Will i always test positive for herpes

Over the years, many people with no history of herpes symptoms have called me to begin counseling or group therapy after receiving a herpes diagnosis from a blood test screening alone. It is true that you can have herpes and not be aware of symptoms. However, if someone tells me they have never recognized any symptoms, I think it’s worth exploring a little further to make sure the diagnosis is accurate. I suggest that they obtain a copy of their results and look at whether they had an IgG or IgM based test (the CDC says IgM based tests should not be used to diagnose herpes). Once they confirm that it was an IgG based test, I ask them to look for the index value of their result. About 50% of people who test positive for HSV-2 on an IgG based test with an index value between 1.1 and 3.5 do not have herpes (the lower the value, the higher chance of a false positive, the higher the value the more likely it’s an accurate result). The CDC recommends that anyone who tests positive on an IgG based test with an index value that falls between a 1.1 and 3.0 should get confirmatory testing (experts say the Western Blot is the best confirmatory test). Research shows that there can even be false positives above this range in some people.

(**A positive swab test of a lesion in someone with symptoms can be a confirmation. Blood tests are helpful when a swab test can’t be obtained or to help sort out other matters.)

Getting Help with Confirmatory Testing

I've found that an important part of mental health for patients with herpes is to feel a sense of understanding and agency around their diagnosis and test results and to learn information that can help them make a decision about whether they want to pursue confirmatory testing or not. I often refer patients with low positive results to consult with a medical expert if they have additional questions. The healthcare provider I trust the most with these types of questions is Terri Warren, NP, who has been an excellent resource for many of my patients. There may be other healthcare providers who can navigate appropriate confirmatory testing, but many providers have not learned how to do this. If you are questioning your diagnosis and want to learn more about confirmatory testing, you can do so here. If you need help coping with the diagnosis or with awaiting results, therapy or a support group can often help.

A Little Something About HSV-1

HSV-1 can also have low index values that are false positive. If there is no history of symptoms and it is a true positive, it is impossible to know if an HSV-1 infection is oral or genital (unless the individual has never had contact that could expose the genital area). More than 50% of adults in the U.S. will test positive for HSV-1.

Take that number in…

Most HSV-1 infections are oral and plenty of people don’t recall ever having a cold sore or symptoms that would explain their HSV-1 diagnosis. That said, there are also many people who contract it genitally, often from someone who has the infection orally and performs oral sex (with or without active symptoms).

Coping with Results

Finding out your result is not a false positive or simply having to wait for confirmation of a result can be really difficult. If your result is a true positive, please know that you are not alone! I know this is not something you probably ever thought you would have to deal with. It can take time to adjust, but you absolutely can still date, have sex, have relationships, and feel good about yourself again. You may not be able to imagine it right now, but it’s true. I hope the resources in this blog can help guide you. Read other posts about herpes here.

In-Person Counseling in New York

If you are in New York and would like in-person counseling or to participate in my therapy group for women diagnosed with herpes, please reach out. I’m happy to speak with you about whether counseling or the group would be a good fit.

**This information is not intended to replace medical advice or psychotherapy and is not intended to address all the caveats of a diagnosis. I am not a medical provider and simply provide this information as a resource for learning.

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About Melissa King

I am a licensed mental health counselor in New York City with a psychotherapy office in the neighborhood of Murray Hill in Manhattan. Find out more about me here. I'd love to hear from you. Email me if there's a topic you'd like to read about here.

**Information on this site is not intended to replace medical advice and does not constitute a psychotherapeutic relationship with the reader.

Herpes is a lifelong infection, but Lauren had it only for six tumultuous months. Or rather, she believed she did, after a request for sexually transmitted disease testing returned a positive result. But after weeks of Googling, chatting with members of online herpes forums, and reading scientific papers, she asked for a different test, which eventually confirmed her suspicion — her herpes diagnosis was wrong.

