Belated wedding anniversary wishes to both of you

Anniversaries are joyful times, and they bring lots of memories with them. Anniversaries are commonly celebrated with family and friends. It’s such a happy time for almost everyone.

But life happens, and we all get busy with one thing or the other sometimes that we forget to even care about ourselves, not to talk about our partner or someone special.

But out of no time, it’s important to create time for the people that matter to you; be it family members or friends, especially by wishing them well on a special day like their anniversary.

This will go a very long way in making them happy on their anniversary, even if there’s no expensive gift or a big surprise. And if you got busy and forgot to send your wishes to a loved one their anniversary, It’s not late, you can still do that.

That’s why I have the belated happy anniversary wishes for someone special below. They can be used to wish someone special a happy anniversary in the best way possible, even if it’s not the exact anniversary day. A kind gesture like this will be much appreciated. Just read through, and use them.

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Belated Marriage Anniversary Wishes

Belated Happy Anniversary Messages

Funny Belated Anniversary Wishes

Belated Marriage Anniversary Wishes

Was it your marriage anniversary or that of someone special and you forgot to send your wishes? Make it up to them by sending one of these belated marriage anniversary wishes.

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1. You’re the most beautiful woman life gifted me. You’re my wife and the mother of my children. I’m so lucky to be called your husband. Belated happy anniversary to you, darling. Can’t wait to celebrate more with you. I love you.

2. I rejoice with your family on your anniversary. This is such a great feat, and I hope things like this continue to happen in your lives. You inspire me greatly. Belated happy anniversary to you guys. So sorry it’s coming late.

3. When a love is true, there is nothing that can end it; it only grows and blossoms, like ours. I’m sorry for sending this late. I really do hope that we get to celebrate for many years to come. I love you so much. Belated happy anniversary, my love.

4. How can I ever forget this day, it’s impossible. I was only busy, and I left other things to wish you a belated happy anniversary, my baby. It’s been God on our side, and I’m so confident it will continue to be Him. Please, have fun till I get back. Love you.

5. Of all the women I have seen, you remain the most beautiful. Your beauty keeps on increasing by the day. I thank God I chose you, my love. I know this message is kind of late, but please pardon me. Belated happy anniversary to you.

6. My love, till I say my last prayers, I will not stop being that supportive and understanding partner to you. You make me feel so special, as it should be. Thank you for choosing to be with me. Belated happy anniversary to us. I love you forever.

7. God is my witness, I didn’t forget our anniversary, I was just to busy to do anything outside of work. I hope you will not sanction me for this. Please forgive me, my love. Thank you for the pure bliss of the past years. Looking to have many more with you. Belated happy anniversary.

8. My love, ever since I married you, the love has been massive; it grows with each passing day. I’m grateful to God that I have you to love and cherish. It was our anniversary yesterday, but I was so fixed. Belated happy anniversary to you. I love you today and always.

9. Belated happy anniversary to the only man in the whole world that I want to be with every day and every night for the rest of our lives together. You’re the only one behind my success. I love and appreciate you so much, my husband. So sorry this message came late. Pardon me.

10. You make everything better, my love. Marriage has been so beautiful with you. Thank you for accepting to be with me, despite my stubbornness. You’re the only one I want to hold on to, forever. Belated happy anniversary to you, my love. I love you.

11. I’m so excited about what the future holds for you both. You guys keep rising, against all odds. I’m so sure your marriage will be different from the ones we’ve seen. Belated happy anniversary to you guys. Wish you more love.

12. Your love story is so beautiful. Who would have thought that you guys will end up together? I’m so grateful to God for your family. I’m so sorry this is coming very late, I have been up to a lot of things, lately. Belated happy anniversary to you guys. Much love.

13. My love, you are the definition of true love. Thank God I found you. I’m sure we wouldn’t have lived a beautiful life apart. Thank you for making my life colourful and meaningful. Forever wouldn’t be long enough with you. Belated happy anniversary, my love.

14. You’re my soulmate and the one I chose to do this life with. Lord knows nothing will be so sweet without you in my life. The past years have been really meaningful. Thank you for always coming through for your wife. I had so much to do, so I skipped sending this earlier. I’m so sorry. Belated happy anniversary to you.

15. You guys are really wonderful together. You’re so mature and you make marriage so easy. In case you don’t know, you are so special to me, and I see you as my role models. You have impacted my life, not just with this marriage thing but in so many ways. My apologies for sending this a little late. Belated happy anniversary to you.

16. Our marriage has taught me so many things. One is that, patience is a virtue. Thank you for tolerating me, all these years. I couldn’t have been happier with someone else. It only gets better. Belated happy anniversary, my love. It’s only great things all the way up.

17. You both make a really great team as a couple. I really envy your marriage, I won’t lie. Your marriage is an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you for being a light on my path. I can’t wait to get married too. My warm regards always. Belated happy anniversary to you.

