and keeps trying until it is correct.

Is always productive; completes tasks, and goes on to the next job as fast as feasible.

Provides direction and encouragement to junior and new employees and instruction on how to perform various jobs and create goals.

To prevent making severe mistakes does preliminary research and ask questions as necessary.

Below Expectations for Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases

He is not allowed to leave his superiors' sight.

We didn't anticipate him to be as knowledgeable about the work and its needs as he is.

He doesn't even understand the basics of the job. He needs to rely on the advice of others all of the time.

He cannot do his tasks because he lacks the necessary job expertise.

He is incapable of doing even the most basic activities and requires constant supervision.

Because he lacks the necessary job knowledge, he falls short of our expectations.

He doesn't comprehend the job's fundamentals. He is always in need of assistance from his coworkers.

He consistently submits subpar work and needs to brush up on his skills.

He keeps asking the same questions regarding his employment responsibilities. He doesn't remember the critical knowledge he needs to execute his work successfully.

His skill set does not fulfill the job's criteria.

Self-Evaluation Questions for Job Knowledge

  • What actions have you taken in the past to adapt your style when it failed to fit the requirements of a project?
  • Can you give two examples of when you have displayed job knowledge at work?
  • What steps have you taken to increase your job knowledge? In what ways have you assisted other workers in gaining a better understanding of their jobs?
  • Do you believe that understanding your area of responsibility has benefitted your company? If so, how would you go about doing it?
  • Is there a moment when you've had an issue because you didn't understand a project concept? What went wrong?
  • How do you ensure you have everything you need to complete a task or achieve multiple objectives?
  • Consider a period when you were given a particularly delicate assignment. How did you obtain all of the information you needed to complete the task?
  • What aspect of your job is the most demanding and challenging? How do you deal with it?
  • Can you offer two or three examples of when you collaborated with a group to complete a task? What part did you play?
  • What methods do you employ to organize your everyday tasks? How successful were they?

Other performance review phrases

  • Dependability Performance Review Phrases
  • Customer Service Performance Review Phrases
  • Job Knowledge Performance Review Phrases
  • Initiative Performance Review Phrases
  • Communication Performance Review Phrases
  • Quality of Work Performance Review Phrases
  • Teamwork Performance Review Phrases

Favorite Resources

Our favorite resources are included below.

Job interview resources

  • Common Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Prepare for Behavioral Interview Questions by Marquette University
  • Preparing for Job Interviews by the University of Kansas
  • Mock Interview Handbook by CSUCI
  • Interview Guidebook by Lebanon Valley College

Resume and cover letter resources

  • Writing a Resume and Cover Letter by USC
  • Resume Writing Tips by the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Resume and Cover Letter Guide by Harvard University

Job search resources

  • Building and Engaging Your Network by UC Berkeley
  • Career Ready Assessment by UC Berkeley

Interview Question and Answer Guide (PDF)

Download our full interview preparation guide. Complete with common interview questions and example answers. Free download. No email required.

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About the author

Patrick Algrim is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), NCDA Certified Career Counselor (CCC), and general career expert. Patrick has completed the NACE Coaching Certification Program (CCP). And has been published as a career expert on Forbes, Glassdoor, American Express, Reader's Digest, LiveCareer, Zety, Yahoo,, SparkHire,,, FairyGodBoss,, St. Edwards University, NC State University,, Thrive Global,, Work It Daily, Workology, Career Guide, MyPerfectResume, College Career Life, The HR Digest, WorkWise, Career Cast, Elite Staffing, Women in HR, All About Careers, Upstart HR, The Street, Monster, The Ladders, Introvert Whisperer, and many more. Find him on LinkedIn.

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How do you describe good job knowledge?

Job knowledge is good. Demonstrates acceptable knowledge and skills in performing the essential duties and functions of the position. Understands the purpose of the position and how it interacts with other positions. Regularly exhibits knowledge of department functions and unit operations.

What are examples of job knowledge?

For example:.
Good communication skills..
Critical thinking..
Working well in a team..
Being flexible..
Determination and persistence..
Being a quick learner..
Good time management..

What should I write in job quality performance review?

Tips for writing a performance review paragraph.
Include specific examples to support your observations. ... .
Provide guidance for career growth and professional development opportunities. ... .
Make sure your default tone is a positive one. ... .
SMART goals. ... .
Always follow up..

How do you rate yourself in job knowledge?

How To Write A Self-Appraisal?.
Share efforts and obstacles. Mention how your efforts made a measurable impact on the team and the organisation. ... .
Identify areas of improvement. Make sure to point out areas where you hope to improve. ... .
Quantify achievements. ... .
Ask for growth opportunities. ... .
Set goals..
Stay positive and respectful..


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