How to sell a vehicle in gta 5

Making money is one of the most important things in GTA 5, whether you're talking about story mode or GTA Online itself, and while you can't sell cars in GTA V's story mode, perhaps one of the easiest ways to make money in GTA Online is by selling cars. Whether that means selling cars that you've already purchased to get a new car or free up some cash, or cars that you've jacked on the streets of Los Santos, anything goes on the streets in Grand Theft Auto. This guide has you covered!


  • Can You Sell Cars in GTA V Online?
  • How To Sell Cars in GTA V in 2 Easy Steps
    • Step 1 - Jack the car
    • Step 2 - Take it to Los Santos Customs
  • Valuable Cars to Consider Selling
  • Can You Sell Your Own Personal Car?
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Can you sell stolen cars in GTA V online?
    • Can you sell cars you buy in GTA 5?
    • Can I sell cars in GTA 5 story mode?
    • Can you sell Franklin's car?

Can You Sell Cars in GTA V Online?

Absolutely you can. Whether you've jacked them or bought them, selling cars is a legitimate way to make money - well, not exactly legitimate, as stealing cars is illegal folks! But you can, and it's a decent way to make some cash. On that note, let us run you through how to sell cars in GTA Online, and make a relatively easy profit.


How To Sell Cars in GTA V in 2 Easy Steps

Step 1 - Jack the car

This couldn't be anymore straightforward. Once you've logged into GTA Online, find a car that you'll think you get some decent cash for, then jack in. Whether you have to break the window or pull the screaming driver from the driver's seat, whatever. 

Remember, higher income areas, like Rockford Hills (AKA Beverly Hills in real-life) will often have more expensive cars on the streets. Same with the mansions in the hills, and various multi-storey car parks. It's worth bearing in mind though that you can't sell super expensive cars (generally anything with a value over $100,000) as will come up with the message that this "vehicle is too hot to modify," meaning you can't sell it.

Different times can present the player with different options to jack too, so worth bearing that in mind. If you find a place close to one of the 4 Los Santos Customs, you won't have to go far to deliver your car either!

How to sell a vehicle in gta 5


Step 2 - Take it to Los Santos Customs

Right! So you've jacked a ride, now you want to sell it! There are 4 Los Santos Customs in Los Santos, as indicated by the little spray can icon on the map - these are where you'll be able to sell the stolen goods. You'll find them in the following locations:

- Los Santos International Airport (south of the map)

- La Mesa (industrial area in east Los Santos)

- Burton (north Los Santos)

- Grand Senora desert (Blaine County)

All you need to do to sell a car in GTA 5 Online is head to the garage, drive in, and while in the menu, scroll down to "sell." It's as simple as that. Bear in mind the condition of the vehicle will dictate the sale price you receive, so be careful while delivering the luxury coupes to their destination.

How to sell a vehicle in gta 5


Valuable Cars to Consider Selling

Not only does the condition of the car make a difference to the payment you can receive for a jacked vehicle, but so does the actual car themselves. Naturally, an expensive vehicle is going to fetch you more money. Here's a list of extrememly valuable cars you might want to consider selling:

- Lampadati Felon GT - $9,000

- Ubermacht Sentinel - $9,500

- Lampadati Felon - $9,000

- Gallivanter Baller (I and II) - $9,000

- Canis Mesa - $8,700

- Obey Rocoto - $8,500

- Ubermacht Oracle XS - $8,200

- Ocelot F620 - $8,000

- Ubermacht Oracle - $8,000

- Benfactor Schwartzer - $8,000

How to sell a vehicle in gta 5


Can You Sell Your Own Personal Car?

You sure can! Selling your own personal vehicle that you've purchased in GTA Online is no different to selling cars that you've jacked off the street, although you will get a significant amount more than selling cars you've nicked off a street corner.

Whether your house's garage is getting cluttered or you just need to free up some cash, taking your personal vehicle to sell at Los Santos Customs, like you would do for a stolen car, is how you sell your own car. Couple of things to take note:

  • You'll get more money than the cars that you steal on the streets of Los Santos, but you won't make back how much you spent on the car - even if you upgraded it. You'll likely get around 60% of the retail value for it. It's not awful, but it's not great, so think before you upgrade vehicles and/or sell them. If there's a chance you're going to sell it, I'd save your money on upgrades in the short-term.
  • Always repair before you sell your personal vehicles.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can you sell stolen cars in GTA V online?

Yes, you sure can! Although, be aware, there is a cooldown of 48-minutes (an in-game day) between stolen car sales, so it's not an effective way to make a quick buck.

Can you sell cars you buy in GTA 5?

You sure can! But only in GTA Online.

Can I sell cars in GTA 5 story mode?

No, you cannot, unfortunately. Play the stock market is the best way to make money quick in the story mode - buy low, sell high. Easy, right? 

Can you sell Franklin's car?

No, you cannot. You cannot sell any cars in the story mode, let alone the main protagonist's desigated cars. 

How do you sell or get rid of cars in GTA 5?

The easiest way to get rid of a car in GTA 5 is to destroy it. If you have insurance on the car, you might even make some money by doing this. If you'd prefer to make a better profit, however, you can also sell stolen cars to various scrapyards and vendors in the game.

Can you sell cars in GTA 5 offline?

You cannot sell cars on story mode or singleplayer (Offline). In Multiplayer, do the following: Access GTA Online. While inside the game, press the Options or Menu button on your controller or the "Esc" button on PC to open the In-Game Menu. ...