Belated Happy Anniversary Messages

These are belated happy anniversary messages that you can quickly send to someone special after missing their anniversary.

Read also: Some Bible passages to read on your anniversary

18. Whenever I see you two, I just want to get married as soon as possible. You guys are too real, for real. Your kind of marriage is the one that is made in heaven and sealed by God Himself. I’m so happy for your union. Belated happy anniversary to you. Bless you both.

19. I’m so sorry for sending this late, I will never forget this great family. I have just been on some things, I’ll share with you later. Here’s a little confession; I envy your union a lot, and I wish mine is better in the future. May God fill your lives with the joy of marriage. Belated happy anniversary to you.

20. Please accept my apology for sending my wishes a bit late, it’s due to some unforeseen circumstances. I pray God blesses you both with endless love and togetherness forever. You guys are the real MVPs. Belated happy anniversary. I love you both.

21. My love, I am deeply sorry for forgetting our special day. You know that kind of thing will never happen intentionally. You’re my essence and the reason I live. I will love and trust you till my last breath. I will make it up to you, baby. Belated happy anniversary to you. I love you so much.

22. Please honey, grant my apology for sending this late, the network has been acting funny since. I hope it’s not too late to wish you a happy anniversary. You’re the most beautiful thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you forever.

23. Baby, I know I’m late on this one, but my intentions are clear and pure. I will never let this day slide without wishing you a happy anniversary. It’s been blissful years with you and the kids. I’m grateful for the gift of a loving and understanding wife. Thank you for always holding it down for me. I love you a lot.

24. Hearty congratulations on your anniversary together. You have been so good to my family. We are blessed to have such family friend. May your marriage continue to prosper and stand the test of time. God’s blessings always. Belated happy anniversary to you. We love you.

25. I wish that your love and respect for each other continues to grow stronger as you journey through the institution of marriage together. You are an inspiration to so many couples, and so you deserve the best from life. Belated happy anniversary to you guys.

26. Over the years, I have watched your lives together, and I have concluded that your hearts are beautiful. Your hearts don’t accommodate evil. I love how you do things in love, and I have been taking some lectures from you stylishly. Please, don’t stop giving me things to emulate. God bless you both. Belated happy anniversary, sir and ma’am.

27. I wouldn’t have possibly forgotten your anniversary, never! You guys mean a lot to me, and wishing you a happy anniversary is the littlest of my duties. I’m so proud of how real you both are. This has taught me a whole lot about marriage. Thank you for being useful vessels to us all. Belated happy anniversary to you both. Bless!

28. Am I not lucky to be married to my best friend? Going through stuff with you has been enlightening. You teach me in so many ways, and you don’t even know. You’re great, baby, let no one tell you otherwise. I’m happy to be your wife. About the late wish, I intentionally delayed it. I love you now and always. Belated happy anniversary to you.

29. We have remained the same, over the years; only some more tolerance and other necessary things. Our love remains solid as ever. You remain beautiful as the first time I saw you. Thank you for giving me a home full of love and peace. You’re the best wife ever. Belated happy anniversary to you.

30. I will be an ungrateful person to forget your anniversary, so please don’t even think about it. You are God-sent to me, and I will forever be indebted to you. May God give you the strength to overcome all the challenges in your life and marriage. Belated happy anniversary to you.

31. Oops! I forgot your anniversary, but that doesn’t mean that I do not care about you. I have been busy with exams, I don’t even have time for myself. I want you to know that you both are made for each other, and you will be together forever. Belated happy anniversary to you.

32. I’m really inspired by you both, especially the wife. The way you balance marriage, work and the kids together is a mystery. I’m learning from you, and I hope I learn really well. Thank you for being my inspiration. Belated happy birthday, you guys.

33. I may forget your anniversary, but definitely not your love and selflessness towards my family and me. You have really done well for yourselves, guys. I wish you all the best in life. Thank you for proving that a beautiful marriage is possible. God keeps blessing you. Belated happy anniversary to you.

34. My love, I’m the luckiest man alive, just because I have you. You make life worth living. You are the reason I dust my ass off and work so hard. Thank you for all these blissful years with you. Everything is worth it, because of you. This is a belated wish, I’m so sorry. I love you so much.

Funny Belated Anniversary Wishes

It’s a good thing to be funny. You make people happy by being funny. So here are funny belated anniversary wishes to crack someone special up on their anniversary.

See also: How to plan an anniversary get-together party

35. Belated happy anniversary to you both. Thank you for sacrificing some years of your life for us. You deserve all the happiness you can get, and that’s why I will not be going to the office today. I will be with you telling you the same stories you told us when we were little. Lol.

36. I’m sorry, but it’s always beautiful to watch you fight. No matter how long you do without each other, I know the love will always be there. Thank God for the love between you two. I can’t wait to get married, so I can have a fighting partner too. Belated happy anniversary to you.

