How to get dye out of wood

Table of Contents Hide
  1. Hair dye on wood removal tips
  2. Things you will need
  3. Instructions
    1. Try any of the following to remove hair dye from wood
    2. Use vinegar and baking soda
    3. Baking soda, detergent, and water
    4. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
    5. Lemon juice, baking soda, and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
    6. Conclusion

Whether you are dying your hair or your pet’s hair, hair dyes are messy. The chemicals found in traditional hair dyes are so strong that these can discolor hair and can also change the color of wooden furniture, floors, and walls if you are not careful. Removing hair dye from wood is an equally messy thing as well but it does not have to if you start carefully.

Hair dye on wood removal tips

Before we give you time-tested techniques on how to remove hair dye on wood, it’s very important to stress that prevention is still the best way to avoid all the hassles of dye removal on wood. Before starting any hair dying job, take extra precaution. Cover surfaces that are likely to become splattered with dye. This includes floors, wooden furniture, and walls. Drape plastic cover on yourself to prevent discoloring clothes and skin.

Things you will need

  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Detergent
  • Lemon juice
  • Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
  • Warm water


Try any of the following to remove hair dye from wood

Use vinegar and baking soda

How to get dye out of wood


Create a paste using part vinegar and part baking soda. Mix the two in a small bowl to make a semi-thick paste. Take a small amount and place this on a clean cloth. Use this to gently rub on the surface of the wood. The dye will eventually come out after rubbing the area two to three times. Don’t rub too hard and damage the surface of your furniture or floor.

Baking soda, detergent, and water

How to get dye out of wood


Take a tablespoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and two cups of warm water. Mix the three together in a small bowl until you make a thick paste. Place this on a smooth, soft cloth and rub this on the area until the dye stain disappears. You can repeat as often as you want to completely remove the dye stain.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

How to get dye out of wood


Some hair dye stains are too stubborn to remove. It’s either the stain was made from a very thick chemical dye or it has been on the surface of wood for a very long time. Make a paste of equal parts baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Rub the paste on the stain with a dry cloth. Test the solution on an inconspicuous area of the wooden piece. When it tests okay, apply it on the stain. Hydrogen peroxide can change the color of wood, therefore, you need to test it before applying it directly on the stain.

Lemon juice, baking soda, and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

How to get dye out of wood


This method may only work on new stains or newly-discovered stains. Once you have discovered the stain, use Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove it. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use the product. Apply the product thoroughly and repeat if necessary

But if the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser does not work, mix together equal parts lemon juice and baking soda in a bowl to make a thick paste. Spread this on the stained area and use a sponge or a cloth to rub it on the stain. Be careful not to rub too hard because this can scratch the surface of your wooden furniture or flooring.

After using lemon and baking soda. Wipe the area dry with a soft cloth. Spray the area with a little white vinegar or water. Use a soft cloth to wipe the area clean. Water will remove all remaining dye, soda, lemon and vinegar residue.

If all else fails, call a professional. There are industrial-strength stain removal products that can be used to remove dyes especially old and deep-seated dyes. You may opt to sand your flooring or wood furniture to completely remove deep-seated dyes from the surface. After sanding, this will have to be stained properly and once dry, coated with a varnish or finish.


Hair dyes on wood can be very hard to remove especially when the dye has grown hard, deep-seated and old. Therefore the moment you spot a spill or splatter of dye on wood furniture, floors or walls, remove these right away. You can still remove new stains with just water and soap without having to use any mixture for dye removal at this point

How do you remove wood dye from wood?

Remove wood stain with bleach To bleach out a dye stain from raw wood, apply a chlorine bleach solution. This should remove most dye-based stains but will not lighten the wood itself. If you are undertaking a refinishing project then Chlorine bleach will also remove old dye but lightly scuff-sand it first.

Does tie

Most tables are resistant to staining by tie-dye. Common materials such as metal, glass, and varnished wood are safe. Some table can get stained. Never tie-dye on a raw wood table.

How do you remove color from wood furniture?

Apply the Wood Stain Remover Traditional chemical strippers and citrus strippers are both effective. Use a paint brush with natural fibers to apply a thick, even layer of the stripper to the surface. Use the tip of the brush to apply stripper into any nooks and crannies.

How do you get dried dye off of a surface?

Removing Hair Dye Stains from Bathroom Counter.
Take 1 tbsp of baking soda and some warm water..
Wear rubber gloves. ... .
Rub this paste gently on the stained area..
Let this paste remain on the surface of the counter for 1 hour..
Scrub the stain off gently using a sponge or a soft damp cloth..