How to add lurk command streamelements

ATTENTION MOBILE USERS: You can activate a navigation menu by clicking the upper right corner of the black bar above.

These are basic commands that I recommend for any channel. In the case of the socials area, you can use EITHER each individual one, or all, depending on your needs.
NOTE: Many of these commands require you to personalize some part of them. Anywhere you see a block of ALLCAPSTEXT, you need to replace those with your own information like a link or channel name. I also encourage you to perosnalize some of the messages for your own channel. If you want more info on this, feel free to stop by my Twitch Channel on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday from 4-7 Eastern.

Desired actionCommandCodeNotesSource/Credit
Share your Discord server !discord

!command add !discord Please join my Discord server at ENTERYOURLINKHERE

When you generate a link in discord, make sure it's a permanent link N/A
Donate Command !donate

!command add !donate While donations are never required, they are always appreciated! Donate here: LINKGOESHERE

You can either generate a Donations link to work with your OBS (StreamElements or Streamlabs) or use a PayPal Link ToeKneeTM
Encourage people to follow you !follow

!command add !follow If you like what you see, make sure to hit that follow heart! bleedPurple

This should actually be used in your welcome command, but nice to have N/A
List all of your social media links in one command !socials

!command add !socials Follow me on all my social media accounts TWITTERLINKHERE, INSTALINKHERE, TIKTOKLINKHERE, OTHERLINKSHERE

Use whatever socials you are actually ative on, and/or do them individually N/A
Share a clickable link to your instagram !insta

!command add !insta Follow me on Instagram at INSTALINKGOESHERE

Always copy and paste your links instead of just user id, makes it EASIER for people to find you! N/A
Share a clickable link to your Twitter !twitter

!command add !twitter Follow me on Twitter to stay up to date: TWITTERLINKGOESHERE

Always copy and paste your links instead of just user id, makes it EASIER for people to find you! N/A
Share a clickable TikTok link !tiktok

!command add !tiktok Be sure to follow my TikTok to get the latest videos! TIKTOKLINKGOESHERE

Always copy and paste your links instead of just user id, makes it EASIER for people to find you! N/A
Welcome People to your stream !welcome

!command add !welcome Welcome to my channel. If you like what you see, don't forget to click that follow heart. I also invite you to subscribe to help support the channel!

Tailor the message to YOUR CHANNEL. If you have a term you use to describe your community, use it here. N/A
Invite people to support your channel !support

!command add !support The best and easiest way to support my channel is to subscribe.${channel}/subscribe . You can also tip bitties or donate; !donate for details.

Sell your self! You can set this as a timer as well. The more commands, the more possible reach! N/A
Clickable link to subscribe to your channel !sub

!command add !sub While subbing is always optional, it's a great way to support the stream and to enjoy ad free viewing as well as emotes, etc.${channel}/subscribe

This is one I encourage you to personalize. If you don't have emotes, then you don't want to advertise them. If you have a Discord with sub perks, include that. N/A

StreamElements Extended Commands

While these are fairly standard commands for the most part, they all contain some type of “code” that executes a function or returns information based on the command and input.Any parts that start with $ are fairly relevant to the command, and need to be included in any edit. One quick thing: ${user} returns the name of the person who types the command while ${touser} returns the word right after the command and space, which in most cases is meant to be another user. If nothing is typed after the command, the command will fail. If there are two commands listed (1/2, 2/2) then most likely the second command is needed to set the user level of the command Once again, the best place for answers is my live stream on Twitch at every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 3 to 6 pm Eastern. I simply cannot answer all emails for help.

Desired actionCommandCodeNotesSource/Credit
Common lurk command !lurk

!command add !lurk Thank you for the lurk ${user}. If you need quiet, set the stream volume to 1, please do not mute the tab or my stream. See you soon!

This allows a user to tell you they are still there and care. If they don't mute the actual stream (or tab), it is more likely that they will count as a viewer. ToeKneeTM
Percentage Something Generator !cracked

!command add !cracked ${touser} is ${random.1-100}% cracked.

