What to take on a plane trip

We travel to destress, renew relationships with friends and family, and experience new cultures and destinations. However, when you travel, you must pack and that is not always as glamorous as traveling. No matter how many times you check your suitcase and run through your list of must-have items, it’s almost impossible not to forget something important. When this happens, you will have to do without or purchase that item when you arrive. To help you avoid this, we have put together a list of the most common travel packing mistakes. Hopefully, after reading and reviewing this list it will help you avoid these common packing mistakes and make the most out of your trip. Let’s begin! Roll Your Clothes Instead of Folding Them Rolling your clothes instead of folding them is one of the golden rules of saving space in your suitcase. Not only does this allow you to pack more clothes, but it can also help prevent wrinkles if you do it right. Trying using rubber bands to keep all your clothes in place and make everything more organized. Remember to Properly Pack Your Toiletries If you do not pack your toiletries correctly, they may leak and ruin everything. Whenever you carry hair gel, shampoo, mouthwash, etc., make sure you keep them separate from your clothes or other items that can be ruined by liquids. Also, when thinking about toiletries, remember to pack your toothpaste. It may not be a high-priority item, but it is something that many travelers forget to pack it. Many hotels will give you a travel-sized tube for free, but if you have a favorite brand or need toothpaste for sensitive teeth, you may have trouble finding your brand. Not Creating a Packing List Do you create a travel list? This list can become extremely helpful when it comes to not forgetting some important items. Whether you’re an experienced or novice traveler, you can always forget something important. Make sure you pack your sunglasses and sunscreen. Sunscreen can protect your skin, but it can’t protect your eyes, so make sure you pack your sunglasses. Remember, even when visiting winter destinations, the sun can reflect off the snow and be even brighter than in the summer. No matter where you go, you will carry your cellphone. When you travel, cellphones are essential, as they allow you to google the best restaurants, get directions to your next destination, call your family back home, convert money and numerous other things. Make sure your smartphone and other electronics are fully charged. Pack a portable power bank and an adaptor especially when traveling to foreign destinations to make sure you can keep your devices charged. Bringing Too Many Shoes Shoes take up a lot of space in your luggage and that is why you should not travel with too many pairs of shoes. I suggest bringing only three pairs of shoes. Make sure one of those pairs is a good pair of walking shoes. These shoes should be your favorite and the ones you plan to wear every day. Pack a pair that you can wear in the evening for dinner and that go well with your everyday clothes. Pack a dressier pair, such as sandals or high heels, for special occasions. And if you do not have plans for a fancy event, you can leave the dressy shoes home. Not Checking the Weather Forecast of the Destination Your trip can be a lot more difficult if you are not prepared for the weather. This can lead to a major travel packing mistake. If you’re traveling to a tropical island like Jamaica, you can expect the weather to be warm, but the islands do have rainy seasons. So, make sure you check the weather so that you will be prepared for all types of weather. Pack an umbrella, a rainhat and a foldable rain poncho. Share Your Suitcase with Your Mate This is thinking out of the box but when you’re traveling as a couple, you will most likely have your own suitcase. However, there’s always a small chance that one of your suitcases will get lost or misplaced and you may have to wait a couple of days for the airline to find the suitcase and return it to you. If you pack separately, and divide your items into two separate bags, you’ll be prepared for the worse and won’t lose any time when you arrive at your destination. Packing to Many Beauty Products but Forget the Essentials You may not want to interrupt your hair and skincare routine while traveling, but this may lead you to pack an overabundance of beauty products and forget the essentials like sunscreen. There’s nothing like coming back from a vacation with bronzed skin that tells everyone you have been away. However, it’s also important to make sure you take care of your skin to prevent wrinkles, sunspots, and even melanoma down the line. As you pack your suitcase, make sure you don’t forget your sunscreen. You should opt for a natural sunscreen that uses minerals to maintain healthy skin and is eco-friendly. Not Packing a First Aid Kit You never know when accidents are going to happen. You could trip and cut your foot, twist your ankle, or just fall and end up with a cut on your leg. Whether it is a minor or major cut, it is good to travel with a first aid kit you can easily get to so that you can stop the bleeding and disinfect any cuts, scrapes, or bruises. Not Having a Planned Itinerary Having a planned itinerary will help with your packing. If you know your schedule and what you are going to do that day this will help you prepare and decide what you need to pack. Forgetting to Bring a Laundry Bag When you return home, your suitcase will probably be filled with dirty clothes, and no one wants their dirty clothes mixed up with their clean clothes. Traveling with a laundry bag is a common travel packing mistake and a mistake that a lot of travelers make. Not Respecting the 3oz/100 rule When talking about making travel packing mistakes, do not forget TSA regulations. I am still surprised that many people still try to carry large bottles of shampoo, toothpaste, hair spray, and liquids in packages that exceed the regulations. Always adhere to the 3oz/100 rule because your items will be discarded if you do not. Forgetting About Local Culture When packing, it’s important to become familiar with the local culture and the way people dress in the destination. Being aware of the local culture will make your trip run smoother and help you pack the right clothes. Don’t wear flashing clothing in a country that has a more conservative culture. It you are going to tour temples, mosques, or other holy sites most of them have a strict dress code that must be respected. If you do not adhere to the customs, you will be denied entry. Knowing the protocols ahead of time will help you make good decisions when packing. Taking Too Many Books If you love to read, I am sure that you travel with books, but taking more than one or two books on a short trip is completely unnecessary. First, you’ll probably do a lot of exploring and won’t have a lot of time to read. Also, there are so many audio books that you may be able to leave your books at home. Not Using Packing Cubes Packing cubes are amazing for traveling. You can