Average cost for all on 4 dental implants

Cost of All-on-4®Dental Implant When Replacing Teeth On Same Day

The cost of All on 4 Dental Implants starts at $10,925 per arch for teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4® dental implants, as of 2019.

The teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4® dental implants is a treatment plan for patients who don’t want dentures to treat bad teeth, broken caps, failing teeth, broken bridges, and missing teeth.  The treatment plan covers the costs of dental implant procedures, including 4 dental implants, surgical placement, and all-acrylic set teeth for one arch.

To provide the best experience to our patients, we pioneered All-on-4® techniques that are efficient as well as affordable. In fact, our All-on-4® techniques save treatment costs to the tune of $5,000 to about $15,000 per arch, making this treatment plant the most affordable in the US.

All All-on-4® techniques are carried out at our office to provide better dental care to our patients. Compared to the two-location approach in which two doctors—each charging separate fees, which increases treatment cost—the single location All-on-4® techniques costs much lower.

The AO4 or the All-on-4® dental implants treatment is entirely performed in a single facility. Even the lab work is performed in-house. For one full month, the All-on-4® provides the full mouth of teeth-in-a-day treatment.

We know that healthy teeth lead to happy, confident smiles. We  look forward to understanding your dental issues and figure out the best treatment plan to get you smiling, eating, and speaking normally, more confidently.

Dr. Darian Kaar uses All-on-4® dental implants treatment to bring the smiles back to his patients’ life. In fact, he invests several hours each week following up with patients responding to their emails and phone calls. He also provides various complimentary consultation services such as reviewing x-rays received in the mail and performing free dental exams.

How We Approach All-on-4


Most certified All-on-4® clinicians in the dental implant industry prefer the traditional approach in which just a local anesthetic (Novocain) is administered during the procedures. However, our state board certified All-on-4® facility, which also offers special sleep dentistry services, provides the best possible and the most economical treatment plans for our patients. We aspire to provide quicker, anxiety-free, and overall, less expensive dental services. Several of the pioneering All-on-4® techniques, materials, and surgical protocols have been designed by Dr. Darian Kaar DDS, MSD, FACP. Most of the All-on-4® dental implanting techniques are minimally invasive.

Depending on the patient’s requirements and severity of symptoms, additional charges are levied alongside the basic costs of All-on-4® treatment. Factors such as the system and type of dentition of the patients affect the additional costs. Moreover, the patient may want a specific full mouth permanent dental implant-supported fixed bridge for his/her teeth-in-a-day replacement.

Full mouth fixed bridges are made using zirconia, acrylic, PMMA, PEEK, or a PMMA-PEEK combination. A patient can also get a hybrid permanent bridge (also known as a full mouth restoration with implants) made from a combination of acrylic teeth over a titanium framework.

Each implant has a specific advantage. Permanent zirconia implant-supported fixed bridges offer strength and durability while hybrid permanent bridges offer control, durability, and repairability. As hybrid permanent bridges have a few shortcomings, permanent zirconia implant-supported fixed bridges are the preferred implants used nowadays.

The mere fact that teeth-in-a-day treatment plan involves fewer dental implanting procedures compared with the traditional 4 dental implants full mouth reconstruction treatment plan, make teeth-in-a-day implants cheaper than 4 dental implants.

Teeth-in-a-day procedures are cost-effective treatment plans to fix bad teeth, broken caps, failing teeth, broken bridges, and missing teeth. Additionally, people fitted with loose-fitting dentures or those who have no teeth can also benefit from teeth-in-a-day procedures.

Why Choose Dr. Kaar’s Dental Implant Services?

All our dental implants are made from FDA-approved, high-grade titanium. We pride ourselves in providing high-quality dental implant services that are in line with cutting-edge dentistry research.

We also manufacture all the dental prosthesis materials and parts in our in-house dental laboratory. All the acrylic teeth, zirconia teeth, and titanium bars are customized to provide the perfect fit and color. Our custom-made fixed dental bridges are whitened to match the color palette of your natural teeth. These natural-looking implants are then positioned carefully in your mouth.