You can change this to love, happy, peaceful, whatever. For random number generator, see !number N/A
Let a user see how long they've been following !followage This is listed in the dashboard under default commands This command is a default feature of StreamElements. If you need assistance on setting this up, come visit my Twitch Stream Default SE Command
Shoutout another Streamer or Viewer 1/2 !so

!command add !so Check out ${touser}, where they were last seen playing ${game ${touser}} at${channel ${touser}}

Syntax is !so USERNAME. To set moderator level, you MUST include next command. I encourage you to customize this one. and the game section is NOT required. ToeKneeTM
Shoutout another Streamer or Viewer 2/2 Moderator switch for !so

!command options !so -Level 500

This sets the user level for your !so command to just mods. For VIPs and above use 400 ToeKneeTM
Raid Welcome Command 1/2 !raid

!command add !raid KomodoHype twitchRaid Welcome Raiders! TombRaid Please remember to refresh the page by pressing F5 on your keyboard or double clicking my Profile Picture so Twitch actually counts you. PartyPopper VirtualHug

This is an especially helpful command for people seeking affiliate or partner status. It uses stock emotes, but I encourage you to customize it for your channel! ToeKneeTM
Raid Welcome 2/2 Moderator switch for !raid

!command options !raid -Level 500

This sets the user level for your !raid command to just mods. For VIPs and above use 400 ToeKneeTM
Return your channel subcount !subcount

!command add !subcount ${channel} currently has ${channel.subs} Subscribers

Twitch fixed a subcount issue in August 2020. A previous version of this command subrtacted 1 from the subcount. This is the correct syntax now. ToeKneeTM
Return your current stream uptime !uptime This is listed in the dashboard under default commands This command is a default feature of StreamElements. If you need assistance on setting this up, come visit my Twitch Stream Default SE Command
Random number generator !number

!command add !number ${random.1-100}

This will return a number between 1 and 100. To change the number range, simply change one or both of the numbers This is used for the popular PP command with 0 and 15 or so LOL. Just change the command name and add ${touser} has a SYNTAX inch pp. N/A
2 user command !cookie

!command add !cookie ${sender} gave ${touser} a cookie!

This is an example of how to have one user "interact" with another user. Another example would be like a high five. Or you could add the above number genrator to say user1 loves user2 %. ToeKneeTM
Extended 2 user Command !hug

!command add !hug ${sender} hugged ${touser}! bleedPurple

Type !hug to hug a specific chatter ie !hug ToeKneeTM. ToeKneeTM
Extended 2 user Command !hug

!command add !hug ${sender} hugged ${random.chatter}! bleedPurple

Type !hug to hug a random chatter (does include chatbots; any user in your chat list). ToeKneeTM

StreamElements Win/Loss/Kill Counters

Ok, so first off, I have not yet figured out how to run a wins/kills counter in StreamElements the same way Nightbot has one. If you have written one that you care to share, please email me. If I use your code, you will be noted in the credits and I will make it a cliackable link to either your channel or social medai account. I have included a basic wins counter as well as a gulag wins/losses command for StreamElements. You’ll need to do ALL commands in order to set the user levels to mod for most of the functions. THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. If you have questions, the best way to get answers is my live stream on Twitch at every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 4-7 pm Eastern.

Desired actionCommandCodeNotesSource/Credit
Wins Counter (Simple) 1/5 !addwin

!command add !addwin ${channel} has now won ${count wins} games!

This is the command to add a win. It will count up incrementally each time you use it until it is reset. ToeKneeTM
Wins Counter (Simple) 2/5 !addwin

!command options !addwin -level 500

This sets the !addwin command to mod. VIP is 400 and may also be used. ToeKneeTM
Wins Counter (Simple) 3/5 !wins

!command add !wins ${channel} has won ${getcount wins} games today.

This returns the current wins count without increasing it. ToeKneeTM
Wins Counter (Simple) 4/5 !resetwins

!command add !resetwins The wins have been reset to ${count wins 0}.

This resets the current wins count to zero. ToeKneeTM
Wins Counter (Simple) 5/5 !resetwins

!command options !resetwins -level 500

This sets the !resetwins command to mod. VIP is 400 and may also be used. ToeKneeTM
Gulag Win/Loss 1/7 !gwin

!command add !gwin ${channel} has now won ${count gulagw} gulag matches!

This adds a win to your current wins count. ToeKneeTM
Gulag Win/Loss 2/7 !gwin

!command options !gwin -level 500

This sets the command user level to moderator. ToeKneeTM
Gulag Win/Loss 3/7 !gloss

!command add !gloss ${channel} has now suffered ${count gulagl} losses in the gulag.

