How to make your hair look fuller

To make thin hair look thicker, try blow drying your hair upside down when you get out of the shower so when you flip it back over it looks fuller. You can also try wetting your hair and applying a volumizing mousse before you go to bed, which will give your hair a thicker, texturized appearance in the morning. If you're up for a new hairstyle, try going shorter with your hair and getting layers cut into it since short, layered hair tends to look thicker. To learn how to make your hair thicker with natural hair-growth remedies, scroll down!

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Anjali specializes in hairstyles and hair and skin care and has written over 200 articles in these domains. Her philosophy about hair and skin care is simple: if you love and care for it, it will be h... more

Anjali Sayee


Although we all want thick hair, most of us are not blessed with it. And it can be frustrating to tie your hair in any hairstyle and find it appear thin and lifeless. So, in this post, we have brought you some tips on how to make thin hair look thicker. Because let’s be honest, we all like to stop people telling how thin our hair looks and what we are doing wrong. So, let’s get into how to make your thin hair look voluminous and fuller.

Keep reading to know the different ways to make your thin and lifeless hair come alive!

Before You Get Started

  • Since you will be using many hair styling products, nourishing your hair with a hot oil treatment afterward is a must.
  • Patience is key. You will need to do some trial rounds to achieve the desired look.
  • Make sure to apply the volume spray from a safe distance to prevent it from getting into your eyes or nose.

In This Article

  • Styling Tips To Make Your Thin Hair Appear Thicker
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Styling Tips To Make Your Thin Hair Appear Thicker

1. Shampoo And Conditioner


Wash your hair with a thickening shampoo and conditioner as they contain ingredients that aid hair regrowth and strengthening. Stay away from hydrating shampoos as they can make your hair flat.

StyleCraze Says

Choosing the right conditioner is equally important as the wrong product or using it in excess can weigh hair down and make it look flatter.

Related: Hair Conditioner – Benefits And How To Use It

2. Volume Spray


Volume spray – it’s in the name! Volume sprays contain polymers that coat your hair shafts to make your hair look fuller. Make sure you spritz on a generous amount to make your hair look as full as it can.

3. Dry Shampoo


Dry shampoo adds volume to your hair. It absorbs the excess oil from your hair so that it doesn’t look greasy and flat. It saves you from having to wash your hair every day.

Stay away from dry shampoos that use talc and aluminum starch octenylsuccinate in their products. Use products with natural starches (like rice) in them. They will give your hair a refreshed and voluminous look without causing any issues.

Related: 10 Best DIY Dry Shampoo Recipes That Everyone Should Try

4. Round Brush


Combing your hair with a round brush makes it look voluminous. Place your brush underneath your hair, combing it downward and towards your face. This will give your hair a C-shape, making it look thick. Brush your bangs away from your face and let them fall.

5. Hair Dryer

Flipping your hair down and blow drying it is an age-old way of adding volume to your hair. Flip your hair forward, point the hair dryer downwards, and run your brush through your hair continuously. Move around to all parts of your hair.

Keep the heat on medium setting as you don’t want to burn your hair or dry it out.

Related: Heat Gun Vs. Hair Dryer: What Is The Difference?

6. Backcombing

Backcombing or teasing your hair is a great way to add faux volume. It makes your hair look thick and full. Take a small section of hair and, using a fine-toothed comb, comb it downwards from the mid-section to the roots.

7. Mousse


When you have thin hair, use mousse instead of a gel. A gel is much thicker and will make your hair strands greasy and stick together. A mouse is light and not sticky. You can style your hair without making it look like anything has been applied to it.

8. Highlights And Lowlights


Highlights and lowlights can add dimension to your hair and make it look thicker than it is. It also depends on your face shape. Check with stylists to find out which of these will look lovely on you. A blend of light and dark colors at the right places can make your hair look full and shiny. This also helps in showcasing your natural hair color.

Related: Highlights Vs. Lowlights: Which One To Get & Styling Ideas

9. Take vitamins


Just like your body needs nutrients to grow, so does your hair. Vitamins will help strengthen your hair follicles and aid regrowth. You can find multivitamin tablets at your local pharmacy or general store.

10. Oil


Oiling your hair is the best way to nourish your hair follicles and moisturize your hair. Use coconut oil or Jamaican black castor oil as they have nutrients that help stimulate hair growth and protect your hair from any damage.

11. Haircuts

This is key! Get a haircut that accentuates your best features and makes your hair look full and bouncy. Layers and bangs add dimension to your face and texture to your hair, making it look voluminous.

12. Hair Extensions

If you have really thin and fine-textured hair, hair extensions are a simple and great way to add more hair. They are also easy to attach to your hair. You can choose among weave extensions, clip-on extensions, and sewn-in extensions.

