Can you send messages to someone you blocked

There are a couple of clues that can help you figure it out.

In today’s technology-flooded world, it can be easier than ever to communicate with people. But it can also make it easy to stop someone from communicating with you, with the push of a button or two. And if you text someone and continue to get no response, you may wonder if this has happened to you. Can you tell if someone blocked your texts? Get a look at how to know if someone blocked you on Facebook, too.

Can you know for sure?

We should start by saying that there’s no definitive way to determine that you’ve been blocked; for instance, you’re not going to get a notification or see an indicator in that person’s contact info. That would infringe on the privacy of the other user. But little clues like the lack of the “Delivered” message (on iPhones), as well as what you hear when you call the person, can help you determine if they’ve blocked you. Indeed, finding out if someone blocked your phone number is far easier if you have an iPhone, and if the person you’re texting does as well.

How to know if someone blocked your number on iPhone

There are a couple of methods for how to tell if someone blocked your number. Justin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer with Been Verified, breaks down how to know if someone blocked your number if you have an iPhone.

Take a look at your texting app, which will most likely be iMessage. “Most likely, when you send a message, you will get a ‘delivered’ confirmation when the message has been delivered,” he told Reader’s Digest. When you look at your messages with the person you think blocked you, look for that confirmation. “The last message that you know was received and responded to…should have a ‘delivered’ status,” Lavelle explains. If, under the messages you’ve sent after that, you don’t see that “delivered” notification, that could mean that person has blocked you.

Another method for how to know if someone blocked your number involves giving that person a call. “If you call a specific number and it immediately goes to voicemail, or you get a strange message such as ‘temporarily out of service’ or ‘the person is not taking calls,’ this may mean your number has been blocked,” Lavelle says. Maybe you did one of the things you shouldn’t be doing over text.

How to know if someone blocked your number on Android

Things are even less clear if you or the person you’re texting has an Android phone. Android phones don’t have that “delivered” message on texting, and even an iPhone user won’t see the “delivered” notification while texting an Android user. So how to tell if someone blocked your number from texts with an Android phone?

If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won’t be delivered to the Android user.” It’s the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in. “The simplest way to tell if you have been blocked by an Android user is to call,” Lavelle says. Just like with an iPhone, listen for it to be diverted to voicemail or play you a pre-recorded message. Of course, this doesn’t automatically mean that person has blocked your phone number; your call may be diverted to voicemail for other reasons. But if it happens repeatedly, and you’re getting radio silence from both calls and texts, you should consider that you’ve been blocked. Whether you’re worried about being blocked or not, you should avoid these annoying texting habits that we’re all guilty of.


  • Justin Lavelle, Chief Communications Officer with

It’s difficult to block someone in real life but you definitely can on Whatsapp and blocking someone from any device or any apps is a very common thing today. One-click is all it takes to permanently delete someone on any app. It’s difficult to block someone in real life but you definitely can on Whatsapp and blocking someone from any device or any apps is a very common thing today. One-click is all it takes to permanently delete someone on any app. This means you won’t be able to send SMS messages to the person who blocked you. Almost every messaging app on your phone has a blocking feature. So does WhatsApp. If you get into a person’s / someone’s block list, you will find it impossible to send them messages. So here’s how to text someone who blocked you. I’m sure you will love this tutorial.

What if you want to explain yourself or convey important information? They have blocked you, so your messages won’t reach them in the normal way. Also if you can’t see the person offline, the scene gets worse. That’s when this tutorial comes to save the day. Now you can message them even though they have blocked you.

Did you ask – How? Well, keep reading. There are 4 methods so you may wanna check the table of content below. Let’s get started with the hacks.

In this post, we’ll explore:

  • 1. Delete Your WhatsApp Account and Sign Up Again
  • 2. Send Message via WhatsApp Group
  • 3. Message Them Offline
  • 4. Message Them on Other Apps
    • Wrapping Up

1. Delete Your WhatsApp Account and Sign Up Again

You can revoke the blockage by recreating your WhatsApp account. After this, you can immediately text someone from your contacts who blocked you on WhatsApp. You can follow the steps given below.

  1. Take up your phone and open WhatsApp on it. Then, hit the three dots on the right-top corner and go to “Settings>> Account” on your phone.
  2. You can now see an option named “Delete My Account” there. Don’t forget to tap on it. It may seem weird, but you need this to recreate your account on your phone.
  3. Here, you will have to “choose your country” (or enter the country code) and “type your phone number” into the appropriate fields.
  4. Once you complete all the three steps, “hit the red Delete My Account button“. This should do the trick on your phone.
  5. Now close WhatsApp and Open it again. Now sign up for your WhatsApp Account just the way you did it the first time.

There you go! You have bypassed the blockage now. You can now text someone who blocked you on WhatsApp. If you don’t want that to happen, you can follow the other 2 methods given below.

Check out other articles from our blog on Fix WhatsApp Web, How to Lock WhatsApp.

Caution: When you delete your account, you are erasing all your details on WhatsApp. You will never get your messages back. And, you got kicked out from all the groups too.

2. Send Message via WhatsApp Group

You can’t send messages to a public group with all your friends or acquaintances, I know. So ask your close friend to create a WhatsApp group for you. Also tell him/her to add you as a contact and that person, whom you want to message as members from your android device, iPhone, Android phone, or other devices.

Finally, instruct him to leave the group. Once he does that, only you and that person will be in the group. Every message you send into the group can be read by the other only member or person only..

3. Message Them Offline

One of the quickest ways on how to text some who blocked you is by sending a message through SMS. They will recieve your SMS Messages. You can type the text into your default text messaging app and send it to their number or the person in your contact list that blocked you. This is a reliable method. He/she will get the notifications and conversations that you are trying to make.

4. Message Them on Other Apps

Just like WhatsApp, there are some other apps that you can use the phone number as the base of contact. Even if you don’t have contacts with them on any other platform, you can try searching the number on it.

Wrapping Up

You can easily block people. That’s the four different methods on how to text someone who blocked you on WhatsApp. You can try this method for other social messaging apps or social media messaging apps too.

Know that you cannot tell whether you’ve been blocked on Android devices, as there is no built-in message tracking system. As far as phone calls are concerned, a blocked call goes directly to voice mail on a personal phone. Your profile photo / profile picture will not be visible to them and the user can unblock them if they have blocked them. You can also leave a voicemail , voice messages or send regular messages via SMS to the blocker. Ask us about phone settings, error message, or other queries in the comment box below.

Can you still send text to a blocked number?

If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won't be delivered to the Android user.” It's the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in.

What happens if you text someone you blocked?

If you feel the need to text someone that you have blocked, you can do so. That person will get the message if they have not blocked you too. You just will not be able to see any sort of response from them unless you make the executive decision to unblock them, which is simple enough to do.

Can you text someone you blocked on iPhone?

Blocking someone affects texts sent to you. It does not affect texts that you send to them.

Can I send an iMessage to someone I blocked?

Yes, you can send an iMessage to someone you blocked on your iPhone. But if you want them to receive the iMessage you sent, you will first have to unblock them on the Messages application. They will not receive the message until you unblock them.


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