How long does it take for a tooth socket to close up

Many people who undergo wisdom tooth removal worry that their extraction hole may never close. Please keep reading to learn how long it takes for wisdom teeth site to heal and some aftercare tips to make a recovery faster and smoother.  

If it’s the first time you’re going for tooth extraction, it’s better to know what to expect during the healing. When having your third molars extracted, refrain from irritating the extraction site at any cost. It can dislodge the blood clot and lead to complications. And trust us, you’ll never want to experience a “dry socket.” 

Is It Normal To Have A Hole After A Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Yes, it’s absolutely normal to have a hole at the surgical site. The roots of the tooth once occupied this space. The tooth’s visible part is called the crown, and it’s just the ⅓ of the total tooth. More of the tooth’s anatomy lies underneath the bone and gums that form the roots. When a wisdom tooth is removed, an opening is created, which is called a socket. 

If the wisdom teeth were impacted or not fully erupted, the hole would be much larger than what you can expect after normal tooth extraction. 

Do Wisdom Teeth Holes Close Or Not?

If there aren’t any complications, the extraction site holes close naturally. During the recovery process, blood starts clotting inside of the wisdom tooth hole. Like any other cut in your skin, the body forms a scab, a temporary cover to protect the wound against pain and germs.

A wisdom tooth extraction clot is a natural occurrence during the recovery process. 

The only thing to worry about here is the possibility of blood clot disturbance due to several factors. Anytime the blood clot is dislodged, the hole is exposed where the tooth once resided. This painful complication is known as dry socket, and a small fraction of patients are affected by this condition. 

To avoid dry socket and accelerate the wisdom tooth hole becoming closed, follow the below tips. 

  • Avoid rinsing the surgery site for 24 hours.
  • Stay away from strenuous activities as they can speed up the blood flow.
  • Don’t drink hot or cold beverages for the first few days.
  • Avoid activities that create suction in the mouth, so you don’t disturb the blood clot that has just begun to form. Spitting, sucking through a straw, and smoking cigarettes are a No.  
  • Don’t drink alcohol after wisdom teeth extraction
  • Also, avoid using alcohol-based mouthwash for the first 24 hours.  
  • For the first few days, only eat soft and easy to chew foods. Anything hard or crunchy can dislodge the blood clot.

 If the blood clot in the extraction site isn’t irritated, the hole will naturally close. 

How Long Does It Take The Hole To Close After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The holes left behind after wisdom tooth extraction don’t close immediately but fill in gradually. A few days following the surgery, a soft skinny covering will begin to form over the extraction hole. If things are going the healthy way, the wisdom tooth hole will be closed by the gum tissue within a few days. In about 10-15 days, a smooth textured layer will form over the surgery site that looks similar to the gum tissues around it.   

However, the part of the socket under the gingiva takes a bit longer to heal. Your dentist may take an X-ray of the socket to make sure things are healthy inside the bone and check for the presence of cysts. Even after the socket is filled with gingiva, the area may feel empty due to insufficient bone. 

Why Do Holes Appear? 

After every tooth removal, some sort of hole remains. This hole is the socket for wisdom tooth extraction, where the tooth’s roots are attached to the surrounding bone. The bones in the extraction site won’t fully reform, but the gum tissue will completely cover the empty socket. 

If, due to any reason, you still see an empty socket in the gums after tooth removal, immediately see your dentist. Slow healing or frequent dry sockets can increase the chances of infection development. Along with that, expect excruciating pain and discomfort. Sometimes medication or a more complicated procedure – bone grafting will be carried out to promote better recovery. 

Taking good care of your dental hygiene is very important. Else oral infection can develop, leading to scarring of gum tissue and lasting hole in the mouth.  

How To Speed Up The Wisdom Teeth Recovery? 

 Similar to any form of surgery, it’s important to take care of yourself after tooth extraction. If you have a deficiency of red blood cells, eat more green vegetables and supplements. 

Slow healing of hole can indicate a lingering disease, so consult your healthcare professional. Taking a balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and eating soft foods are essential healing tools. 

Avoiding hard and crunchy foods for the first few days will help prevent irritation to the empty tooth socket. Go for groceries before your appointment. Make sure to fill your basket with the following items:

  • cottage cheese
  • yogurt
  • pudding
  • smoothies
  • instant oatmeal 
  • some soothing and filling items you can prepare at home include
    • mashed potatoes
    • boiled veggies
    • scrambled eggs

 Nowadays, wisdom teeth removal without traditional sutures is more common. If you need stitches, dissolvable ones are preferable. Traditional stitches need to be removed after a specific time after the surgery, so make sure you don’t delay the appointment. 

Following the home care instructions is necessary and a healthy way towards recovery. Ignoring these helpful tips can impact the healing process and delay it. If you feel like asking anything regarding the surgery or care guidelines, don’t hesitate to contact our dentists. We’ll be glad to assist you in understanding post-operative management. 

How Long Does It Take For Pain To Go Away After Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery?

 The key to preventing extraction pain is taking good self-care and decreasing dry sockets. If the wisdom tooth hole hasn’t closed fully or the blood clot becomes dislodged, you may experience mild to severe pain. If that happens, call the dentist immediately.

How long does it take hole to close after extraction?

Within 14-21 days, the hole will close, and your gums will heal. Keep in mind that large teeth, like the back teeth and wisdom teeth removal, takes the longest to heal. After a month, your tooth hole should be completely healed, and there should be no spicules or indentations.

How long does it take for a socket to fully close?

The gum tissue should close off the extraction site within a matter of days. Within about two weeks, there should be a smooth texture over the socket that matches the gingiva (gum tissues) surrounding it. Underneath the gingiva, however, it may be around a few months before the socket starts to close.

How do you know if your tooth extraction is healing?

After about 3 days, the empty tooth socket will have mostly healed. There should be no more bleeding present, and swelling should be minimal at this point. You may still experience some tenderness or soreness, but you should no longer feel pain or discomfort.

What does a healing socket look like?

So, what does normal healing look like after a Tooth Extraction? A healthy tooth extraction site should look deep red with white gelatinous tissues forming over time.


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