Does a breast lift make you smaller

Will a Breast Lift Reduce My Cup Size?

Posted in Breast Lift

If you are considering a breast lift to restore perkier, firmer breasts, or to reduce breast sagging, you may have heard that the procedure will reduce the size of your bust, ultimately causing you to change your bra size. Generally speaking, yes, you may need to wear a smaller cup size, but not necessarily because your breasts are smaller. In fact, some women need to size up after a breast lift. It simply depends on the individual. When achieving a new breast shape and contour, you may likely require a new bra fit.

Typically, a breast lift (medically referred to as mastopexy) reduces bra size by one cup. However, this is usually not the result of volume loss. When excess skin and sagging breast tissue are removed or repositioned, cup sizes are naturally reduced. For many women, this is a good thing. In fact, it may even eliminate reliance on uncomfortable underwire.

Depending on your unique goals and customized procedure, you may elect to complement your breast lift with breast augmentation. In this combined approach, the elimination of stretched tissue is conducted alongside the placement of breast implants to add volume and create the desired outcome.

During your initial consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons, your goals will be discussed and your options will be explained.

Is a Breast Lift Right for Me?

The best way to find out if a breast lift is right for you is to meet personally with a knowledgeable breast surgeon at UCI Plastic Surgery. During your one-on-one consult, you’ll learn what you can expect from surgery and how your breasts will look after your procedure.

Generally speaking, you may be a good candidate for breast lift surgery if:

  • You’re in good overall health
  • You do not smoke, or are willing to quit before your surgery and throughout your recovery
  • Your breasts have loose, inelastic skin
  • Your nipples point downward or sag
  • Your breasts appear elongated or droopy

View Our Gallery

To check out our before and after gallery to see breast lift procedures done at UCI Plastic Surgery, click here.

Schedule Your Breast Lift Consultation Today

To learn more about breast lifts and your candidacy for the procedure, contact UCI Plastic Surgery today to schedule an initial consultation. Please call 714-456-3077 to schedule a consult at our Orange or Tustin location, or call 949-999-2411 for a consultation at our Costa Mesa location.

Start Your Journey Today!

UCI Plastic Surgery is a leader in the field of cosmetic surgery. Each of our specialists is highly knowledgeable, trained, and committed to bringing our patients the latest advancements in the field. Learn how our experts can help you obtain industry-leading results by scheduling a consultation today.

If you have sagging breasts, you’re likely buying bras that are larger than your true cup size. That’s because a loose-fitting bra can accommodate excess skin and tissue for a more comfortable feel. Sizing up in a bra is a lot like sizing up in your favorite pair of jeans!

After a breast lift, you won’t need to compensate for drooping tissue anymore. The procedure removes excess skin while tightening and elevating your breast contour. While the actual size of your breasts won’t change, you’ll probably feel better in a smaller cup size.

When to Consider a Breast Lift with Implants

If you want to correct drooping breasts and achieve a more youthful look, a breast lift might be the perfect solution. You can rest assured that it won’t significantly reduce the size of your breasts.

However, if you’re still concerned about having inadequate breast volume after surgery, a breast lift with implants may be your best bet. Implants are an excellent way to add flattering volume and shape to your chest. A combination breast lift and breast augmentation procedure is particularly popular with women who have had children or lost a significant amount of weight.

Learn What to Expect from Your Breast Lift in Lone Tree

Our board-certified plastic surgeons understand that the idea of losing a cup size is a common concern for women considering a breast lift. We’ll explain exactly what you can expect from your results based on your degree of sagging. And if adding implants to your procedure will help achieve your aesthetic goals, we’ll gladly discuss that option with you.

Call 303-706-1100 to schedule your complimentary breast lift consultation today. Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery serves Denver, Lone Tree, and the surrounding areas of Colorado.

Do breast lifts make breasts smaller?

Typically, a breast lift (medically referred to as mastopexy) reduces bra size by one cup. However, this is usually not the result of volume loss. When excess skin and sagging breast tissue are removed or repositioned, cup sizes are naturally reduced. For many women, this is a good thing.

Do nipples get smaller after breast lift?

Because the breasts are repositioned, they can sometimes appear smaller following surgery. The nipples and areolas are sometimes reduced in size to achieve a more pleasing aesthetic.

How much breast tissue do you lose with a breast lift?

Importantly, they did not change their weights, take hormones, or change bra manufacturers after surgery. The average amount of skin and breast tissue removed was about 60 grams, not even 1/3 of a cup!

Which is better breast reduction or breast lift?

However, the main difference in the procedures is simply that with a breast lift, the size of the breasts don't change – they won't be larger or smaller, whereas a breast reduction significantly reduces the size and weight of the breasts by removing more of the internal fat and tissue.


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