13. Hair Plugs And Implants


If you want a permanent fix for your hair thinning issues, try hair plugs and implants. In these procedures, hair follicles are transplanted from a donor to the recipient. Some clinics work with your own hair. They take hair from the back of your head and place it on your bald patches.

14. Curling


Curl your hair away from your face and brush it outwards. This makes it appear more voluminous. The same goes for wavy hair as well. You will definitely notice how bouncy and thick this makes your hair look.

15. Pancake Your Hair

Make your braids look more voluminous by tugging at each weave of the braid. This is known as ‘pancaking’ your hair. You can try this when you twist your hair and then pin it or even on a ponytail.

16. Velcro Rollers


Velcro rollers are a simple and easy way to bring volume to your hair. The best thing about velcro rollers is that they latch on to your hair and make sure that it doesn’t slip off the roller.

17. Massage Your Scalp

Whether you’re oiling, shampooing, or conditioning your hair, make sure you massage your scalp so that the products reach your scalp and nourish your hair from the roots. When using oil, make sure you massage it into the roots as it strengthens and nourishes your hair. When shampooing your hair, take a dollop of shampoo and massage it on your scalp to prevent any build-up or flakiness from remaining on your hair.

18. Hairstyles

A pouf done on a ponytail, bun, or even loose hair will make your hair look thicker. Sweeping your hair to one side and pinning it in place will also make your hair look voluminous. While slight waves can make your hair look fuller than it is, side-swept bangs add dimension. Tease your hair near the crown to give it a perfect rise near the hairline. Avoid tight ponytails or buns as they can lead to hair fall.

  • Short Hair: Short hair that ends at your shoulders or higher makes thin hair look incredibly thick. A shag haircut, an edgy textured bob, or a pixie cut can add dimension to your hair.
  • Layers: Layers add dimension to your hair, which personifies volume. If you have thin hair, cutting all your hair in one length is not the best idea.


StyleCraze Says

Try to avoid middle partition as it makes hair look flatter. One easy volumizing trick is changing your parting and flipping hair to the other side.

19. Stress

Stress is one of the leading causes of hair loss. The more stressed you feel, the more your hair will fall. So, de-stress! Take a holiday or, if you have too much work, try splitting it up into small tasks rather than doing it altogether.

20. Lose Weight

Yes! Being obese can cause hair loss. Your BMI (Body Mass Index) determines how much your body should weigh depending on your height and mass. Consult a physician to understand what steps you can take to reduce body weight along with exercising and eating healthy.

Having thin hair is a crutch that you can, thankfully, fix. Thin hair looks flat, limp, and lifeless. Not to mention that it gets greasy very fast, is more vulnerable to damage and breakage, and looks very scanty. You can learn how to make thin hair look thicker by following the above tips. Use the right hair care products catering to your hair issues and transform thin hair into thick, luscious tresses. You can style or highlight your hair to add more depth and dimension to your tresses, making it look thicker than it is. You can also use extensions to make your look more voluminous and even longer. There are so many options for you to choose from!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does thin hair look thicker dark or light?

Thin natural hair usually looks light. However, you can make it look thicker by coloring it in a dark hair color.

Will highlights hide thinning hair?

Yes, highlights can be used to hide thinning hair. But if you have light hair, try experimenting with lowlights (dark highlights).

How can I make my thin fine hair look fuller?

9 Easy Hairstylist Hacks That Make Thin Hair Look Thicker.
Don't rely on shampoo and conditioner. ... .
It's all about a great haircut. ... .
Ask for shorter pieces. ... .
Make use of “hair filler” ... .
Flip your parting. ... .
Tease hair at the crown. ... .
Find the right product for your hair. ... .
Blow dry upwards..

How can I get thicker fuller hair naturally?

Remedies to thicken hair.
Eggs. Eggs are rich in protein, which is essential for strong, thick hair. ... .
Olive oil. Olive oil is rich in omega-3 acids and other nutrients that are essential for overall health, including hair health. ... .
Proper nutrition..
Orange puree. ... .
Aloe gel or oil. ... .
Avocado. ... .
Castor oil. ... .
Coconut oil..

How can I make my thin hair look fuller men?

7 Ways to Make Your Hair Look Thicker.
Choose the right shampoo and conditioner. Go for “volumizing” or “thickening” products. ... .
Style smart. Again, look for mousses and gels geared toward building volume. ... .
Find a great barber or stylist. ... .
Switch your part. ... .
Consider coloring. ... .
Fill up with fiber. ... .
Add on..

How do I make my hair fluffier and heavier?

These seven tips and techniques will help you to bring your voluminous, fluffy hair dreams to life..
Blow Dry Your Hair Upside Down. ... .
Opt For Hot Rollers. ... .
Reach For A Volumizing Hair Care System. ... .
Keep Dry Shampoo On Hand. ... .
Tease Your Hair. ... .
Use A Hair Diffuser. ... .
Use The Right Hair-Styling Products..


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