Why does terry bradshaw have a black grandchild

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Why does terry bradshaw have a black grandchild

Four-time Super Bowl champ Terry Bradshaw is joined by his wife, Tammy, and three daughters (Rachel, Lacey, Erin) in the E! reality series “The Bradshaw Bunch.” Bradshaw lives on a ranch in Thackerville, Oklahoma.

Why does terry bradshaw have a black grandchild

Terry Bradshaw attempts to line dance with daughters Rachel, Lacey and Erin during an episode of the filmed-in-Thackerville E! reality series “The Bradshaw Bunch.”

Why does terry bradshaw have a black grandchild

Season two of "The Bradshaw Bunch" arrives Oct. 6.

If you feel like keeping score at home, turn on “The Bradshaw Bunch” and track how many times Terry Bradshaw laughs in any given episode of the set-in-Oklahoma reality series.

Enough people (more than two million viewers across all platforms) shared in the laughter to make “The Bradshaw Bunch” the most-watched new series on E! in four years.

One good laugh deserves another. Season two is scheduled to premiere 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 6.

“The Bradshaw Bunch” follows the familial exploits of Bradshaw, who lives with his wife, Tammy, on a 740-acre ranch near the Texas border in Thackerville, Oklahoma. Bradshaw talked about why he lives in Oklahoma in this story that was published when “The Bradshaw Bunch” debuted.

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Bradshaw is a four-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback and a decorated broadcaster, but “The Bradshaw Bunch” reveals he’s also a proud “girl dad” to three daughters — Rachel, Erin and Lacey — who are part of the show.

Lacey is a stepdaughter who, because of her affinity for sports, is described as the son he never had. Lacey has Tulsa ties. She worked at a group home here for two years and she said her daughter, Zurie, was born in Tulsa.

Some of the best moments in “The Bradshaw Bunch” come when Bradshaw interacts with his scene-stealing granddaughter. It’s Zurie’s world. We’re all just living in it.

“Welcome to my life,” Lacey said. “I’m glad everyone else sees that now, too.”

The Bradshaw girls took part in a joint phone interview with the Tulsa World in advance of the season two launch. They don’t live with Dad at Casa Bradshaw. Rachel and Erin have residences a few map dots away in Texas. Lacey splits time between Hawaii and Texas.

Bradshaw hatched a scheme in season one to get Lacey and her husband to relocate from Hawaii to Texas so he could be around them — and grandchildren Zurie, 8, and Jeb, 4 — more often. The scheme included partnering with Lacey’s husband, a chef, on a close-to-home restaurant venture. Is the restaurant thing still a “go”?

“COVID kind of put a damper on all of those plans, so we’re just seeing what happens right now,” Lacey said.

Season one viewers also got to see Bradshaw attempt to play matchmaker for eldest daughter Rachel, who parted company with a boyfriend he didn’t like. Did you know Bradshaw had a side gig as a country singer during his Pittsburgh Steeler days? He charted with a cover of “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” in 1976. Rachel has singer DNA, too. A news release about season two said that, with a little push from Dad, she falls back in love with singing and joins him for a monumental performance at country music’s biggest stage, the Grand Ole Opry.

“That’s such a huge deal, so I was really excited when they asked me to do it and the show got to film it,” Rachel said. “It was really, really exciting.”

Also in season two, Erin and husband Scott explore the idea of having a child. “Pappy” Bradshaw, who wants to add to his roster of grandchildren, can’t resist coaching his daughter and son-in-law through all aspects of life, from how to get pregnant to being first-time parents. Maybe too helpful?

“He definitely tapped into my personal side there a little bit,” Erin said.

What additional storylines will pop up in the show’s sophomore season?

Rachel doesn’t want to spill too much. “But in season two, you really get to know everybody, especially us three girls, individually — even Tammy,” she said. “Everyone opens up so much more and we are more comfortable with the cameras. The kids are a little bit older and they are really cute and fun. It’s just a whole different dynamic, I think, and it’s still such a fun show, but I think it’s going to be even better because you get to know everybody and you see all different dynamics of all of us hanging out.”

Season one was impacted by COVID and the members of the Bradshaw Bunch stayed home more than usual.

“I know last year we were super restricted on what we were able to do,” Erin said. “This year we were able to get a way better glimpse of our personal lives and kind of how we live our day-to-day lives. ... We definitely get to travel more and do a lot more fun stuff.”

Adventures will include competing on Celebrity Family Feud, a vow renewal in Hawaii and a road trip to Bradshaw’s hometown, Shreveport, Louisiana.

When asked about “The Bradshaw Bunch” being a success for E!, Erin talked about how it is different than other reality shows, which sometimes major in drama and fighting. She said “The Bradshaw Bunch” is a lighthearted show that people can watch with their families and get a laugh.

“We were really happy we got to make everybody laugh,” Lacey said. “2020 was rough, so everybody needed laughter, including us.”

The interview ended with a request: Please don’t give the old man a hard time. Replied one of the girls: “That’s our job.”

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All that's important is that Terry is the TV girl dad we all wish we had in real life and his relationship with his granddaughter is super sweet.