How to get hard water stains off refrigerator water dispenser

May 12, 2021

How to get hard water stains off refrigerator water dispenser

If you have stainless steel appliances, especially a refrigerator with an ice and water dispenser, you’ve most likely experienced those water spots and drips that seem impossible to wipe away with normal methods. This ‘issue’ has come to light recently in our house with the endless water bottle filling and lots of water drinking (not complaining) but it seems like there are water drips down the front of the refrigerator all the time.

I use this method for cleaning my stainless steel appliances and I am still using that method but for removing those stubborn hard water spots, this trick is my favorite method – it works every time! I simply wipe the appliances clean with white vinegar and then I polish the water spots as needed as a second step.

Here’s what you need:

  • olive oil
  • paper towel for application (you can use a microfiber cloth, but the oil will stain it)
  • soft microfiber cloth to buff and polish

Follow these simple steps:

Fold a paper towel into fourths. Apply about a quarter-sized amount to your paper towel – squish it into the paper towel so it isn’t just on top.

  1. Start at the top of the appliance and apply WITH the grain of the stainless steel and from left to right.
  2. Wipe away any excess with your paper towel
  3. Buff with a microfiber cloth
  4. Admire your no-spots or streaks appliance

How to get hard water stains off refrigerator water dispenser

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  • Linda, you can try vinegar to see if it works. That is what I used to clean out my coffee maker. , but If that doesn't work. Try the product called CLR. Its for Calcium, lime or Rust. I use it in my dishwasher and toilet to remove calcium and lime. We have hard water, so there is some calcium and lime buildup. CLR works great for me!...

  • Vinegar is all you need to remove those white spots.

  • I agree with the CLR...I use it all the time for calcium and lime build up

  • Sounds like a chemcal deposit. Try Lime away. Works right away. Just wipe your tray when you have these drips and they wont accumelat

  • you have hard water, minerals that are precipitating out. If ,I would start with vinegar; it works well. If you need more heavy duty, I prefer 'bartenders friend' to CLR; in either case, rinse carefully.

  • Toilet bowl cleaner works great!

  • Soak a paper towel with white vinegar, give it about 20-30 minutes, rinse it with water DONE DEAL!

  • Soaking a cloth with pickling vinegar and leaving it on for a couple of hours on trays removes all mineral and calcium deposits from hard water. Magic for everything from kettles to shower heads(these must be soaked just tie a baggie full around it). My trick to prevent this is to wash the tray with dishes every week or lay a dishcloth or tea towel under to absorb the moisture. If you have humidity control in your fridge by any chance this will assist..I stopped using CLR as I was informed I was paying mostly for good old water lol. The cheeky buggers!

  • How to get hard water stains off refrigerator water dispenser
    Gilda on May 24, 2015

    After applying the vinegar try rubbing the area with lemon oil, this worked beautifully for me.

  • I soak mine in 50% vinegar/water solution overnight. Scrub to remove deposits, then coat with a light layer of olive oil (or sunflower oil, etc), rubbing in well.

  • For a really tough stain like this I use automatic dishwashing liquid detergent mixed in some hot sure to wear gloves As its murder on your skin.

  • Don't use a chemical on your water dispenser. You don't want to damage the tip.

  • If you let it go too long, it will calcify and be hard as bone. Unfortunately, then it will be very hard to get rid of if it adheres to your surface. You might be okay with plastic, but I had this problem on my grout.

  • Just soak it in some white vinegar for a few hours. Built up calcium/lime can take a little longer of soak.

  • I use vinegar it's safe and does the job

  • Another vote for white vinegar, that's what I use

  • Be careful with toilet bowl cleaner! I sat a container of that stuff on a formica counter one day...not knowing that some cleaner had dripped down the side. It stained (blue) and raised the surface of the formica!! I've tried everything I can think of to fix it, to no avail. Just soak your tray with a mixture of water and white vinegar, then scrub if needed with a soft cloth. Anything abrasive will scratch the plastic.