In the six months that passed between the tests, the mistake led her to keep a romance at bay and left her anxiously patrolling her health.“Every tingle I would get in my leg or any kind of itch down there would just set me off,” sending her into a new flurry of research, she said. “And that was just to try to calm my own anxiety, but it would only really make it worse.”

Genital herpes, predominantly caused by herpes simplex virus type 2, is a sexually transmitted disease that’s very common — 1 in 6 people aged 14 to 49 in the United States have HSV-2, and this number goes up with age. Most of these people, however, don’t have obvious symptoms and wouldn’t know they were carriers without blood tests.


But blood tests can be highly unreliable. The kind of test used to diagnose Lauren, an IgM test, has long been rejected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention but is still used by some clinicians. Meanwhile, the CDC and the US Preventive Services Task Force concur that the most widely available herpes test, called HerpeSelect, should not be used to screen asymptomatic people because of its high risk of false positives: Up to 1 in 2 positive tests could be false, according to the USPSTF’s most recent guidelines.

That high failure rate isn’t, however, always communicated to patients. Online forums abound with stories like Lauren’s, of people who request herpes tests alongside those of other STDs and are shellshocked by the results. Some doctors discourage the testing or simply don’t include it in a standard STD panel without having the conversation. But no data exists on herpes screening rates, according to Kimberly Workowski, lead author of the CDC’s STD treatment guidelines — so it’s difficult to say how many people could be living with the misdiagnosis.

A micrograph of herpes simplex virus in a Tzanck test specimen. CDC

Testing pitfalls

Next to the meandering waterways connecting Puget Sound to Seattle’s Lake Washington is the only laboratory in the world that offers to the public the Western blot, the gold standard test for herpes. The University of Washington Clinical Virology Laboratory provides the test to patients across the country, a practice it began over a decade ago when it realized the more common tests were prone to false positives.


The problem, said Christine Johnston, a physician and researcher at the lab, is “low-positive” results of antibodies to HSV-2. The cutoff for a positive result on the HerpeSelect test, manufactured by Quest Diagnostics, is 1.1. A 2005 study published in the journal BioMed Central Infectious Disease found that index values above 3.5 yielded over 90 percent accuracy — but scores between 1.1 and 3.5 had around a 50 percent chance of being wrong.

What’s more, scores falling just above the 1.1 cutoff had an almost 90 percent chance of being wrong.

When tests fall between 1.1 and 3.5, more testing is necessary, said Johnston. This recommendation is also noted in the 2015 CDC Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines. But some patients will never be referred for a second test.

“I think most clinicians are unaware and perhaps labs don’t have this available and/or it is not straightforward to order,” Johnston said of second-step tests.

But while her facility’s Western blot is considered highly accurate, it is expensive and cumbersome to perform. Each test costs over $200 and the University of Washington is the only lab that provides it.

Other confirmatory tests also exist, for instance Biokit’s HSV-2 Rapid Test and Quest’s own HSV-2 IgG Inhibition assay. The latter, which adds only $4 to the price of the HerpeSelect test, performed well in a study conducted over a decade ago. Rick Pesano, the medical director for infectious disease at Quest, believes that with more awareness, the test could stand in for the Western blot. But the test was not mentioned in the USPSTF guidelines because it still has not been evaluated in asymptomatic individuals, according to Cindy Feltner, associate director of the RTI-UNC Evidence-based Practice Center, who helped prepare the science review for USPSTF.

“We need better diagnostic testing. That is where we are stuck at this point,” said Johnston. “We don’t have a good test that’s inexpensive, high throughput, and reliable.”

Finding out the hard way

No good data exist on how often patients with questionable positive results are actually re-tested. Until the 2015 update, CDC herpes testing guidelines had no mention of confirmatory testing for low-positive results, said Johnston. So patients often discovered the option not through their doctors, but through searching the web and reading online herpes forums.