This adds a loss to your current losses count. ToeKneeTM
Gulag Win/Loss 4/7 !gloss

!command options !gloss -level 500

This sets the command user level to moderator. ToeKneeTM
Gulag Win/Loss 5/7 !resetgulag

!command add !resetgulag Gulag stats have been reset to ${count gulagw 0} wins and ${count gulagl 0} losses.

This resets BOTH counters to zero. This and the next command are optional. ToeKneeTM
Gulag Win/Loss 6/7 !resetgulag

!command options !resetgulag -level 500

This sets the command user level to moderator. ToeKneeTM
Gulag Win/Loss 7/7 !gulag

!command add !gulag ${channel} has ${getcount gulagw} wins and ${getcount gulagl} losses in the gulag.

This returns the current wins and losses counts without changing them. User level everyone. ToeKneeTM

StreamElements Dynamic Response Commands

While I have found that StreamElements is easier to use to build a random picker, I have not worked out the syntax for the “unlimited” response picker. If you written code for a json return for Elements, please feel free to email it to me. Credit will be given for these with a clickable link to your website of choice: either a streaming service or social media. I’ll be adding more commands in the future. You can easily build your own picker using the ${random.pick ‘Choice 1’ ‘Choice 2’} format. Array choices only require single quotes. If you have questions, the best way to get answers is my live stream on Twitch at every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 4-7 pm Eastern.

Desired actionCommandCodeNotesSource/Credit
Magic 8 Ball !8ball No code needed; default command and module. This is default command in StreamElements in your dashboard. StreamElements
Random Fun Facts Command !funfacts

!command add !funfacts ${customapi.}

This is a free to use collection of over 150 random facts that are rated for any maturity chat. More facts coming soon! ToeKneeTM and CarlPoolForLife
Blackout Drop Picker !bodrop

!command add !bodrop /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Firing Range' 'Train' 'Ghost' 'Estates' 'Red Barn' 'Silo & Heli' 'Wagers' 'White Barn' 'Boxing' 'River' 'Array' 'Construction' 'Hijacked' 'Asylum' 'Factory' 'Turbine' 'NukeTown' 'Cargo' '8 Pack'}

Random Picker in Elements is so much easier! N/A
Fortnite Drop Picker !fortnitedrop

!command add !fortnitedrop /me wants you to drop ${customapi.}

Random Picker in Elements is so much easier! N/A
Warzone Drop Picker(Caldera) !wzdrop

!command add !wzdrop /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Docks' 'Runway' 'Beachhead' 'Peak' 'Mines' 'Ruins' 'Village' 'Lagoon' 'Airfield' 'Power Plant' 'Capital' 'Resort' 'Sub Pen' 'Fields' 'Arsenal' 'Factory' 'Dig Site' 'Storage Town'}.

I marked this wzdrop, but you can delete the wz for ease of use. Updated 7.25.22 ToeKneeTM
Warzone Contract Picker(Caldera) !wzcontract

!command add !wzcontract /me wants you to grab a ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Most Wanted' 'Supply Run' 'Scavenger' 'Recon' 'Supply Drop' 'Top Secret'} contract.

Let your bot pick your contract! Feel free to edit or use the combo picker below! Updated 4.28.22 ToeKneeTM
Warzone Drop and Contract Picker(Caldera) !wzchallenge

!command add !wzchallenge /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Docks' 'Runway' 'Beachhead' 'Peak' 'Mines' 'Ruins' 'Village' 'Lagoon' 'Airfield' 'Power Plant' 'Capital' 'Resort' 'Sub Pen' 'Fields' 'Arsenal' 'Factory' 'Dig Site' 'Storage Town'} and grab the nearest ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Most Wanted' 'Supply Run' 'Scavenger' 'Recon' 'Supply Drop' 'Top Secret'} contract.

Combo drop and contract picker to add some variety to your games! Updated 7.25.22 ToeKneeTM
Warzone REBIRTH Drop Picker !rbdrop

!command add !rbdrop /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Stronghold' 'Living Quarters' 'Nova 6 Factory' 'Headquarters' 'Control Center' 'Dock' 'Prison Block' 'Harbor' 'Chemical Engineering' 'Decon Zone' 'Bioweapons Labs'}.

