Zip code for north stonington ct

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North Stonington information

ZIP code: 06359

Area code(s): 860

Population: 5297

Elevation: 384m (1260ft)

County: New London

Zip code for north stonington ct

Zip code for north stonington ct

Postcode area of North Stonington is 06359.

Area code(s) of North Stonington is 860.

North Stonington has 384m (1260ft) altitude.

The coordinates of North Stonington are: 41.467 lat, -71.867 lng.

North Stonington belongs to New London County.

The location N Stonington, CT has been assigned with the 06359 as the only ZIP Code. Check the map below to see the aproximate zone for this Postal Code. To zoom the map, click the "load map" button.

City NameZIP CodeZIP TypeEstimated Population
N Stonington, CT ACCEPTABLE 06359 STANDARD 4.802

Postal Zone of N Stonington, CT - USA

Zip code for north stonington ct
ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) for N Stonington, CT ZIP Code. A ZCTA is a generalized area representation of the american ZIP Code service area.

N Stonington, CT belongs to which county?

N Stonington, CT belongs to New London county. Check the list of New London county ZIP Code.

ZIP Code United States

If you want to restart your search by state, get back to US ZIP Code.

Status Definitions

  • PRIMARY: means an the primary city name. Official city name, although the city name might also have another acceptable name.
  • ACCEPTABLE: means an adequate city name. City names that are abbreviated will frequently be listed as unacceptable because abbreviations are not an acceptable city name format.
  • IMPROPER/NOT ACCEPTABLE: Means an inadequate city name has been entered or received based on information entered.
  • UNIQUE: Assigned to a company, government agency, or entity with sufficient mail volume, based on average daily volume of letter size mail received, availability of ZIP Code numbers in the postal area, and the US mail service cost-benefit analysis.

The location North Stonington, CT has been assigned with the 06359 as the only ZIP Code. Check the map below to see the aproximate zone for this Postal Code. To zoom the map, click the "load map" button.

City NameZIP CodeZIP TypeEstimated Population
North Stonington, CT PRIMARY 06359 STANDARD 4.802

Postal Zone of North Stonington, CT - USA

Zip code for north stonington ct
ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) for North Stonington, CT ZIP Code. A ZCTA is a generalized area representation of the american ZIP Code service area.

North Stonington, CT belongs to which county?

North Stonington, CT belongs to New London county. Check the list of New London county ZIP Code.

ZIP Code United States

If you want to restart your search by state, get back to US ZIP Code.

Status Definitions

  • PRIMARY: means an the primary city name. Official city name, although the city name might also have another acceptable name.
  • ACCEPTABLE: means an adequate city name. City names that are abbreviated will frequently be listed as unacceptable because abbreviations are not an acceptable city name format.
  • IMPROPER/NOT ACCEPTABLE: Means an inadequate city name has been entered or received based on information entered.
  • UNIQUE: Assigned to a company, government agency, or entity with sufficient mail volume, based on average daily volume of letter size mail received, availability of ZIP Code numbers in the postal area, and the US mail service cost-benefit analysis.

Zip Code 06359 Description

Zip Code 06359 is located in the state of Connecticut in the Hartford - New Haven metro area. Zip code 06359 is primarily located in New London County. The official US Postal Service name for 06359 is NORTH STONINGTON, Connecticut. Portions of zip code 06359 are contained within or border the city limits of Westerly, RI, Ashaway, RI, . The area code for zip code 06359 is 860. 06359 can be classified socioeconically as a Middle Class class zipcode in comparison to other zipcodes in Connecticut.

The current unemployment level in 06359 is 4.3% which is lower than the current county unemployment level of 5.4% and is higher than the current state unemployment at 4.1% and higher than the current national unemployment rate at 3.9%.

According the 2010 US Census, the population of 06359 increased to 5313 from 4981 over the past 10 years. The majority ethnicity residing in 06359 is White while the majority ethnicity attending 06359 public schools is White. 23.4% of students in 06359 public schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs.

What county is 06359 in?

New London County06359 / Countynull

Is Stonington CT wealthy?

The per capita income in Stonington in 2018 was $58,872, which is wealthy relative to Connecticut and the nation.

Is Stonington CT nice?

Stonington is a very nice town; When it comes to views, it is one of the most beautiful areas on the Connecticut coast. With this, there is a lot to do in the town during the summer months from concerts to food events to festivals. This comes with a downside, that in the winter, there is not much going on.

What is Stonington Connecticut known for?

Yankee Magazine voted Stonington one of the “Top 10 Prettiest Coastal Towns in New England” for its mile-long beaches, historic seaside homes, and eclectic shops and boutiques. Visit the Old Lighthouse Museum to discover Stonington's maritime and agricultural history, dating back to 1895.