Dr. Kaar spends one-on-one time with all his patients beginning with the teeth-in-a-day consultation. The free consultation covers discussions about your dentition history and dental ailment. Your CT scan is comprehensively examined and the diagnosis, alongside further treatment plans, is explained to improve your smile as soon as possible.

Dr. Kaar received his three-year advanced dentistry training at the Indiana University, twenty years ago. Following his dental training, Dr. Kaar has carried out thousands of successful dental implant surgeries.

In the course of the free consultation, Dr. Kaar will conduct a clinical examination of your dentition. He will eagerly meet you and listen to the unique story behind your smile. If your condition needs a fix, he will use his vast clinical experience of performing dental implant surgeries (4 dental implant placement for teeth-in-a-day) and revitalize your smile. All the teeth-in-a-day over 4 dental implant treatments are conducted under moderate intravenous (IV) sedation.

Dr. Kaar is extensively trained in oral implantology and prosthodontics. Moreover, he invests his heart and energy in helping his patients get their smile back. Dr. Kaar’s patients also appreciate his unique ability to improve smile design to create a younger look. We offer complimentary teeth-in-a-day consultation and All-on-4® 3D cone beam scan. The free teeth-in-a-day consultation saves $375 for the patients.

Why Is The All-on-4® 3D Cone Beam Scan Important?

The 3D Cone Beam dental imaging system takes a quick and precise dental image, which we use for effective diagnosis. The 3D cone beam x-ray scan contains:

  • An 8 and 23-second scan that’s sufficient for the All-on-4® treatment.
  • Low-radiation CT scans, which make the diagnosis safer.
  • Accessible information that enables the patient to make informed choices like receiving the teeth-in-a-day treatment.

We are currently offering the 3D Cone Beam imaging for dental implant patients at our office. Come visit us to experience advanced, patient-friendly 3D scan today.

Time Of Recovery, Food Intake Following All-on-4® Dental Implant Procedure

The teeth-in-a-day and dental implant surgery are mostly performed using advanced computerized treatment software to maximize surgical precision. Additionally, as this procedure is mostly atraumatic, the recovery time is significantly reduced.

What To Eat After All-on-4® Surgery

The patients of All-on-4® surgery can start eating from the same day of the surgery. It is advised to eat softer foods such as yogurt, soup, pudding, ice cream, and gelatin for the first couple of days after your surgery. Such a diet will ensure that food particles don’t lodge underneath the surgical wound. Gradually introduce semi-liquid foods like eggs, soft pasta, and mashed potatoes from the third day. After the first week, resume a semi-normal diet.

Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for the first two weeks. Also, don’t eat hard, crunchy food like nuts, chips, and popcorn for four weeks after your surgery. Lastly, stop smoking at least three weeks before the surgery and don’t smoke for at least four months after the surgery.

Be mindful of what you eat. Soft food shouldn’t be hot or spicy. Your diet should not contain seeds and grains such as poppy, sesame, rice, and quinoa as they can get under your All-on-4® bridge. While your surgical wound heals during the first week, abide by the dietary recommendations.

Financing, Payment Options For Teeth-In-A-Day

The All-on-4® dental implant treatment program is flexible and thus offers a variety of patient financing options. Additionally, if the treatments aren’t covered by insurance, the program offers easier terms of payment so that the patient can cover the deductibles.

However, if the cost of All-on-4® for teeth-in-a-day seems out of budget, we have adjustable payment options that will save you both time and money. In fact, you can apply and receive credit online in a matter of minutes without it impacting your credit score. Credit scores are no longer the significant factor behind financing dental implant surgeries for patients. Current economic times enable patients to review valid loan offers they qualify for without ever visiting a lending facility to complete the loan application.

Our teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4® dental implant treatment payment plan is associated with various lending companies. You can easily pay for your upper and lower jaw full mouth teeth replacement using their affordable fixed-rate loans. Therefore, the loans won’t increase your monthly payment. They also have the option where you can prepay your loan without any prepayment penalty or fee.

Teeth-in-a-day dental implant financing plan enables patients to cover entire treatment costs in a series of monthly payments.

