Which sentence is written correctly my garden

Presentation on theme: "Oh, No! Run-on Sentences!. Choose the letter of the sentence(s) written correctly. Click the bicycler to see the correct answer. A.The train rides on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oh, No! Run-on Sentences!

2 Choose the letter of the sentence(s) written correctly. Click the bicycler to see the correct answer. A.The train rides on the track and it is so fast and its wheels are so loud. B.The train goes to cities and it goes to small towns it makes many stops. C.Where else does it go? It travels everywhere.

3 Choose the letter of the sentence(s) written correctly. Click the bicycler to see the correct answer. A.Erin sits by a window, and the world rushes by. B.She sees many farms she sees cows she sees horses, and she sees chickens. C.Once she saw a farmer and she waved to him and he waved back and she was happy.

4 Choose the letter of the sentence(s) written correctly. Click the bicycler to see the correct answer. A.My garden is rocky I rake out the rocks. B.Would you like to see it? Do you have time? C.I need to pull the weeds on Saturdays I pull the weeds they grow so fast.

5 Choose the letter of the sentence(s) written correctly. Click the bicycler to see the correct answer. A.Have you ever seen sunflowers they look like giant daisies. B.Sunflower seeds are a source of food for birds and people. C.Sunflower seeds are good to eat and they taste like nuts and you can roast them or eat them raw.

6 Oops! This recipe was printed with run-on sentences. We need your help! Please rewrite it correctly. Recipe Instructions for Mashed Potatoes You first need to clean the potatoes. Then cut the potatoes and put them in boiling water and let them boil until they are tender. Mash the potatoes with a fork. Then add salt and pepper and add butter and add cream. Mix it all together and enjoy!

The answer to your question would be that the sentence that is written correctly is the following one: My garden has green peppers, carrots, and three different kinds of tomatoes.

Which sentence is written correctly the local market?

In the first sentence, the determiner (the) is separated from its noun phrase (local market) so the sentence is not correct.

Which sentence is written correctly my garden has green peppers carrots?

The answer to your question would be that the sentence that is written correctly is the following one: My garden has green peppers, carrots, and three different kinds of tomatoes.

Which sentence is written correctly Kellen? The correct answer is as follows: “Kellen, who graduated with honors, will study microorganisms, sensory neurons, and potential energy.”

Which sentence is written correctly Kellen graduated?

Which sentence is written correctly? Kellen—who graduated with honors, will study microorganisms, sensory neurons, and potential energy. Kellen who graduated with honors—will study microorganisms, sensory neurons, and potential energy.

Which sentence contains a parallel structure?

When you connect two or more clauses or phrases with a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so), use parallel structure. Example Not Parallel: My best friend took me dancing and to a show.

Which is best use of punctuation?

Punctuation fills our writing with silent intonation. We pause, stop, emphasize, or question using a comma, a period, an exclamation point or a question mark. Correct punctuation adds clarity and precision to writing; it allows the writer to stop, pause, or give emphasis to certain parts of the sentence.

Which is the best revision of the sentence the lawyer presented?

Answer: The best revision of the sentence is “The lawyer presented a clear argument to the jury (it was unbelievable how influenced they were by his case) in hope of winning the trial.”

Which sentence contains a nonrestrictive clause that is punctuated correctly?

The correct sentence is – The teacher packed picnic lunches for all the students—which they loved—and ate lunch outside with them at recess. A nonrestrictive clause is a type of adjective clause offering additional detail on a word that already has a specific meaning.

Which is the best use of punctuation Joel and Lisette went to the museum?

Which is the best use of punctuation Joel and Lisette went to the museum to see an exhibit on ancient Egyptian artifacts Sandy a wayward puppy W? Answer Expert Verified The best use of punctuation is shown in “Sandy, a wayward puppy, was taken in and adopted by a loving family”.

Which sentence contains parallel structure Jonah?

The correct answer is A. Jonah has two ultimate goals: becoming a published columnist and writing a book. When a sentence contains parallel structure, that means that the same form of a word is used throughout.

How does the focus of the primary source article Mrs Hossack a murderess differ from the Midnight Assassin excerpt quizlet?

How does the focus of the primary source article “Mrs. Hossack a Murderess” differ from the Midnight Assassin excerpt? … The article focuses on the outcome of the case, but the excerpt does not even mention the verdict.

What is parallelism give 5 examples?

In English grammar, parallelism (also called parallel structure or parallel construction) is the repetition of the same grammatical form in two or more parts of a sentence. Not parallel. Parallel. I like to jog, bake, paint, and watching movies. I like to jog, bake, paint, and watch movies.

What do you use to join two simple sentences to make a compound sentence?

Two independent clauses can also be joined into one compound sentence with a semicolon alone. (Note: You can use a comma between independent clauses only if you also use a coordinating conjunction.) To learn how to form a compound sentence like this, look at these simple sentences.

How do you write a parallel sentence?

The elements in the sentence should be of the same part of speech or grammatical unit. Use only those words together which describe the same word or groups of words and fit together logically. The use of parallelism is important in paired items, such as both…and, either…or, neither… nor, not only… but also.

What is Full Stop example?

The period is also known as a full stop because it signals a speaker or reader that the sentence has come to an end. Examples: The dog is brown. My sister’s name is Lisa.

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