37. I’m sorry for the late wish, my wife. I can’t believe I still get to rub your back, till this time. It’s been so many years with you. Thank you for giving me the most adorable children. God sees my heart, I really appreciate you. I will be your husband till death do us part. Belated happy anniversary to you.

38. So many people described marriage as a war zone when I wanted to marry you. Today, I can comfortably say that it’s a beautiful union. You made everything really easy for me. You make me happy, despite my shortcomings. I’m the luckiest in this union, I know. Thank you for everything, my love. It’s me and you together forever. Belated happy anniversary to you.

39. How can I forget the most beautiful and emotional day of our lives? The day I walked down the aisle with you. It was such an emotional day for me. We have been there for each other for all these years. Thank you for tolerating my excesses. I love you forever. Belated happy anniversary to you.

40. Even though things happen in this marriage, we can’t stop loving each other. We have been through it all. Thank you for seeing through my pure heart. All I have for you is love, even if you can be very annoying. Wish you a belated happy anniversary.

41. If you ask me what it is I enjoy the most, over the years with you, it will be the way I annoy you. I just love to annoy you, baby, it shows the naughty side of me. You aren’t even ready, because we are going to be like this till we grow toothless. Belated happy anniversary to you.

42. Forgetting this special day will never happen. You’re more important to me than anything else, my hands were just tied. I’m so sorry, my love. It is great that we have recorded another year of stealing each other’s meats. Our lives together are worth celebrating. Belated happy anniversary, my love.

43. My daughter, I have watched you grow into a respectable young woman, and I can’t be more proud of you. You have been a great wife to your husband, over the years, even if you’re naughtiness is out of this world. I love how you make things up without the intervention of anyone. God bless your marriage more. Belated happy anniversary to you and your husband.

44. We have a successful marriage only because we make it paramount to make things work. Marriage is no child’s play, but our play. Thank you for the years of rigorous learning. Thank you for all you do for us. It’s you and me till death do us part. Congratulations to us, on our anniversary. Belated happy anniversary to you.

45. Wow! It’s your anniversary, even though I’m a bit late with the wishes. We thank God for His faithfulness over this union. God has been really faithful to you guys. I’m sorry for sending this late. And I hope you stop behaving like cats and dogs. Belated happy anniversary to you both.

46. Baby, I’m so sorry for sending this late, please accept my apology. Thank you, my husband, for all you do for our family. Thank you for being a strong head. I’m only a queen because you’re my king. What style do we perform tonight? Belated happy anniversary to us.

47. I hope this isn’t late, though. Here’s wishing you another hear of playful moments with your partner. You guys make marriage really beautiful. Wish you many more years with your beloved partner. Amen. Belated happy anniversary to you.

48. Please don’t mind my late wish, it’s all love over here. I love how you guys joke about almost everything. You are great team members and your outstanding results speak for you. May you experience more love with one another, with each passing day. God bless your family. Belated happy anniversary to you.

49. Though it’s a belated wish, my love for you will always be. It’s such a great time to be alive. Here’s to congratulate you on your anniversary. I’m so happy for you both. I have been following up your marriage for some time now. Though I’m single, I want my marriage to be like yours. Belated happy anniversary to you.

50. Can I scream? Can I shout? It’s another year with my ride or die. It’s been years with you, and it still feels like we just walked down the aisle. You have really frustrated me with your stubbornness, but God loves me though. I love you too much, my wife. Belated happy anniversary to you. Your stubbornness made me forget.

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by to check the belated anniversary wishes for someone special I have on this page. I hope you got some beautiful wishes for that special someone. Please, share with family and friends. Thank you.

Is it belated happy anniversary or Happy belated anniversary?

Greetings can be late, however, so it makes much more sense to say late happy birthday, which is why belated happy birthday is the correct formulation. When you write the greeting correctly, belated modifies the phrase happy birthday. When you write it incorrectly, happy modifies the phrase belated birthday.

How do you say happy anniversary without saying Happy?

Happy Anniversary Quotes.
"Cheers to your special day. ... .
"It's time to celebrate all over again. ... .
"Here's wishing you another year of true love. ... .
"Warm wishes to you on your marriage milestone. ... .
"Here's to another love-filled year together. ... .
"Every day, continue to love each other more and more. ... .

Is this correct sentence happy anniversary to both of you?

“Happy anniversary to you both.”, sounds slightly better but there is not much difference. There is no real need to specify “both” in either sentence as that should already be apparent so a simple, “Happy Anniversary”, would do the job.

How do you wish someone a half wedding anniversary?

“This half a year together has been wonderful. Even after six months of being together, it seems like we fell in love just yesterday. I promise to be yours forever. Happy six-month anniversary, sweetheart.”