Varieties of Implant Fixed Bridge Prosthesis For Full Mouth

Dental implants are made using acrylic, titanium, zirconia, PMMA, and/or PEEK. The combination used to customize the prosthesis determines their functionality and unique advantages. The varieties available include:

  • Permanent hybrid fixed bridge: fixed acrylic teeth prosthesis over a titanium bar (can be hidden under acrylic if desired) on 4 dental implants
  • Permanent fixed bridge: zirconia teeth supported over a pink zirconia base on 4 dental implants
  • Temporary hybrid bridge for 4-10 month: all-acrylic teeth over a pink all-acrylic base on 4 dental implants
  • Hybrid prosthesis made using PMMA and PEEK.

Cost Of Full Mouth Set With Dental Implants For Denture Patients

Traditional dental implanting surgeries for a full set of teeth require around six to eight dental implants per arch. These prostheses are recommended if you’re missing teeth or your dentures don’t fit well.

Traditional dental implant surgeries are performed separately. Also, there are additional follow-up visits, related dental lab work and materials, and prior dental implant healing time before the new implant is loaded. These factors make traditional dental implanting surgeries significantly more expensive, painful and time-consuming. Obviously, you get to save time, money, and effort with fewer dental implants’ treatment.

In fact, one single arch fitting under a traditional implant treatment plan costs well over $40,000. In comparison, teeth-in-a-day treatment plan saves you money and reduces your healing time. One single arch fitting under a teeth-in-a-day treatment plan costs you about $10,950 for permanent fixtures! Also, you can resume eating food and drinking as soon as you leave the dentist’s office.

All-on-4® dental implant treatment plan is specifically designed to facilitate a full mouth set of teeth replacement treatment to help people with bad teeth, ill-fitting dentures, and those who need full mouth upper and/or lower teeth replacement.

Usually, the treatment covers four dental implants and a set of new fixed dental implant-supported replacement teeth. Moreover, qualified patients get their treatment done in a single day. The All-on-4® dental implant treatment saves time and money by replacing dentures with a permanent fixed bridge which doesn’t require many dental implanting surgeries.

Full Mouth Implant Prosthesis And Out-Of-State-Travelers Opting For Teeth-In-A-Day

We suggest that you call our dental office before visiting the dental practice in Dallas for your All-on-4® complimentary consultation. We will first hear your dentition story and dental woes. Then, we may ask you to send your CT scan and/or a panoramic radiograph to our office for a thorough review by Dr. Kaar. We do this not to waste your time and resources as you’re coming in from out-of-state.

Moreover, a lot of out-of-state patients fly-in to get the teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4® treatment. As each case presents a unique dental scenario, it takes some time and planning to prescribe a detailed All-on-4® treatment plan to provide a full mouth set of teeth replacement with dental implants. As Dr. Kaar personally reviews each case, your patience will be much appreciated.

The teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4® treatment is administered only in our Dallas office. Our office is conveniently located 15 miles from Dallas Love Field Airport and DFW International Airport. Moreover, our dental office is within walking distance of ten prime hotels. Treatment at one single location saves our patients anywhere between $5,000 to $15,000 per arch for the All-on-4® treatment procedure.

What’s The Durability And Success Rate Of All-on-4® Lower And Upper Implants?

The All-on-4® treatment prosthesis offers a proven long-term solution to debilitating dental ailments. It’s durable, offering up to 10 years follow-ups in the mandible and 5 years in the maxilla. The procedure survival rate of this treatment plan is high.

In fact, the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research published a clinical study in October 2014, illustrating the high survival rate capabilities of patients with immediately loaded implants supporting fixed complete upper jaw all-acrylic prosthesis. Two hundred forty two patients with 968 immediately loaded implants were examined, and the survival rates were noted. Notably, a high survival rate of 93% was observed at the patient level, and a high survival rate of 98% was observed at the implant level after a 5-year follow-up.

Scientific evidence further indicates the high survival rate in both maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) implants wherein a mid-term survival rate of 96.3–100% is observed after 3–4 years and a long-term survival rate of 94.8–98.0% is seen after 5–10 years.