That was the experience of Bryan, a 40-year-old man who lives in Indiana, who wrongly believed he had herpes for about two months in 2011. The misunderstanding actually put him at higher risk, he said: During those months he considered joining the hundreds of thousands of Americans on dating sites for herpes-positive people. Exclusively dating people with herpes would have increased his likelihood of contracting the virus.

The experience of YT, a 33-year-old mom who has suffered from frequent herpes symptoms over the last year, shows another side of the testing breakdown. She believes she was given HSV by a partner who didn’t realize herpes wasn’t included in his previous STD tests, she told STAT. Having herpes has caused her significant emotional trauma, and has driven her to permanently swear off dating. Had her partner known his true status, she wonders if her story would have been different.

These kinds of stories come out in anguished postings on internet forums and in dozens of confused calls to the UW lab each week, where research coordinator Matt Seymour says some desperate patients call over and over again, unable to get the answers they need from their doctors.

“People call and say, ‘I just don’t know what’s going on,’” he said. “We’ve almost become de facto counselors.”

Transmission electron microscope scan of cytomegalovirus particles. CDC

In the absence of answers

Herpes tests aren’t the only ones with a risk of false positive results. False positives can occur for any test that diagnoses viral infection based on antibodies, i.e., your body’s immune reaction, rather than direct detection of the virus. For similar diagnostics like HIV and hepatitis C testing, protocols automatically call for a second test that directly detects the virus whenever an antibody test comes back positive, said Paul Swenson, laboratory director in the department of public health of King County, Washington. Herpes, however, is a particularly challenging infection to directly test for, because the virus spends most of its time hiding in nerves. Swab tests can sometimes detect the virus during outbreaks, but this isn’t an option for people without symptoms. Thus even the Western blot relies on antibodies, and may give indeterminate results to a small number of people.

But two steps of antibody testing are still more reliable than one step; today’s diagnostics for Lyme disease and syphilis are a two-step antibody testing approach, said Dr. Edward Hook, a medical epidemiologist specializing in STI screening and prevention at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, who questioned why such a standardized two-step approach hasn’t taken firm hold for herpes.

“Some research has shown that two-step testing … might improve the specificity — that is avoid false positive results for the blood test — which would be a great thing because these diagnoses create great anxiety and concern for people,” he said. In a commentary accompanying the USPSTF guidelines, Hook expressed disappointment that herpes testing had barely improved over the past decade.

“There is no perfect test but there are ways to reduce the inaccuracies and reduce the number of equivocal results and those are actively used in other diseases,” he said in an interview with STAT. “But they haven’t been used very aggressively for the purpose of herpes.”

In the absence of sure-fire test advances, education and a lessening stigma surrounding herpes might help, not only by reducing test-related confusion, but potentially by bringing discussion of the virus out into the mainstream, said Hook.

“There’s no major herpes advocacy group,” he said. “People call attention to diseases that they suffer from, but people with herpes don’t feel they can call attention to it. And that creates a lot of suffering.”

Can herpes antibodies disappear?

Can herpes antibodies go away? Once a person has herpes, IgG bodies will stay in the body for life. Some people have very few outbreaks throughout their life. They may have fewer antibodies than people who have regular outbreaks.

What are the chances of testing positive for herpes?

A Little Something About HSV-1 More than 50% of adults in the U.S. will test positive for HSV-1. Most HSV-1 infections are oral and plenty of people don't recall ever having a cold sore or symptoms that would explain their HSV-1 diagnosis.

How unreliable are herpes tests?

HSV-2 isn't included in the standard panel of tests for sexually transmitted infections. The widely available tests for herpes are famously inaccurate and can give false positives up to 50%. In some cases they can fail to detect the virus at all.

How long does HSV IgG stay positive?

The time required for the development of IgG antibodies following HSV infection varies from 21 to over 42 days with most individuals having detectable IgG 21–28 days after exposure to the infection and probably lasting for life.7–,9 IgM antibodies are usually detectable 9–10 days after exposure and last 7–14 days, ...


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