How to add social media icons to email signature outlook

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The email signatures provide the recipient of the email with all the information they need to contact you on various channels and learn more about your company. Today, it is not only the method that we use to give out our essential information that has changed. The essential information itself has also changed.

It is now common practice for professional email signatures to include links to your social media accounts.

Here’s why businesses have started adding social media icons to their email signatures as well as how to do it.

Table of contents

  1. Why have social media icons for email signature?
  2. How to add social media icons for email signature manually
    1. Sourcing the social media icon
    2. How to add social media icons on a Gmail signature
    3. Adding social media icons on an Outlook email signature
  3. Using Bybrand to add social media icons in email signatures
  4. Email signatures examples with social media icons
    1. Email signature templates
  5. Final thoughts
    1. Create your first email signature with Bybrand

Almost every successful business will be active on at least one major social media platform.

Social media presence has become an essential part of a business’ brand. It allows your customers and potential customers to learn more about your product or service, as well as your values and brand identity.

Therefore, adding social media clickables has become one of the best practices for email signatures in 2022.

Including social media access to you or your business accounts in your email signature shows a level of transparency and humanness from you or your business. It allows email recipients to learn more about you, and contact you on platforms on which they are the most comfortable.

Including access to your social media in your email signature is also a great way to drive traffic to your social media platforms and increase social engagement. It can help you increase your online presence, which does wonders for increasing brand awareness and driving sales.

There are two main ways to provide access to your social media accounts in your email signature.

The first is to provide hyperlinks to these accounts that are not attached to any image. These social media links can look messy and unprofessional.

The second is to use only the icons as hyperlinks to your social media accounts. These grab the attention of your email recipient and invite them to explore your various profiles.

Most email service providers allow you to add social media icons to your email signature manually.

The most commonly used of these email service providers are Gmail and Outlook. However, they do not provide you with a selection of social media icons to use. You have to source your own images.

There are various ways you get social icons to include in your email signature. A quick Google search should provide you with many different options.

Some sites will offer you free social media icons, while others might make you purchase them. You could even go on Google Images and simply download social media icons.

Moreover, many social media platforms will offer a choice of official social media icons for you to use, as well as certain guidelines for use.

If you have a graphic designer on board, you could even design your own social media icons. However, you should make sure that they are recognizable, as you don’t want to confuse email recipients.

Note that you should make sure that you download individual social media icons, as each social media icon will be linked to a different social media platform. For example, download a LinkedIn icon as well as an Instagram icon separately.

See also:

  • LinkedIn Brand Guidelines | Downloads;
  • Facebook Brand Elements;
  • WhatsApp logo;
  • Instagram Brand Guidance;

Find good social media icons and free (or paid) contact-us images on the marketplace.

  • Flaticon icons;
  • Iconfinder;
  1. The first thing you need to do is open your Gmail website.
  2. On the top right of the page, you will see a gear icon, which is the Settings.
  3. Once you click on this, it will take you to a Quick Settings dropdown menu.
  4. One of the options given to you will be See all settings. Click on this and it will open a General Tab.
  5. Scroll down in the general tab until you see the Signature Selection and click on it.
  6. If you do not yet have an email signature, click Select New. If you already have an email signature, select the part of your email signature where you want to include your social media logos.
  7. There will be a formatting menu, which will have an Insert Image button. This looks like a little box with mountains.
  8. Once you have clicked on this, you should add the first social icon, for example, the LinkedIn icon. You will be given three options to add it. You can add the image from your google drive, upload it as a saved file or add a link to the image.
  9. Once you have chosen the image, you have the option to resize the image. You have three different size options: small, medium, and large.
  10. Once the social media icon is the right size and in the right place, go to the social media account you want to be linked to the icon, for example, your LinkedIn page. Copy the link to that website.
  11. Then, click on the icon. You will be given an option to insert a link. Click on this and paste the link. Repeat this process with each social media icon until your email signature contains all your desired social media links.

  1. Start by opening Outlook on your computer and clicking on New Email. This will open a blank email.
  2. If you are working on Windows, you will have the option to click on Insert in this black email. This will give you the option to click on Signature. Alternatively, if you are working on a Mac, you will have the option to click on Signature straight away in the blank email.
  3. Once you have clicked on Signature, you must click on Signatures. This will allow you to add or edit your outlook signature. If you have more than one email signature, choose the email signature you want to edit.
  4. Once you’re at your email signature, either add a line to the signature or select the area in the email signature you want your social icons to be. There should be a formatting menu above the email signature. One of the options will be a button with little mountains in a computer, which is the Insert Picture button.
  5. Click on this button and find the social media icon on your computer. Once you have found it, click Insert.
  6. Once the image has been inserted, you can drag the corners of it to get it to your preferred size.
  7. To link your social media profile to the icon, click on the icon and then hit the chain button. This will allow you to add a hyperlink to the social media profile. Copy and paste the URL. Repeat this process until all your profiles on your desired social media networks are linked.

You do not have to manually add social icons to your email signature. The other option is to use an email signature generator like Bybrand, which is usually a lot more simple and more effective. We have a variety of free social icons that are ready for you to use.

Bybrand also offers various email signature templates that are suitable for all types of businesses. From highly clickable business email signatures to Corporate and CEO email templates, we have something to suit your needs and preferences. In addition, the different designs include many creative ways to incorporate social icons into your email signature.

If you want more flexibility and want to create your email signature from scratch instead of using templates, you also have this option.

Bybrand has all the tools you need to design your perfect email signature that includes social icons.

Read the tutorial: How to add and remove icons in an HTML signature.

By adding social media icons to your signature, you’re instantly signaling that you’re interested in connecting with your customers on multiple fronts. Also, you’re helping to build your brand by showing that you’re on all of the major social media platforms.

Email signature templates

Include your social media icons at the end of the signature instead of in the middle. This will make it easier for people to scan through all the points at once and identify which ones they might want to follow.

Example one:

Keep it simple. You don’t want your email signature with icons to take up too much space, so keep it short and sweet.

Example two:

If you want to include Twitter and Instagram profiles in your signature, add the corresponding @ symbols before the image URLs.

Example three:

Final thoughts

With technology becoming even more entrenched in our professional communications each year, social media channels are fast replacing traditional communication channels.

Therefore, including social media links in your email signature has become a common practice. And using social media icons for your email signature comes across as simple, professional, and uncluttered.

Create your first email signature with Bybrand

Create, manage, and deploy powerful email signatures for your team using Bybrand.

Or get more information.

Bybrand is an email signature generator made for IT Managers and Marketing Professionals. The idea is to save you time in managing your team’s email signatures while providing a robust marketing channel.

How do I add a logo to my email signature in Outlook app?

In the Edit Signature section, position the tab where you want to insert a logo or picture. Click the Image button. In the Insert Picture dialog box, select the logo or picture you want to insert and click the Insert button.

How do I add an Instagram icon to my email signature?

Save Insta icon..
Open “Gmail”..
Open “Settings”..
Scroll down to “Signature” under “General”..
Click on signature/ hit “Create New” under “No Signatures” section..
Type signature..
Click “Images” icon..
Upload Insta icon..


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