What to do if you have salmonella

Salmonella is a kind of bacteria, with many different types. The type responsible for most infections in humans is carried by chickens, cows, pigs, and reptiles (such as turtles, lizards, and iguanas). Another, rarer form — called Salmonella typhi — causes typhoid fever.

What Is Salmonella Infection?

Salmonella infection, or salmonellosis, is a foodborne illness caused by infection with Salmonella bacteria. Most infections spread to people through contaminated food (usually meat, poultry, eggs, or milk).

What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Salmonella Infection?

A Salmonella infection typically causes:

Because many different kinds of illnesses can cause these symptoms, most doctors will take a stool sample to make an accurate diagnosis.

Salmonella infections usually clear up without medical treatment.

How Do People Get Salmonella Infections?

Salmonella bacteria are often found in the feces (poop) of some animals, particularly reptiles. People who have these animals as pets can get salmonellosis if they handle the reptiles and get the bacteria on their hands.

Salmonella can spread to people in foods contaminated by infected animal feces. This can happen when foods such as poultry, eggs, and beef are not cooked enough. Fruit and vegetables can also be contaminated from feces in the soil or water where they're grown.

Are Salmonella Infections Contagious?

Yes. People with salmonellosis can spread the infection from several days to several weeks after they've been infected — even if their symptoms have disappeared or they've been treated with antibiotics.

Who Is at Risk for Salmonella Infections?

Not everyone who ingests Salmonella bacteria will become ill. Children, especially infants, are most likely to get sick from it. About 50,000 cases of salmonellosis are reported in the United States each year and about one third of those are in kids 4 years old or younger.

People at risk for more serious complications from a Salmonella infection include those who:

  • are very young, especially babies
  • have problems with their immune systems (such as people with HIV)
  • take cancer-fighting drugs or drugs that affect their immune system
  • have sickle cell disease
  • have an absent or nonfunctioning spleen
  • take chronic stomach acid suppression medicine

In these higher-risk groups, most doctors will treat an infection with antibiotics to prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body. Antibiotics do not appear to help a healthy person whose infection is not severe — and may actually lengthen the amount of time the person will carry the bacteria.


How Are Salmonella Infections Diagnosed?

Because many different illnesses can cause similar symptoms (such as nausea, fever, cramping, and diarrhea), doctors may send a stool (poop) sample to the lab for testing.

A severe Salmonella infection will require more testing to see which specific germ is causing the illness and which antibiotics can be used to treat it.

How Are Salmonella Infections Treated?

If your child has salmonellosis and a healthy immune system, your doctor may let the infection pass without giving any medicines. But any time a child develops a fever, headache, or bloody diarrhea, call the doctor to rule out any other problems.

If your child is infected and has a fever, you may want to give acetaminophen to lower the temperature and relieve cramping. As with any infection that causes diarrhea, it's important to give your child plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration.

How Long Does a Salmonella Infection Last?

Salmonellosis symptoms can take from 6 to 72 hours to start after someone ingests the bacteria. In most people, the illness lasts for 4 to 7 days after symptoms begin.

Can Salmonella Infections Be Prevented?

Hand washing is a powerful way to guard against Salmonella infections. So teach kids to wash their hands well and often, particularly after trips to the bathroom and before handling food.

Treatment for a salmonella infection usually starts with home remedies and over-the-counter medications. You may need prescriptions or medical care as well depending on a number of factors. This includes the severity of the condition, how long it's lasted, and if you’re experiencing dehydration.

As you cope with the symptoms of a salmonella infection, following your treatment plan is key to a prompt, successful recovery.

This article discusses the treatments typically used for salmonella, including home remedies, over-the-counter therapies, and prescriptions.

What to do if you have salmonella
What to do if you have salmonella

 Verywell / Gary Ferster

Home Remedies and Lifestyle

Most people recover from salmonella infection with a combination of rest and maintaining adequate fluid intake. Try to take it easy until your symptoms subside so your body can heal.  


Since salmonella infections can cause vomiting and diarrhea, it’s important to stay hydrated as best you can. If you’re an adult, increase your fluid intake of water, broth, sports drinks, caffeine-free drinks, or unsweetened fruit juices.

With severe nausea, it can be hard to drink beverages. If that's the case for you, try sucking on ice chips throughout the day, which can keep you hydrated.

For children experiencing mild to moderate dehydration, an oral solution like Pedialyte can be useful for restoring fluid, nutrients, and electrolytes.

When you lose more fluid than you consume, dehydration can creep up on you. The signs of dehydration may vary from one person to another and differ based on age.

For adults, the following are signs of dehydration:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Decreased urinary frequency or output
  • Darker than normal urine color
  • Dizziness
  • Episodes of confusion
  • Extreme fatigue

Children may show the signs of dehydration differently. They may have:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dry or sticky tongue
  • An absence of tears when the child cries
  • Sunken cheeks or sunken soft spot on the top of the child’s head
  • Decreased frequency of urination
  • Diapers remaining dry for three hours or more
  • Lethargy
  • Increased irritability or crying more often

Call your healthcare provider if you or a child is displaying signs of dehydration or unable to keep fluids down.


According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), certain foods can worsen salmonella symptoms such as diarrhea.