A recent study emphasized the rehabilitative advantages of the All-on-4®’s treatment option for four fixed implants in the upper jaw. Patient’s bone quality and the length of implants were also considered.

Dr. P. Malo, the creator of the All-on-4® concept, notes the bridge survival rate in the lower jaw to be around 99.2% after a 10-year follow-up whereas bridge survival rate in the upper jaw after a 5-year follow-up remains a whopping 100%. These rates apply to the bridge over implants fixed bridge prosthesis.

Will All-on-4® Be Covered By Insurance?

Yes, a portion of the All-on-4® dental implant procedure is covered by most dental insurance providers. We have experienced dental insurance claim specialists onboard who’ll negotiate the best deals with most of the dental insurance providers to maximize your savings while receiving the All-on-4® and teeth-in-a-day treatment. All the major PPO dental insurance policies such as Delta Dental, Metlife, Cigna, Humana, Guardian, and AETNA are accepted in our office. In fact, we have the insurance companies pay for a portion of the treatment costs, more specifically, the teeth extractions in relation to the All-on-4® plan.

We also have billing coding specialists who will submit your insurance claim coverage paperwork on your behalf to the insurance companies. If you’ve come in for a full mouth teeth replacement with dental implants, our billing specialists will also explain all the updated CDT (2018) dental procedural codes alongside providing a detailed breakdown of charges.

The majority of dental insurance plans take care of a portion of the bill for adding teeth to your dental implants. Please call our dental office and speak with our staff to know more about your insurance policy coverage. Our specialists will also help you determine the estimated out-of-pocket costs if you wish to receive the All-on-4® treatment. They’ll also guide you to choose the appropriate payment/finance plan to pay for the procedure.

Based on our experiences, we have noted that most dental insurance providers partially cover the All-on-4® treatment costs. In such instances, you’ll simply need to process and send out the dental implant claim to their office. Unfortunately, a few insurance companies continue to classify dental implants as a cosmetic procedure and not as beneficial dental surgery. These companies will not allow you to claim the cost of the implant surgery.

Moreover, insurance companies take their time while responding to whether dental insurance covers teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4®. So even though most of your dental insurance queries will be cleared up immediately, these specific queries will take a while to be processed.

In some situations, we may file a medical insurance claim that might partially cover the cost of some aspects of the treatment.

What’s The Cost Of Teeth-In-A-Day?

Our all-inclusive teeth-in-a-day approach is designed to save you time and money. Our teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4® dental implants treatment approach is made to streamline the full mouth set of teeth replacement using dental implant procedure.

We also perform single teeth-in-a-day dental implants. This procedure, including the abutment and crown, will cost you about $1,895 per implant. The cost is directly related to the condition of your gums and jaw bone.

To replace multiple teeth simultaneously by dental implants, teeth-in-a-day uses ideal clinical situations where the patient’s lower and/or upper teeth are replaced at once by setting up a permanent bridge and dental implants.


The Difference Between The Costing Charts Of Traditional All-On-4

® Centers And Our Office

The traditional All-on-4® centers only account for the inclusive fees and the cost of Conscious IV Sedation. All the other services are charged additionally.

Our single location office, however, provides the best services at the most affordable rate. Along with including the inclusive fees, and the cost of Conscious IV Sedation, our office provides additional uncharged benefits such as:

  • Only one certified All-on-4® dentist handles the entire case at our single location because the medical equipment, the lab, and the dentist are in one location.
  • Reasonable fee structure with which our patients save anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 per arch.
  • General Anesthesia, as well as IV Conscious Sedation, is available at our facility.
  • All major insurance claims are accepted and submitted at your behest to minimize your out-of-pocket bill.
  • One-on-one personalized doctor-to-patient consultation and care.
  • Complimentary 1-hour consultation with the doctor that includes a 3D CBCT Scan and the necessary X-rays.
  • Computerized Implant Guided Surgery, which leads to minimal surgical scarring, better surgical accuracy, and optimal aesthetic outcome.

Who Is A Fit All-on-4® Candidate For Teeth-In-A-Day?

