Which tech job is right for me

Is the tech industry right for you? Here’s what you need to know before considering this career path.

  • The only constant in the tech industry is change. When you work in tech, you have to be comfortable knowing your expertise may become obsolete in a couple of years. You have to be ready to jump into the next significant shift.
  • The fast pace of a career track in tech means more opportunities for upward mobility. This means lots of opportunity for growth, and higher salaries than most industries.
  • You don’t need to be a “techie” to work in tech. The roles available in tech vary from company to company, but often include marketing, sales, HR, and project managers, as well as roles like data scientists and researchers.
  • You should be comfortable working virtually. Tech employers have historically been more welcoming of remote work arrangements.
  • There is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to diversity. Many tech companies recognize the importance of addressing this issue — but vet a company before you apply to make sure it’s inclusive.
  • It can be about purpose. As a tech expert, you can do so much to give back to society at large — you just have to choose the right role.

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Jobs in the tech industry are expected to grow exponentially in the next few years. All companies, in one way or another, need to transform to keep up with the future of work. If you are planning to enter the job market soon, you may be considering one of the many opportunities in this field.

When you think of working in tech, your mind probably floods with images of a ping pong tables, nap rooms, and free snacks. But there’s much more to it than that. There are as many challenges as there are perks, and success requires hard work.

Here’s what you need to know before considering this career path.

You need to be open to continuously learning. 

The only constant in the tech industry is change. In 2004, I was a software developer. In 2008, I switched to computer networking. In 2012, there was a boom in telephony over the internet, and I moved on to architect video and voice solutions. When big data exploded in 2016, I took trainings and reoriented my specialization. Today, my job is largely focused on cloud technologies, an area that did not even exist when I was starting out.

Can I develop software the way I used to? Not at all. The programming languages have evolved. Does my background help me in my current role? Yes, it does. My past experiences contribute to how I solve problems in the present.

When you work in tech, you have to be comfortable with this: Your expertise may become obsolete in a couple of years. You also have to be ready to jump into the next significant shift. If you’re not interested in continuous learning or think exams are part of your past, then this is not the right path for you. But if you are like me, excited about the role you will play in building the future, tech is definitely for you.

Fast pace, big rewards.

While constant change may feel exhausting to some, others find it exhilarating. The fast pace of a career track in tech means more opportunities for upward mobility. Recent graduates who take an entry-level role at a Silicon Valley startup or big tech corporation will likely see quick growth in the short term. In this industry, an internship may very well lead to a permanent job. Companies want to retain the people they’ve invested in training, as well as compete to attract new talent.

The caveat, however, is that landing these roles is not easy. The application processes are usually rigorous, but they can be aced if you’re willing to practice and prepare.

Many big tech companies are known for using the STAR method during interviews. This requires candidates to answer behavioral questions that begin with “Tell me about a time when … X,” or, “Give me an example that shows … Y.” You’ll be expected to provide many data points to showcase your background and experience.

I can speak to this from experience. I once had to nail five interviews in one day to secure a role at a high-profile tech company.

This exhaustive interview process, and the competition for talent, means that most jobs in tech are well paid. In U.S., jobs such as computer and information systems managers or architectural and engineering managers are some of the top 20 highest paid professions. The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $91,250 in May 2020, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $41,950, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor. This difference is similar in other countries as well.

You don’t need to be a “techie” to work in tech.  

Technology is a broad term. Many jobs require technical expertise, but that doesn’t always equate to what you may imagine: an engineer hunched over a desk coding the next big app. The roles available in tech vary from company to company, and contrary to the myth, you need soft skills — communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and flexibility — to do them well.

I would divide the majority of tech roles into these categories:

  • System managers, analysts, administrators: They operate the IT systems and ensure that they comply with the company’s business goals.
  • Data scientists and researchers: They use their technical knowledge to find answers to problems, and are critical to innovation and progress.
  • Programmers and developers: They build applications or solutions for their own company or another one, and have frequent interaction with business stakeholders to gather feedback.
  • IT support: They assist and solve problems for internal and external customers and see the impact of their job each day.
  • Customer-facing technical roles: They are the customer’s trusted advisors, such as customer engineers, solutions architects, or customer success managers. They understand the pros and cons of a technology solutions and help customers solve business problems.
  • Evangelists: They are technical-savvy influencers who spread their knowledge to a big audience through different channels like at conferences or on YouTube. They inspire and enable others.

Do these positions still sound a little “too technical” for you? I bring good news. The tech boom has resulted in many adjacent opportunities in other specialty fields.

