When the lights come on tmbg lyrics

album: "They Might Be Giants (The Pink Album)" (1986)

album: "Lincoln" (1988)

album: "Flood" (1990)

album: "Apollo 18" (1992)

album: "John Henry" (1994)

album: "Factory Showroom" (1996)

live album: "Severe Tire Damage" (1998)

compilation: "Giants Jubilee" (1999)

compilation: "Mightathon" (1999)

album: "Long Tall Weekend" (1999)

album: "Mink Car" (2001)

album: "No!" (2002)

compilation: "They Got Lost" (2002)

album: "The Spine" (2004)

live album: "Venue Songs" (2004)

album: "Here Come The ABCs (Original Songs About The Alphabet)" (2005)

compilation: "Podcast Highlights" (2006)

album: "The Else" (2007)

album: "Here Come The 123s" (2008)

album: "Here Comes Science" (2009)

album: "Join Us" (2011)

album: "Nanobots" (2013)

album: "Glean" (2015)

album: "Why?" (2015)

album: "Phone Power" (2016)

album: "I Like Fun" (2018)

album: "The Escape Team" (2018)

album: "BOOK" (2021)

other songs:

"Chop me up into pieces if it pleases, if it pleases.
And when the chopping is through, every piece will say, 'I love you.'"

It almost reads like it could be a pop-emo lyric, but the way he delivers it is just so heart breaking and I think's one of the most dower lines.

I also think there's a personally very sad line in the demo of Birdhouse in Your Soul, where the lyric says
"I'd like to cover the earth, with a fresh baked yummy dessert. People couldn't live in it, but I think it's worth the money and hurt. Cause I couldn't tolerate all the empty places in the world"
It strikes me with this sort of altruistic narcissism of someone who's so effected by the mere idea of how much sadness and loneliness in the world, they just smother out all life with a seemingly kind gesture, but it's really just so that he can bare the pain. Like putting mankind out of it's misery.

As a fan of deeply disturbed music, I feel like TMBG is underratedly one the most depressing bands.

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