If your jawbone structure is healthy, you’re fit for All-on-4® for teeth-in-a-day treatment. Proper jawbone structure allows the dental implants to adhere. If your jawbone doesn’t have sufficient volume and bone density, the four implants won’t hold out to force-exerting activities like chewing food.

To ensure patient health, the implants aren’t loaded with your permanent bridge the same day. Over 90% of the time, bone grafting and sinus lifts aren’t required to be performed on patients if the implants settle comfortably on the available bone. Sometimes, dental implant angle correction is performed on the fitted implant to precisely fit the implant. Then, accurate bridge placement is done for prosthetic teeth delivery.

How Do Dentists Repair All-on-4®?

Your teeth-in-a-day with All-on-4® implants may get damaged suddenly or gradually. Teeth-in-a-day naturally wears down in 5-6 years, but the damage is multiplied when patients continually bite hard things. If your fixed bridge breaks, you will experience discomfort in the form of irritation to your gums, lips, cheeks, and tongue. You’ll need immediate care to prevent a broken and fractured All-on-4® bridge to prevent more damage to the titanium bar.

If left untreated, damage to a permanent bridge leads to an extensive and expensive repair. Not to mention, the resultant irritation and pain overstress specific areas, leading to more damage.

To repair such damage, an “all-on-four revision” or “dental implant hybrid revision” is performed. Our office carries out a same-day in-house repair that will restore your bridge to a functional state immediately.

To make the implants sturdier, materials such as zirconia are used to customize your prosthesis. You will have to, however, follow the given instructions.

What’s The Experience Of Patients After All-on-4® Teeth-In-A-Day?

We know that having falling teeth, failing caps, and broken dental bridges have a physiological as well as an motional impact on a patient’s life.

With our teeth-in-a-day treatment plan, we bring back the smile in our patients’ lives: so much so that they shed indescribable tears of relief and happiness. Each new All-on-4® patient has a unique experience to share. We focus on carefully listening to our patients, ask them questions about their past dental work, previous dental experience, and current dental expectations.

Our main aim is to solve your dental woes. We want to restore your oral health and bring that happy smile back on your face. While listening to you, we figure out the underlying reason behind your teeth loss. You came to see us for a reason. We will get to the bottom of it and make your teeth healthier.

Your emotional and physical health is intertwined, and Dr. Kaar doesn’t want these factors to affect his dental implant patients. How you feel inside determines your outlook on things. If you have been put in embarrassing situations on account of having periodontitis or bad teeth since childhood, you will experience a vivid lack of self-confidence that ends up affecting how you feel. If you didn’t feel confident while smiling, you’d hesitate before eating out, or going out to socialize or be on a date, etc., and that would leave you feeling depressed.

When dental patients visit for their first dental implant examination, they express a range of emotions in response to their dental diagnosis—ranging from fear, sadness, to low self-esteem. Human beings cope in different and unique ways. It’s not surprising, therefore, that people suffering from dental conditions want those Before and After photos smiles.

However, we realize that we are not responsible for your mental health. We are not psychotherapists or counselors. But we are compassionate dentists who realize that your emotional concerns aren’t irrelevant. You may have had a bad dental consultation experience before, but it’s different with Dr. Kaar and his team. As soon as he provides you the dental diagnosis, Dr. Kaar puts his compassionate hat on and just listens to his patients express their dental concerns.

Our oral healthcare professionals will help you cope with your diagnosis, emotionally as well as dentally. You may come into our office without any emotional support, and a hopeless teeth diagnosis might worry you for a while. However, your family will step in once they’re informed of the diagnosis, and when they come to terms with the realities associated with the diagnosis.

From early on, our patients develop an emotional rapport with our team members. The emotional connect enables the patients to cope with the teeth-in-a-day treatment plan positively. Our oral healthcare professionals, therefore, pave the path to bright and happy smiles on our patients’ faces.

Doctors Who Perform All-on-4


Implant-based dentists keep providing newer solutions to improve the immediate functionality of implants to enhance the quality of life of the patients. Experienced dentists implant a fixed teeth-in-a-day permanent bridge prosthesis to provide the missing comfort and security to patients. The bridge prosthesis is held solidly in place by four dental implants. Instead of the conventional removable dentures, patients get a permanent solution to their problem without compromising their jaw bone and also bypassing the need for bone grafts and sinus lifts.