  • How to get hard water stains off refrigerator water dispenser
    Ivy on May 24, 2015

    white vinegar, let it soak on a rag overnite. Do it once a week, and don't let it build up. Also, I like the idea of coating it with oil. I am going to try some pam spray next time I get mine clean.

    • @Ivy - just a light coating and rub it in with a paper towel. Really cuts down on buildup next time and looks good too :-)

  • White vinegar cleaned mine. Soaked a paper towel and let it sit there.

  • Lime A Way is good for getting deposits off of plastics

  • How to get hard water stains off refrigerator water dispenser
    Mary on May 25, 2015

    White vinegar, that's all you need

  • I put the plastic tray in the top dishwasher basket weekly, and wipe up any spills right when they happen. Have not had a problem with the white stains since. Many things can be cleaned in the dishwasher...scrub brushes, ball caps, the list goes on. I also saw a hint where baking soda is added to white vinegar and hot water-- the items sit overnight, and are wiped and rinsed out the following morning. This works great on baking pans or any dishes with hard to remove stains or deposits.

  • My vote is for Lime Away too. Once it is clean give the tray a coat of any type of household oil, veg. baby, lemon and that should help any future calcium / lime deposits for adhering.

  • My vote is for vinegar also I have 4 indoor fountains that my cats use as water dishes (LOL) and even though I change the water frequently I get that white build up also and vinegar is the only thing that works and it is cheap - which makes it even better.

  • How to get hard water stains off refrigerator water dispenser
    Skye on May 25, 2015

    I use baking soda lightly sprinkled on the surface then a scrubby kitchen sponge dipped in vinegar and set it on the area with baking soda. After a few minutes, squeeze out the wet sponge and light scubbing will remove the hard water stain. A product called CLR will also work. Follow directions on the bottle.

  • I use white vinegar too, full strength. My husband cleans the coils on our hot pot by soaking it overnight. Great stuff, and no harmful chemicals or residue.

  • I've used vinegar and baking soda and it works pretty well. Lime Away worked best. It is an ongoing problem where I live and I have a black fridge...........

  • Yes, it is hard water, but you should be more concerned about what it will do to your appliances. Frigs with water supply lines eventually get blocked by this, and washers eventually quit due to hard water deposits blocking the pipes into and out of it. Please consider a water softener or you will be replacing your frig, washer and even your water heater! Ouch!

  • I use Lime away on all my plastics especially the black plastic area of the water/ice dispenser. It comes out shiny and clean. I use it on my plastic sinks in our mobile home. Can't wait to get new sinks.

  • I'm having the same problem, mine is so bad that it causes my water line to turn brittle where it has to be replaced. I've tried soaking in vinager overnight and did the baking soda/vinager paste and let sit...none of those worked. My husband says CLR will clean it.

  • How do you clean water dispenser build up?

    Drain some hot water through the spigots. Let the hot water sit in the cooler and spigots for 3 minutes. Scrub the inside of the reservoir with a clean, long-handled brush with soft bristles. Drain out the water and rinse the reservoir well before you use the cooler.

    How do you clean calcium deposits from a water cooler?

    Mix 1 cup of distilled white vinegar with 3 cups of hot water and pour this into the reservoir of the cooler. (Gloves may come in handy here, especially if you have sensitive skin.) Wipe the inside of the reservoir clean using this solution and a microfiber cloth.

    What dissolves hard water residue?

    Vinegar is one of the most effective and versatile house cleaning products available, and it's perfect for removing hard water stains. So long as you also have rubber gloves, a spray bottle, a cloth, and a spare toothbrush, you'll have no trouble getting rid of the hard water stains in your home.

    How do you remove hard water stains from a stainless steel refrigerator door?

    White Vinegar Spray the vinegar directly on to the water stain, and let it sit for about five minutes. Then take your cloth or paper towel and gently wipe the sprayed area in the direction of the stainless steel's grain. Repeat this process until the stain has been removed.