Why is my sons tooth growing behind baby tooth

What's more exciting than seeing your child grow their first baby tooth? When your child gets their first loose tooth! It is finally time for your child to get a visit from the tooth fairy. But you also notice that the new tooth is growing behind their baby tooth. Many parents come ask us - "is this something we need to worry about?" The great news is, this is extremely common! We call this "Shark Teeth." Shark teeth is when the new adult teeth grow in a row behind the existing baby teeth, creating two rows of teeth, similar to sharks!

Why is my sons tooth growing behind baby tooth

Most of the time, we don't have to worry about shark teeth. Once the baby tooth falls out, the new adult tooth will drift into the space, even though it has grown in behind the other tooth. The normal movement and pressure from your child's tongue will also allow the tooth to be pushed into place - your child doesn't have to actively push on the tooth with their tongue!

Why is my sons tooth growing behind baby tooth

When might we worry? If you notice that your child's new adult teeth have now grown taller than your child's baby teeth, and you also notice that the baby teeth are not loose, this is a great to talk to your child's dentist. Your dentist will be able to evaluate your child to determine if there is anything that needs to be done in order for your child's teeth to grow in properly.

When in doubt, never hesitate to ask your dentist! They are your experts on oral health and always want to make sure that you and your family are well taken care of.

Permanent teeth coming in behind baby teeth are not an emergency!

Many parents become alarmed when they look in their child’s mouth and see the permanent teeth growing behind the baby teeth.

Ordinarily, as the permanent teeth push up, the roots of the baby teeth dissolve and the baby tooth eventually falls out, allowing the permanent teeth to come in.  Sometimes, the baby teeth don’t want to leave the mouth, and the permanent teeth come in right behind them.

Do not panic, encourage your child to work on wiggle the tooth out, you will need to check on how loose the baby tooth is. If the tooth is onlylittle bit loose or not loose at all consult your dentist to determine if the tooth will need to be extract.

This may wait until your next 6 month check-up, if you become too concerned then please call and make an appointment with your dentist to determine your treatment plan.

After the baby tooth is out, your child’s tongue will naturally push the permanent tooth forward to the correct position.

In some children who have moderate to severe crowding, may not have room for the permanent tooth even with the baby tooth out, in this case an orthodontic consultation would be appropriate.

Why is my sons tooth growing behind baby tooth

If your child has a tooth growing in behind another tooth, don’t panic. It’s a relatively common occurrence in children, and although it can look scary, it’s easy to treat and there are not usually ongoing problems.

Most children will start to lose their baby teeth and get permanent teeth between the ages of five and seven. When a permanent tooth erupts directly underneath a baby tooth, it resorbs the root of the baby tooth, causing it to become loose and fall out so that the permanent tooth can take its place. Sometimes, however, a permanent tooth will not grow in directly underneath the baby tooth, and the root of the baby tooth will remain intact and it will not get “pushed out”. When that occurs, the permanent tooth will usually start to come in right behind the baby tooth, giving a child a “shark tooth” appearance. The most common place for this to occur is the lower and upper front teeth, but it can happen anywhere.If your child has a tooth behind a tooth, you need to check how loose the baby tooth is. If it’s very loose, encourage your child to work on wiggling the tooth out. If he or she can get it out on their own, that’s always best. If the tooth is only a little bit loose or not loose at all, he or she will probably have to come to our office to get the tooth extracted. Once the baby tooth is out, your child’s tongue will naturally push the permanent tooth forward into the correct position. Children who have moderate to severe crowding may not have room for the permanent tooth even after the baby tooth is out, and an orthodontic consultation would be appropriate.

If your child’s “tooth behind a tooth” involves the lower or upper front teeth, there is a good chance it will happen with the other front tooth right next to it. For that reason, it may be best to wait until both teeth have started to erupt before bringing your child in so that they don’t have to go through the extraction process more than once.

If you’d like to call our office to discuss your child’s situation, we would be happy to help you decide what the best course of action is.

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Why do some teeth grow behind teeth?

The baby tooth will become loose and will eventually fall out. However, if the baby tooth's roots to not break this will force the permanent tooth to have to move around the baby teeth. Most commonly, this causes the shark tooth phenomenon where the permanent teeth grow in behind the baby teeth.

What is it called when a tooth grows behind another?

Extra teeth can form anywhere in your mouth: Mesiodens. These are extra teeth that grow behind your two front teeth (maxillary incisors).

How do you fix shark teeth in children?

What Can Be Done About Shark Teeth? The way you handle shark teeth depends on the baby tooth. If it's even a little loose, have your child try to wiggle it several times a day to further loosen it. In many of these cases, the baby tooth will eventually fall out on its own, and the permanent tooth will move into place.

What causes double teeth?

What causes children to have two sets of teeth? When children have two sets of teeth, it's actually because they have their set of baby teeth and adult teeth simultaneously. This happens when their set of permanent teeth come in through a way that doesn't push the baby teeth out.