Patients get back the lost natural teeth functionality as soon as they are fitted for implants. The procedure enables the patients to resolve their daily frustration and discomfort brought on by loose and broken teeth and allows them to enjoy a restriction-free diet.

If you have failing dental crowns and bridges, gum disease, tooth decay, and jawbone loss, traditional dental implants just won’t cut it. The All-On-4® dental implant procedure will work amazingly for you. Our All-on-4® dental professionals will discuss your treatment options during the complimentary consultation.

Teeth-In-A-Day And All-on-4 Teledentistry

Our office is well-equipped with Teledentistry. You can use the Teledentistry option to have an All-on-4® live video consultation with our doctor! Email us to receive the invitation to download our app. Once you download the app, you will receive secure access to our All-on-4® professional online via mobile live video and text messaging. The app’s technology enables screening smile profiles. Using that profile, our doctor can diagnose front teeth condition and then discuss the different available options whilst simultaneously answering your queries.

The Teledentistry option is exclusively available for the All-on-4® dental implants for teeth-in-a-day. Our doctors offer expert quality advice irrespective of whether you’re getting multiple teeth implant or getting fitting for the entire mouth with top and bottom arches. With the All-on-4® Teledentistry app, you can book a live video consultation with the doctor from the convenience of your home by simply texting the certified All-on-4® team member. Based on the data you provide and the profile captured by the app, the dentist can dynamically visualize your dental condition, and thereby make a qualified analysis. The online analysis will primarily determine the direction of your All-on-4® dental implants treatment plan. ®

Choosing Between Four Or Single Dental Implants For Teeth-In-A-Day

Finding the right dentist is an essential choice you have to make. The dentist will go through your medical chart and determine whether you need “teeth-in-a-day” with “All-on-4®” dental implants or a single dental implant for tooth replacement. As a non-healthcare professional, you may be confused by the available and given options.

However, dental implants provide value as well as efficiency. The quality time you spend with the dentist during the consultation will simplify your choice. Successful and experienced dentists spend a lot of face-to-face time with dental implant patients to understand their dentition, medical health information, and dental problems. In fact, a detailed dental evaluation of the patient’s gums and bite is the bedrock of implant dentistry.

So how do you choose the right implant dentist for you?

  • Look for licensed dentists who also happen to be dental implant experts.
  • Look for dental implant experts who have completed a three-year ADA (Approve Residency Program.) Don’t fall prey to specialists who place dental implants after a measly weekend course.
  • Look for experienced dentists (a minimum five years of experience) as they know that effective dental implants aren’t available in common sizes. These complex, sophisticated dental devices have to be customized for an accurate fit.
  • Look for competent dental implant experts. Ensure that your dentist has performed a variety of treatment procedures on other patients, including single tooth implant, and multiple teeth implants using All-on-4®, etc.

Prepare a shortlist of the best possible dental implant professionals, call the dental implant centers, and ask them some important questions. The step-by-step approach will help you to choose without too much effort.

When you are analyzing dentists, you should be aware that while there are definitive benefits to getting a permanent dental implant for a missing tooth, there are also a few associated risk factors during the implant procedure.

The dental implanting procedure is broken into three parts wherein the aesthetic value of your new tooth, while it’s in the early healing phase, is taken into account. These parts are:

  • Existing tooth and root removal.
  • Placing the implant meticulously to become the artificial root of your tooth prosthesis.
  • Placing the crown perfectly such that the new tooth sits comfortably atop the artificial root thereby connecting the tooth and the root.

Various issues present themselves while these steps are followed. Your tooth must be removed carefully. The bone that supports the tooth is the tooth socket. The dental implant is affixed to the tooth socket. For proper dental implantation, tooth extraction shouldn’t damage any bone from the tooth socket walls as it would cause gum recession. It might also lead to dental implant surgery being canceled fearing poor result.