Salespeople, for example, work in tech. Like all organizations, tech companies need to pitch their products to customers and align them with business objectives. The tech world also welcomes project managers who can organize, plan, and direct their IT programs. Marketing roles in tech ensure that the brand of the company is attractive, and human resource roles attract new talent.

You should be comfortable with the remote work. 

In 2020, the majority of the business world rediscovered working from home. Memes about commuting from bed and joining videoconferences with your dog, cat, or kid appeared all over the internet.

Is this new? Not for the tech industry. Tech employers have historically been more welcoming of remote work arrangements. Part of that is because some tech jobs are not 9-to-5, but are instead driven by objectives. For example, most developers work under deadlines, and people who work in critical service support (like I used to) handle emergencies at all hours, including the middle of the night.

While specific work arrangements will depend on your company, in my experience, most tech roles encourage employees to manage their own time and prioritize their own tasks.

At the same time, if you are not comfortable collaborating online and digital dexterity is not your strong point, you may find this kind of arrangement tedious.


Career and life advice for young professionals.

Diversity in tech matters.

The media loves peddling stereotypes of the “geeky, awkward tech nerd,” such as a reclusive genius working out of a basement or Doc in Back to the Future.

The reality is different. Lots of people work in tech — extroverts, people with rich lives outside of their day jobs, and people from all walks of life. But the media reports do have one thing right: There is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to diversity.

Women make up just 14% of the workforce in cloud computing, 20% in engineering, and 32% in data and AI, according to the World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report 2021.

Another recent report that asked 9,000 technologist about racial discrimination at work found that Black respondents were most likely to experience it (48%), followed by Hispanic/Latino(a) respondents (30%), Asian/Pacific Islanders (25%), and Asian Indian respondents (23%), compared to just 9% of white respondents.

The tech companies I have worked for recognize the importance of addressing these issues. The reason is simple. If we discuss an idea with our friend, who looks like us, talks like us, and was raised in the same place we were raised, we are going to come to similar conclusions. When people look at the same problem from diverse perspectives, concepts are challenged and new ideas emerge.

This industry, driven by innovation, needs to attract people from different backgrounds. As there is still room for improvement, tech many companies are working harder to address diversity gaps, create more inclusive work environments, and provide employees with the resources they need to feel safe.

In many cases, tech companies join forces with organizations such as Women in Big Data, to address diversity in the market, giving participants mentorship, greater visibility and extra support.

It can be about purpose.

As a tech expert, you can do so much to give back to society at large — you just have to choose the right role or career path.

The health care industry, for instance, relies on new tech innovations to serve the greater good. During the pandemic, we’ve seen a surge of governments and health care providers using technologies to enable everything from remote patient consultations to diagnostic testing — solutions that were made possible thanks to the people working in tech, from developers to solution architects.

There is also an emerging demand for tech professionals interested in improving our planet. Some of these jobs include brainstorming ways to address the ongoing climate crisis, like optimizing waste collection and recycling or minimizing carbon emissions.

These are just a few examples. Of course, there are many ways to do this important work both in and outside of tech. But those interested in making an impact through innovation, this path might be one worth taking a look at.

So, is tech the right industry for you?

If you want to join an ever-changing field full of new discovery and potential, one where you’ll never get bored, and have a chance to make an impact — then your answer may be “yes.” Tech will put you right where the growth and disruption are happening. It will take hard work, but if you are willing to adapt and learn, you will thrive.

What is the easiest tech job to get?

What is the easiest tech job to get? The easiest tech job to get depends on your skills, but web design and development are considered to be easy tech jobs. You can learn the skills you need through online courses or coding bootcamps in just a few weeks.

What is the best tech field to get into?

U.S. News' Best Technology Jobs of 2022 are high-paying and boast low unemployment rates..
Information Security Analyst..
Software Developer..
Data Scientist..
IT Manager..
Computer Systems Analyst..
Web Developer..
Database Administrator..

How do I choose a path for technology?

Which Tech Career is Right for You?.
Explore Your Interests. Interests are not something that you get to decide. ... .
Understand Your Personality Type. ... .
Leverage Your Skills. ... .
Find the Ideal Work Environment. ... .
Enroll in an Internship. ... .
Consider Your Constraints. ... .
Research Your Choices. ... .
Continue Learning..

What tech job is most in demand?

Now that the dust has settled, let's take a look at the 10 most in-demand tech jobs in 2022..
Information Security Engineer. ... .
Full-Stack Engineer. ... .
Data Scientist. ... .
Machine Learning Engineer. ... .
Java Developer. ... .
Data Engineer. ... .
Cloud Engineer. ... .
Backend Engineer..


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