This is a standard list of labeled drops in Rebirth. Added 4.11.22 By Request. ToeKneeTM
Warzone REBIRTH Contract Picker !rbcontract

!command add !rbcontract /me wants you to grab a ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Supply Run' 'Scavenger' 'Supply Drop' 'Top Secret'} contract.

Let your bot pick your contract! Feel free to edit or use the combo picker below! Added 4.11.22 by request. ToeKneeTM
Warzone REBIRTH Drop and Contract Picker !rbchallenge

!command add !rbchallenge /me wants you to drop ${random.pick 'Stronghold' 'Living Quarters' 'Nova 6 Factory' 'Headquarters' 'Control Center' 'Dock' 'Prison Block' 'Harbor' 'Chemical Engineering' 'Decon Zone' 'Bioweapons Labs'} and grab the nearest ${random.pick 'Bounty' 'Top Secret' 'Supply Run' 'Scavenger' 'Supply Drop'} contract.

Combo drop and contract picker to add some variety to your games! Added 4.11.22 By Request ToeKneeTM
Customizable Picker !CUSTOMPICK


This is the code to use to create your own custom picker. All choices must include two single '' marks. ALLCAPS need to be replaced or removed. ToeKneeTM
Syntax to pick more than 1 item !picktwo

!command add !picktwo ${random.pick'Blue' 'Green' 'Red' 'Yellow' 'Purple' 'Burgandy' 'Black' 'White' 'Gray'} ${random.pick 'Box','Eyes' 'Cap' 'Shirt' 'Pants' 'Circle' 'Hands' 'Hair'}

This command randomly picks from two separate lists. The items listed are for demo purploses only and should be changed. Limit of 500 characters. ToeKneeTM
Rock, Paper, Scissors !rps

!command add !rps ${sender} just dropped ${random.pick'Rock' 'Paper' 'Scissors'} against ${touser} and thier ${random.pick'Rock' 'Paper' 'Scissors'}!

This creates a simple rock paper scissors game. Type !rps YOUROPPONENT to play! ToeKneeTM inspired by Tamar00
Random Chatter Rock, Paper, Scissors !rpsrandom

!command add !rpsrandom ${sender} just dropped ${random.pick'Rock' 'Paper' 'Scissors'} against ${random.chatter} and their ${random.pick'Rock' 'Paper' 'Scissors'}!

This creates a more complex rock paper scissors game where the bot picks the opponent. Type !rps to play! (The bot will pick your opponent) ToeKneeTM inspired by Tamar00
Dropkick a target !dropkick

!command add !dropkick ${sender} dropkicks ${touser}'s ass ${customapi.}

This creates a dropkick command that you pick your target. !dropkick USERNAME ToeKneeTM and
RockettoJanpu NightBot Devs
Dropkick a Random Viewer !dropkickrandom

!command add !dropkickrandom ${sender} dropkicks ${random.chatter}'s ass ${customapi.}

This creates a dropkick command lets the bot select a random viewer from the chat list ToeKneeTM and
RockettoJanpu NightBot Devs
Slap !slap

!command add !slap ${sender} just slapped ${touser} with a ${customapi.}! KappaRoss

This creates an Slap command that you pick your target. !slap TARGET ToeKneeTM
Random User Slap !slap

!command add !slap ${sender} just slapped ${random.chatter} with a ${customapi.}! KappaRoss

This creates an RPS command that you can either pick your opponent or let the bot select a random viewer from the chat list ToeKneeTM

How do you set up a lurk command?

How To Set Up !.
Step 1 – Mod Nightbot. To ensure that night bot works on our channel we will have to first mod Night bot in our chat. ... .
Step 2 – Add A Custom Command In Nightbot (Lurk) In Night bot navigate to Commands –> Custom –> Add Command. ... .
Step 3 – Test The ! Lurk Command..

How do you add lurk to stream?

How to Add a !.
Open up your streaming software and then open up the bot that you are using. ... .
Make sure your bot is enabled and is properly modded on your channel. ... .
Go back to your bot and click on the “Commands” tab and then click on the “Add Command” button if on Streamlabs..

How do you add commands in StreamElements?

How to Add or Remove Custom Commands with Stream Elements (Moderator Command) If you want to add a custom command, type in ! command followed by another exclamation point and the new command's name then what the command will say.