Moreover, the implant is to be inserted in a stable and non-movable jawbone. Osseointegration (“Osseo”–bone; “integrate”–fusion with) happens when the specialized titanium implant fuses with the bone around the implant. Generally, to stabilize a dental implant, dentists penetrate the pointed end (apex) of the cone-shaped upper front tooth socket. Then they affix the implant to the bone of the tooth socket.

A screw being affixed into a previously drilled hole is a good metaphor to explain dental implantation. If the hole is too large, stabilizing the screw involves attaching it to the wooden grain that lies beyond the screw’s original length and width. If your implant is affixed appropriately, the gap in your tooth socket is filled by the bone that heals, grows, and fuses with the implant. For your dental implantation surgery to be successful, choosing the right-sized implant and affixing it to the right position are important.

If you feel you are about to lose your last remaining tooth, you have several options for tooth replacement. Dentists use reliable and advanced techniques to use a single dental implant to permanently attach a dental prosthesis anchored to the jawbone. This prosthesis supported by a dental implant works just like real teeth. You will have to maintain the same oral hygiene practices of brushing and flossing to care for the implants. The implants definitely provide important health benefits. With newer, better technology, dental implants now provide functional teeth on the same day as the dental implant surgery. The procedure is relatively expensive. However, it ensures functional teeth on the same day of surgery.

The technology is so cutting-edge that the implant-supported teeth function normally. The nerves, muscles, and jaw joints perform all the normal functions of a fully functional mouth. The implant-supported teeth permanently replace missing teeth and the lost gum tissues alongside, and restore facial structure support (cheeks and lips support.) These factors not only offer functionality but also create a more youthful appearance. You’ will be able to chew tough foods, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, laugh, kiss, speak confidently, and smile with joy.

Cost Of Dental Implant

Dental implant cost for a single tooth, as of June 2019, is about $1,850. The cost includes procedures like custom abutment, which directly screws the dental implant in place, dental implant cap that cements atop the abutment to heal the jaw bone, and the dental implant crown. For bills that exceed $1,850 for single dental implant placement, bone grafting, gum soft tissue treatment, and/or extraction might be required to mend the condition of the gums and the jaw bone.

Custom dental implants are uniquely designed such that no two patient implants are similar. The treatment procedure might be similar, but as the implants are unique, the number of follow-up appointments, procedures, and cost of dental implants change based on the treatment site and the condition of dentition. These dental implants are designed for your teeth and gums, unlike other tooth replacement options.

However, the key for you to get the lowest possible cost is to email your missing tooth dental X-rays to us. Dr. Kaar will examine the scans, and we will contact you with the estimated treatment costs over a phone call.

After going through the detailed analysis, you’ll realize that the cost of dental implants compares favorably to other tooth replacement options. As dental implants offer a permanent solution to your dental health without actually touching your teeth, they definitely seem like the best option. If you look at specific dental conditions, other teeth replacement treatment plans may seem the best. But these seemingly best options often don’t account for the recurring costs incurred after the initial lower upfront cost. You will have to keep paying over and over again alongside undergoing the procedures. Dental implants would definitely be better than such treatment options.

What is the cost for All

All-on-4 Individual Porcelain Teeth This implant is comprised of a metal frame and individual porcelain crowns. The cost of this implant type averages around $30-35000, unless the procedure has to be completed in multiple locations, which will up the average to closer to $40,000.

What is the cheapest way to replace missing teeth?

Dentures are usually the cheapest way to replace missing teeth or even a full mouth of teeth. Also called “false teeth”, these cheap tooth replacements are removable appliances with any number of fake teeth attached to a wire and acrylic frame.

How much is a full top set of dental implants?

Full mouth dental implant procedure costs can range anywhere from roughly $7,000 to $68,000 overall. These types of implants have an average cost of around $25,000. Keep in mind that it can cost anywhere from $3,500 to $30,000 to get a top or bottom set of full mouth dental implants.

How many teeth are on All

The 4 dental implants support a full mouth of teeth replacement of about 10 to 12 teeth. A fixed bridge with teeth is placed immediately or typically within 24 hours of dental implants placement.