What is ua wbc in blood test

Leukocyte esterase is a specific leukocyte (white blood cell) protein. The leukocyte esterase test is used to quickly determine whether there is a significant number of leukocytes in the urine. The leukocyte esterase test detects intact or broken leukocytes. Therefore, it might not be possible to confirm the test under a microscope when overly diluted urine (density less than 1.006) causes the leukocytes to burst. Leukocytes are abundant in vaginal secretions, and specimen contamination is frequent.

A positive urine leukocyte esterase test indicates either a low urinary tract (bladder and urethra) infection or specimen contamination. The chances of it being a urinary tract infection over a specimen contamination are greatly increased if the person presents the appropriate symptoms and their nitrite test is also positive. A positive leukocyte esterase test can also be seen in the absence of bacterial infection in the case of chronic interstitial nephritis, as caused by a kidney stone (lithiasis), a tumour of the bladder or urethra, a severe bladder infection (cystitis), other inflammation processes or in the presence of atypical infections (chlamydia, ureaplasma, tuberculosis).

White blood cells in urine is a common indication for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). In this article we investigate why white blood cells in urine occur, their role in our body and how you can test for them with urine testing.

Summary of this article

    • The role of white blood cells in urine is to kill bacteria which may be present
    • Presence of white blood cells in urine may be an indication of a UTI

    • A home urine test can identify white blood cells in urine
    • Treatment should be sought for a suspected UTI

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White blood cells in urine

White blood cells in urine are often a sign of inflammation within the urinary tract infection.  The role of white blood cells in the immune system is to kill bacteria which may be present.

White blood cells in urine are generally present when a person suffers from UTI (urinary tract infection). As we have discussed in another article, the most common cause of UTI is bacteria ascending through the urinary tract (a bacterial infection). White blood cells will also be present in an infection that is not caused by bacteria (abacterial infections and parasitic infections).

The test for white blood cells in urine is a leukocyte test. The reference range for white blood cells (leukocytes) in urine is as follows:

  • Normal 0 to 10 leukocytes/μL
  • Borderline 10 to 20 leukocytes/μL
  • Pathological greater than 20 leukocytes/μL

Detecting white blood cells in urine

White blood cells in urine are diagnosed with a urinalysis for leukocytes. At home and in some clinical settings a common test method is the use of a urine dipstick.

Leukocytes in urine results color scale

A urine dipstick is a piece of plastic or coated paper that contains reagent soaked pads. When the stick is dipped into a urine sample they will undergo a reaction. The content of the urine will determine the reaction.

Once the urine strip has fully reacted the, the color of the pads on the strip are compared to a color scale on the urine test strip’s label. This comparison determines the result.

The result will indicate:

  • Presence; and
  • Concentration


If leukocytes in urine are found this can be an indication of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). To be certain it is recommended at this stage to visit your Doctor to confirm a diagnosis and receive treatment. An untreated UTI can be very painful and with very advanced infections cause permanent damage to the Kidney.

There are many methods advertised on the internet for curing a UTI, and many people have their own preferred method. A Doctor is likely to recommend a course of antibiotics to treat the infection that caused the leukocytes to be there in the first place.

Once the antibiotics take effect the concentration of white blood cells in urine will decrease to a normal level.

There are different classifications of UTI in men depending on which part of the male urinary tract if infected.


  • Leukocytes are white blood cells
  • The role of white blood cells is to kill bacteria which may be present in the urinary tract
  • Presence of white blood cells in urine may be an indication of a UTI.
  • A home urine test will be able to identify the presence and concentration of white blood cells in urine
  • If a UTI is suspected treatment should be sought as an uncontrolled urinary tract infection can have negative health consequences.

Test your knowledge

What does high WBC in UA mean?

White Blood Cells: A high number of white blood cells in the urine indicates inflammation of the kidneys or urinary tract. Like the test for red blood cells, this test can be misread if the sample is contaminated; in this instance, contamination can occur from vaginal secretions, which are high in white blood cells.

Is WBC in urine serious?

Having blood in your urine usually isn't serious. But in some cases, red or white blood cells in your urine may mean that you have a medical condition that needs treatment, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney disease, or liver disease.

What is the normal range of WBC in urine?

WBCs, RBCs, epithelial cells, and, rarely, tumor cells are the cellular elements found in the urinary sediment. The number of WBCs considered normal is typically 2-5 WBCs/hpf or less. A high number of WBCs indicates infection, inflammation, or contamination.

What infections cause high WBC in urine?

Share on Pinterest A high number of leukocytes in the urine may indicate the presence of a urinary tract infection. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common cause of leukocytes in the urine. A UTI can affect any part of the urinary system, including the bladder, urethra, and kidneys.


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