The foods to avoid include:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Caffeinated beverages
  • Dairy products
  • Fried or greasy foods
  • Sugary drinks
  • Fruits like apples, peaches, or pears
  • Spicy foods
  • Drinks containing artificial sweeteners

When you feel like your stomach is up to handling some food, a mild, bland diet might be your best bet. You might try the BRAT diet, which stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.

Research doesn’t indicate that this diet is better or more helpful than other ones. However, for some people, the BRAT diet can be a non-irritating way to reintroduce food to a delicate digestive tract.

Eat small meals when you can tolerate it, and continue to drink replenishing fluids.

Heating Pads

Sometimes a heating pad can ease abdominal cramping. However, it can be uncomfortable for some people who experience vomiting and diarrhea with salmonella.

If you try it, and it doesn’t help you, stop using it. You won’t recover more quickly by toughing out something that’s uncomfortable for you.

Over-the-Counter Therapies

There are several over-the-counter drugs that may help relieve symptoms of salmonella infection.

Pain Medications

Over-the-counter painkillers, like Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen), may help reduce body aches and pains and lower a fever.


In some cases, antidiarrheal medications, like Imodium (loperamide), might decrease the abdominal discomfort associated with salmonella. But this type of medication has some drawbacks. Antidiarrheals may extend the length of time you experience diarrhea from the infection.


In 2013, a team of microbiologists from the University of California, Irvine looked at a probiotic strain of E. coli bacteria called Nissle 1917. They found that while it was originally used to treat the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, it may soothe gut infections caused by salmonella. However, the study looked at animal models rather than humans.

Researchers are looking at probiotics as a possible treatment for salmonella, but more trials are needed with human subjects.

Probiotic supplements vary widely in quality and the types of bacteria they contain. If you’re interested in the use of probiotics, consult with your healthcare provider to find one that might be right for you.

Prescriptions for Salmonella 

Typically, people recover from salmonella within four to seven days without medical intervention. In uncomplicated cases, antibiotics aren’t recommended.

Your healthcare provider may prescribe a course of antibiotics for you if:

  • Your infection persists.
  • You have a compromised immune system.
  • The infection has entered your bloodstream.

Common oral antibiotics for salmonella for adults include fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin, and azithromycin for children.

However, antibiotic treatment poses some risks, including an increased possibility of a relapse. Also, antibiotics may extend the amount of time you carry the bacteria. This means it can prolong the stage during which you can infect others with salmonella.

If you’re dealing with severe dehydration or have been ill for longer than seven days, you may require hospitalization. At the hospital, you may receive intravenous (IV) fluids or antibiotics.


Most salmonella infections get better on their own with home remedies. That includes getting rest and drinking lots of fluids since vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. You may want to use over-the-counter pain medication for discomfort and fever.

Your healthcare provider might prescribe antibiotics if you have a persistent infection, a compromised immune system, or an infection that entered your bloodstream. Sometimes hospital care is needed for dehydration or severe illness.

A Word From Verywell

While salmonella symptoms can feel miserable, they usually go away on their own within a week. If they don't, or you're feeling worse, call your healthcare provider. They can help determine what treatment is needed to improve your symptoms. If you experience a high fever, blood in your stool, or signs of dehydration, seek emergency care.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you treat salmonella?

    Most people who get salmonella recover without specific treatment. In severe cases, antibiotics may be needed to clear the infection.

    Because salmonella can be severely dehydrating, typical treatment is focused on replacing fluids and electrolytes lost to diarrhea. If dehydration is severe, fluids may be delivered intravenously (into a vein) in a hospital.

  • How do you relieve salmonella diarrhea?

    Antidiarrheal medications like Imodium (loperamide) are effective in relieving cramps and may reduce the severity of diarrhea. However, they can also prolong diarrhea associated with salmonella. Lomotil (diphenoxylate) is contraindicated for use with salmonella infection.

  • Are there home remedies to self-treat salmonella?

    The main goal of self-treatment is to remain well hydrated. Sports drinks, decaffeinated tea, and broth are ideal. If you have nausea or vomiting, sucking on ice chips or sipping water or ginger ale can help.

    Eat bland foods like bananas, oatmeal, egg whites, and saltines. Avoid caffeine and alcohol (both of which can contribute to dehydration and are irritating to the stomach).

  • What happens if you don’t treat salmonella?

    Most cases resolve on their own with rest and hydration. However, severe cases can lead to potentially life-threatening complications (including shock and septicemia) if left untreated.

    How do you get rid of salmonella fast?

    Salmonella usually goes away on its own in a few days. You should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration..
    Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMX)..

    Can you survive salmonella at home?

    Most salmonella infections get better on their own with home remedies. That includes getting rest and drinking lots of fluids since vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. You may want to use over-the-counter pain medication for discomfort and fever.

    How do you treat salmonella at home?

    People with confirmed or suspected Salmonella infection should:.
    Drink plenty of fluids such as water or oral rehydration drinks (available from pharmacies) to avoid dehydration. ... .
    Avoid anti-vomiting or anti-diarrhoeal medications unless prescribed or recommended by a doctor..

    How long are you contagious with salmonella?

    How long is salmonellosis contagious? Salmonellosis symptoms usually last for about 4 to 7 days. A person can still transmit the bacteria for several weeks after symptoms fade, and even several months later.