Xbox series x controller vs xbox one controller reddit

I just bought this controller yesterday in my efforts to raise my above average competitive FPS abilities and I'm returning it today. If you are anal about the small details like I am I'd save your money and look for another controller as the Elite 2 has many known faults including and not limited to:

- face buttons don't register 100% of the time

- joystick drift / poor click registry

- the joystick materials showed wear within an hour of use

- the grip material itself feels like cold metal in your hands rather than rubber and is slippery if anything (I have sweaty hands and the controller literally slipped through my hands several times over the course of 3 hours)

- no share button (although you can map this to another button but... most other low-to-high end controllers have a share button)

... I did love the customizability (button mapping and hair triggers) and built-in battery and I'm sure there are a lot of other positives (as there should be when you're paying over $250 CDN) but, again, if you're like me and expect perfection when you fork out big dollars for high-end products look elsewhere. The design and faults of this controller are far from perfect.

These above issues are things I noticed on day one of owning the controller and using it for just 3 hours. They are issues I've yet to experience with the default Xbox controller that comes with the console after 70+ hrs of hardcore use.

Microsoft even admitted to all of these faults and extended the warranty from 90 days to a full year to make up for all the complaints.

I bought a Series S/X controller when they were on sale for Black Friday, just so I can have another controller and not use my Elite so much. It’s perfectly fine as a controller.

If you can buy the Xbone S controllers for cheaper, I definitely recommend that. Unless you have smallish hands, then it might be a better idea to get the Series S/X controller, though you’ll have to buy a USB-C cable if you don’t have one already. My gaming buddy is a smaller dude than me, so he prefers the newer controller.

But other than that, for PC gaming either one is good.

bumpers are much better

shorter, less pull on the triggers

dpad is smaller and more like that of the Elite

frame is smaller, slightly

sticks are the same, not tighter like the 360/ps4 as was earlier reported.

Series is much better all around, the One almost feels too soft.

OTOH, the handles on the Series controller are a teeny tiny little short and it hurts my right hand pinkie finger.

Maybe I've been holding my controller wrong all my time. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

level 1

Left one s and right series x

level 1

Appreciate the picture, but I'm slightly triggered you didn't label them, since you mentioned for documentation purposes.

level 2

well didn't think about that at the time

level 2

by a little bit not by much the series x/s controllers hard slimmer in width then the Xbox controller and the bumpers seem to accommodate the size too.

Xbox One controller is slightly bigger but is thick on the width side witch does mean the bumpers are bigger sized then the series x

level 1

Hmmm yes. The controller appears to be made of controller.

level 1

I've always wondered, is there a reason that the metal thing that spins for "rumble" bigger on one side than the other?

level 2

The motors can be controlled individually, which allows for a different feel to the rumble. For example, a vehicle engine effect could use the smaller weights for a subtle vibration while a machine gun or explosion could use the larger side for stronger or more violent shaking.

level 2

well this is to simulate strong vibrations to low vibrations, when something small event like a rock or moving around the small motor create enough rumble for small vibrations and the big one is for bigger vibrations

level 1

Umm different green shade , interesting.

level 1

You should see what under the case of Elite Series 2, that is the true art.

level 1

Different amount of weights on the left side rumble motors is interesting

level 2

It's how they get different intensities of rumble.

level 1

Thats a cool pic. Maybe you can help me a bit. My son has a xbox one s controller and the LB button has stopped working. I can still hear it click when the button is pressed. It was an expensive custom controller and not even quite a year old. I have contacted the seller asking about warranty, if there is one, twice now with no response. Is it possible to replace the LB button and get it working again?

level 1

They need to be more innovative with the controllers that’s one thing that Sony got right.

level 2

Well, given how people here mock Sony for not having backwards compatibility with their controllers, I assume Xbox fans would revolt if Microsoft did this.

level 1

Can't you find the documentation on the internet? Why make your own with extra hassle?

Is Xbox One controller better than Xbox Series X controller?

The Series X controller is smaller than the Xbox One controller and built to fit an average eight-year-old's hands. Improved handling choices exist throughout the new Series X controllers. The glossy finish on the Xbox One controller's buttons are now matte finishes with a more robust texture.

Does the Xbox series X use the same controller as Xbox One?

You probably already know that the last-gen Xbox Wireless Controller is compatible with the Xbox One as well as the new Series X / S consoles. However, the older controller model lacks a few features that might make the newer one a worthy upgrade for you.

Is it worth getting a series X controller?

Our Verdict. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but the Xbox Series X|S Controller delivers a fantastic ergonomic form factor, excellent tactile button responses, and slickly improves upon an already stellar design.

Is it worth upgrading to Xbox Series X controller?

It's not a dramatic difference, but the smaller size is noticeable. I prefer controllers with smaller handles, as they offer a more secure grip, so I consider this an upgrade. Others with larger hands may prefer the original Xbox One controller's slightly bulkier feel, but it'll come down to personal preference.


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