Cna certification classes near me for free

If you’ve found yourself wondering, “Where can I find CNA classes near me?” you’ve come to the right place. To find a free CNA program near you, use our CNA School Finder here:

Alternately, you can use the “Select Your State” dropdown list below to search through the available options in your state. The dropdown will take you to a full list of locations offering CNA courses for the selected state including both free and paid options. You can sort each of those lists by the facility’s name, address, and phone number. It also includes a link to the CNA training facility’s website if available.

We have compiled the most comprehensive list of community colleges, vocational schools, health care organizations, professional training centers, and non-profits offering CNA courses. If you know of other locations not listed in a state, or if you find errors in our listings please contact us with updates. You can contact our webmaster by sending us a note through our contact form.

Select your state below to find our listings for CNA programs near you.


Cna certification classes near me for free

“How can I find a CNA program near me?”

You’ll find that using our massive state by state database of listings that there are many options for nurse assistant training at medical care facilities and nursing homes across the country. Many of these state-approved CNA programs offer training for free with the guarantee of employment at the conclusion of your training. Basically, they cover your costs as an investment into a properly trained, reliable employee.  Not all CNA courses are free though.  Be sure to check with the school you are interested in to be certain about the tuition requirements before committing to the program.

Why take CNA classes?

Becoming a CNA is a fast track to a rewarding job. To become a CNA you must first complete a program accredited by the state in which you’d like to work, and then you’ll need to pass the CNA certification exam. Once you’ve passed the certification exam you’ll have the opportunity to be added to your state’s nurse aide registry and find work as a nursing assistant.

Being a CNA is the type of job where you can truly make a difference in someone’s day to day life and gain the skills and experience that can lead to further career advancement. Many people take their nursing assistant training skills and go on to become a registered nurse or a licensed nurse practitioner. Throughout your CNA training, you’ll learn valuable skills such as:

  • Patient care skills
  • Checking vital signs
  • Recording and reporting important data
  • Assisting patients with mobility and range of motion
  • Emotional and mental health support

There are a tremendous amount of roles and responsibilities for a CNA, and you’ll certainly never be bored with the work. 

How do you choose the right CNA training course?

The CNA schools displayed in this section offer tuition-based programs.

Not all CNA courses are created equal. It’s important that you find a program that not only meets the educational requirements, but also fits into your schedule, stays within your budget, and sets you up best for landing the right type of job. Let’s look at each of these elements in a bit more detail.

  • Educational requirements. First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure that any program you’ll be attending, either in person or online, is accredited by the state where you wish to work. If you have questions, check with your state’s nursing board to ensure that your program is on the up and up.
  • Fits into your schedule. If you’ve currently got a busy schedule due to your family, school, or other job, it’s important to find a program that best fits your schedule. If you’re going to dedicate your time and money to getting certified as a CNA you’ll want to do your due diligence to make sure you find a program that has a schedule you can stick to.
  • Fits your budget. CNA programs can range pretty drastically in price, and sometimes all of the costs aren’t included in the advertised price. Make sure to inquire about any additional costs associated with the program, such as equipment, background checks, exam fees, TB tests, and physical exams.
  • Lines you up for a good job. While one program might offer you a job at the end of your training, the salary for a CNA can vary pretty dramatically depending on where you work, so don’t just accept the first program that comes with a job offer. In some cases, if you do your research, you might be better off paying for a program out of pocket and finding a job in a research facility or with the government where you can earn several thousand dollars more annually and receive greater benefits.

Some other things to consider as you explore your options are class sizes and location. If you want to get the most out of your schooling, smaller class sizes will allow you more one on one attention with instructors. Depending on your transportation situation, location can also be an important factor. If you take public transportation, you’ll want to look for easily accessible classes based on your location and available transportation options. 

Additional CNA Resources

If you’re interested in more information on CNA classes or would like to learn more about working as a CNA, this site contains a huge amount of resources to help you. Below is a list of some of the most popular information on this site.

Can I study CNA Classes Online?

Yes, you can become a CNA through an online program. While taking CNA classes online, you'll complete hands-on clinical training at a local site. Online CNA programs typically take 4-12 weeks. After that, you'll take the CNA exam to earn your CNA certificate.

How much does a CNA make an hour?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average income for CNAs in Florida in 2021 was $29,840 per year or $14.35 per hour.

How much does CNA test cost in Kentucky?

Turn in your official transcript (may be "issued to student"), and telephone numbers along with your $115 test fee to the Business Office in Building C at the Leestown Campus. You will be contacted for your test appointment. You must be legally able to work in the USA in order to take the Nurse Aide Test.

How much does CNA test cost in Illinois?

CNA Exam Cost Broken Down: $65 - Written & Skills Evaluation. $45 - Translated Exam. $35 - Written Exam re-tests.