What to do when blood pressure is low during pregnancy

It's not uncommon to have a drop in blood pressure during pregnancy. Many women don't realize that pregnancy can have an effect on blood pressure. It occurs because the circulation expands during pregnancy and hormonal changes cause the blood vessels to dilate, leading to a lowering of blood pressure. The blood pressure begins to fall in early pregnancy and is usually at its lowest sometime in the middle of the second trimester. For many clinicians, low blood pressure is defined by the blood pressure that gives a person the symptoms described below and not by a standard measurement.

Not surprisingly, women may experience symptoms of low blood pressure during pregnancy. These symptoms are similar to symptoms that anyone with low blood pressure might feel. Most commonly, symptoms of low blood pressure in pregnancy include dizziness and even fainting. The lightheadedness can be worse when standing up suddenly or rising from a reclining position.

What to do when blood pressure is low during pregnancy


Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension): Symptoms, Signs, Causes See Slideshow

The normal drop in blood pressure that occurs with pregnancy typically does not cause the symptoms of severe hypotension that occur with shock. In patients with sepsis or profound blood loss, a severe drop in blood pressure can result in organ damage such as stroke, kidney failure, and heart attack.

The extent to which blood pressure drops is variable, but in most pregnant women, the systolic pressure drops by 5 to 10 mmHg. The diastolic pressure can drop up to 15 mmHg in a normal pregnancy. These lowered pressures usually last during the pregnancy and return to original levels afterward.

Health News

Pregnant women who are experiencing dizziness due to low blood pressure can take steps to minimize the symptoms and promote safety, such as the following:

  • Sitting or lying down if they feel faint, to avoid falls
  • Avoiding standing up too fast from a seated or lying position
  • Lying on the left side, to increase blood flow to the heart

Of course, it's important to see one's health care professional if dizziness worsens or is associated with other troubling symptoms. A woman should access emergency care if she experiences dizziness or "fainting" with serious symptoms like bleeding, severe headache, vision changes or blurring, chest pain, shortness of breath, and weakness or numbness, particularly on one side of the body.


"Pregnancy and Dizziness." American Pregnancy Association. March 2007.

Cunha, John P. and Jay W. Marks. "Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension)." MedicineNet. 4 Oct. 2010.

What to do when blood pressure is low during pregnancy

Hypotension or low blood pressure is often a commonly occurring phenomenon in pregnant women, however, it becomes a cause for concern only when it fluctuates unnaturally. Typically, you do not need a structured treatment for low blood pressure but in certain scenarios, very low BP can be devastating for the baby and mommy both!

How pregnancy affects blood pressure

Your body goes through different changes during pregnancy. These changes can have a serious effect on your blood pressure. Due to an expansion in the circulatory system in your body, the blood pressure drops which is often considered normal. It’s natural to notice a drop in your BP specifically during the initial 24 weeks of pregnancy.

What is LOW blood pressure during pregnancy?

A normal blood pressure reading, according to the standard guidelines is 120 mm Hg systolic (top number) and 80 mm Hg diastolic (bottom number). It is typically determined that your BP is low when the numbers are 90/60 or less. This is often a red flag for pregnant women and seeking medical advice becomes of utmost importance. If your BP drops to 90/60 or less – contact your physician.

The hazards of low blood pressure during pregnancy

If your blood pressure is on the lower end during pregnancy, it typically isn’t a cause for concern. However, if your body is reacting through symptoms such as dizziness or episodes of fainting, it may be hinting at a more serious (even life-threatening) problem. Severely low blood pressure during pregnancy may result in falls (causing serious harm to the baby), organ failure, and shock. Low blood pressure is also a hint at ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a fertilised egg implants outside the uterus.

Symptoms of low blood pressure

  • Blurred vision and lightheadedness
  • Chest pains, breathing problems, increased pulse rate, and vomiting
  • Recurring episodes of fainting and extreme dizziness
  • Extreme thirst
  • Difficulty in focusing
  • Pale or clammy skin
  • Shallow or rapid breathing

Diagnosis and treatment of low blood pressure during pregnancy

If you have low BP, your doctor can easily diagnose it with the help of a machine, or you can purchase one for self check-ups at home! If the problem persists, your doctor may advise further tests to rule out serious medical conditions.

What to do when blood pressure is low during pregnancy

How to handle low blood pressure during pregnancy?

There’s no specific treatment for low BP, however, these self-care tips will go a long way in ensuring your safety:

  • Relax! Take the time you need to wake up in the morning before starting your day. An ideal situation would be drinking a cup of warm tea in bed.
  • Avoid standing up too fast when you’re sitting or lying down.
  • A well-balanced diet is super important when you’re pregnant. Make sure you consume small meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid bathing with extremely hot water.
  • Increase your fluid intake by a lot. This also helps treat symptoms of morning sickness and vomiting. Seriously, double or even triple how much water/juice you drink every day.
  • Wear loose clothes during the entire pregnancy.
  • Drink salt and lemon water immediately if you feel like there’s a drop in your blood pressure.

You do not need to overthink about the whole phenomenon. Low blood pressure during pregnancy is very common. Only when you feel like there are symptoms manifesting, seek medical advice.

Let me know if you guys know of any other natural tips to deal with low blood pressure in the comments below!