use one for your shirts, one for your pants, one for your accessories, etc. Additionally, you can use them even when you’re not traveling if you want to store your off-season clothes and keep them under your bed or in a separate closet. Not Using Compression Bags Compression bags are like packing cubes and their purpose is to help you store your clothes in a small zip-lock bag that can be sealed and rolled out until all the air comes out. By using these bags your clothes take up less space than if you just folded them. Unbelievably, you can get up to 50% more space in your suitcase. But be careful of the weight of your bag. If you have space, you may pack more clothes and your suitcase may be overweight. Forgetting to Bring a Day Backpack If your travel involves day tours, make sure you bring a small bag where you can carry your money, map, compass, camera, extra clothes you need for the excursion, water, or anything you may need for the day. The size of your day bag depends on your style and your needs but personally, I always say, the lighter, the better. Especially if your day trip includes a lot of movement. Forgetting to Pack Your Electronics and Accessories This includes cameras and don’t forget the chargers, batteries, and memory cards for everything. You may or may not be able to buy these extras in your destination. If you’re going to a country where plug adapters are needed, make sure you have the correct ones. Packing Your Valuables in Your Checked Bag Suitcases and backpacks do get lost or stolen so never pack expensive and valuable items, such as laptops, iPads, pricey earrings, or necklaces, in your checked bag. Airports and other public locations, such as subways, shopping malls, movie theaters, etc., attract pick pocketers. Do not pack anything of value in your suitcase unless you absolutely must. If you must pack them wrap them carefully and put them in less visible places. You should also carry your ID, wallet, house keys, medications, valuables, camera, phone, laptop, tablet, pen, cash and cards, glasses, and copy of your itinerary in your carryon. Traveling With Heavy or Hard to Use Suitcases and Bags No one wants to struggle with super heavy and almost immovable suitcases. This can you hurt your back and cause frustration for the other passengers as you try to drag your heavy suitcase along the carpeted floor at some airports or hotels. It is also very annoying when you hear the rattling sound of bags and suitcases as they are being pulled through the airport. Avoid this by using a lightweight and easy-to-maneuver suitcase. Not Selecting the Right Fabric for Your Clothes It is common to not consider the fabric of your clothes while packing. This is commonly neglected when preparing for a vacation. Selecting the right fabric will make the difference between your looking neat, polished, and fresh opposed to looking downright sloppy. Your clothes may be super fashionable, and charming, but if the fabric selection is wrong you won’t look your best. If you want to always look your best always pack wool, knit and cashmere for cooler climates and save silk, cotton, and rayon for the warmer locations. Waiting for the Last Minute to Pack If you wait for the last minute to get ready for your trip you will forget basic travel essentials, like your toothbrush and underwear. You will probably be stressed out at that time and will not make the best packing decisions. Why not open your closet at least a week before and mull other things that you want to bring? You can also keep your suitcase open and throw in items during the week that you want to pack. Not Leaving Space for Gifts and Souvenirs This is not mandatory but we all like to bring home gifts and souvenirs from our vacations. We all like to remember the exotic places that we have visited. Make sure when you do your packing to leave some room to bring home these cherished items. Throwing Out Your Packing List Keeping your packing list is a great to make sure that you packed everything you need. It is also a great way to remind yourself to double check everything you may need for the trip. Make sure you put items on your list like your passport, visa, calculator, adaptor, travel documents, etc. Not Packing Snacks Not packing snacks in your carryon is a big mistake. I always like to pack some protein snacks or nuts in my carryon. You may get hungry while waiting to board the plane or just sitting for hours in the airport. Also, food and water in the airport is expensive. You can also travel with an empty water bottle to fill up your bottle at the airport water stations. Forgetting About Items for COVID-19 Safety We all know that the pandemic has significantly changed the way we travel. Sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizers are always a good idea to have on hand at the airport and have become absolute carry-on musts. Check that you have your vaccine passport or negative Covid-19 test results handy. Many destinations and airlines require one of these forms of proof to proceed. Bring along a laminated copy of your vaccine card for extra insurance. Final Thoughts By taking the time to plan your packing list thoroughly, you’ll help set the tone for a great time at your destination. Not being prepared can cause stress and can make the difference between having an amazing experience and a so-so experience. Nothing messes up your trip more than being unprepared. Have you made any travel packing mistakes? Did you find yourself doing some of the things on our list during your trips? Let us know in the comments. If you are ready to put some of these tips to use, contact us today at 301-989-1654 or visit our website Colesville Travel for a trip of your dreams. Until then, stay inspired. Cindy

What are you not allowed to bring on a plane?

Firearms, ammunition, and fireworks are prohibited, as are all knives and safety razors (including pocket knives and Swiss Army knives). Straight razors and replacement blades for straight razors are also not allowed. Most tools also cannot be packed in carry-on luggage, as they have the potential to cause harm.

What should I pack for a plane trip?

Here are 17 items I'd never travel without..
A comfortable hoodie. A hoodie can keep you warm if your airplane is uncomfortably cool. ... .
An eye mask. ... .
Portable charger. ... .
A laptop. ... .
Earbuds or noise-cancelling headphones. ... .
Pain relievers and decongestants. ... .
Hand sanitizer. ... .
Plastic baggies..

What is allowed in a carry

You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes in your carry-on bag and through the checkpoint. These are limited to travel-sized containers that are 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item.

What do I need to get on a plane in 2022?

You must present an acceptable ID, such as a valid passport, state-issued enhanced driver's license or U.S. military ID, to fly within the U.S. You will not be allowed to fly if your identity cannot be verified. Review the complete list of acceptable identification.


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