Best body wash for dry skin reddit

If you look through the sub for kp, there is a bunch of info and different ways of tackling it! A couple years ago someone posted their regimen and I tried to find the post but couldn’t. Anyhow I follow it and here’s what I do:

-Keep showers as cool as possible (warm to lukewarm) -Wash area with a body wash containing SA (neutrogena body clear in my case, and I just use it on my KP so it doesn’t get used up so fast) -amlactin 12% lotion right after shower- lactic acid is the key here, and this one seems to be the strongest. It’s a little expensive though. I let it absorb while I’m doing my hair etc -jojoba oil or any other oil that matches the body’s oil (squalene is another that can be used but jojoba is cheaper and you can get it in bigger quantities- trader joes sells it). Slather that on and massage it in super well and really let it absorb before getting dressed as it’s oily! i wish I could find the post because the op explains why you do all this stuff, whereas I have no understanding of it and just blindly did what they suggested. Anyhow it freaking worked for me! Best of luck!

There's an easy answer - just don't wash your body!

When you shower use a gentle cleanser like Vanicream Body Wash or Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser on your armpits and privates, and in any skin folds. That's all we need to wash regularly in the shower for proper hygiene. That's it. And limit the shower to time to 5-10 minutes with lukewarm water, not super hot or super cold.

After you turn the water off, pat dry and immediately apply a thick moisturizer from head to toe. This step is crucial because anytime your skin gets wet, the water will begin to evaporate and take your skin's natural moisture out with it. You need a lotion in order to seal in the moisture and prevent your skin from drying out. I personally like La Roche Posay Lipikar Balm and Vanicream Moisturizing Cream, but pick whatever works for you.

If limiting shower time and moisturizing doesn't help and your skin continues to stay dry, then you may need to schedule an appointment with your dermatologist. It could be a skin disease or condition that requires specialized treatment outside of what you can do yourself.

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A derm did this video on the best body washes for dry, sensitive skin. She has also recommended the ceramedx body wash (I've tried it, it's very gentle).

Hopefully that video helps. Unfortunately a lot of "clean" skincare can be irritating because of all the essential oils that are used. Avoiding ingredients like mineral oil because it seems "toxic" (it's not) can make things harder than they need to be. As someone with sensitive skin, the fear mongering around helpful, safe ingredients can be harmful.

Hey guys, so I’ve always had dry skin and just recently with age/Canadian weather it’s getting far worst. I use a # of different types of moisturizer creams such as: Eucerin, Neutrogena, Glysomed, Cerave & ETC. I thought maybe I should try a bodywash specially for dry skin rather than my Irish Springs, Old Spice & ETC. So, recently I’ve tried Eucerin & Bioderma body wash from a recommended list but both products backfired and made my skin even worst.

I was wondering if anyone could recommend me a body wash for dry and sensitive skin.

Also, I was thinking of perhaps purchasing Jojoba Oil from Amazon and mixing a tablespoon into my body wash like Old Spice or whatever. Has anyone done something similar and if so, were the results beneficial or?

Any information regarding these matters would greatly be appreciated, thanks.

I use the Cerave Hydrating Cleanser sometimes on the body. But not after much burn.

Also, EveryDay Shea body washes are awesome and non-drying. The boyf and I have the Vanilla-Mint one, and we love it. He said his skin doesn't feel as dry and it used to, and I think it also helped out with his eczema patches. It's $16 for a 32oz bottle, which is a great price.

Aveeno body washes aren't too drying either. Olay makes one, 7 effects or something, that I found wasn't too awful either.

Also, I like to apply the coconut oil all over my body right before I leave the shower, it helps a lot.