What is the definition of faith according to the bible

Faith Forum: What does “faith” mean?

Does faith mean entrusting our problems to God for solving, and stop worrying as God governs our future?

Does faith mean internal persuasion, obedience, resolution, a set of rules, blind trust, self-surrender/submission, abandonment of reason, something divinely inspired, the soul’s instinct, firm belief without caring for evidence, an emotion, conviction? Is faith a better or more effective path than reason to reach the truth?

Philosophy professor Peter Boghossian reportedly described it as “Pretending to know something you don’t know.” The oldest existing scripture, the Rig-Veda, says, “Faith, establish faith in us.”

We asked our panel of distinguished religious leaders of the region the following question: What does “faith” mean?

Here is what they have to say:


Stephen B. Bond, senior pastor of Summit Christian Church, Sparks

The Bible teaches that “faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). So faith is being certain about realities we believe are true but we cannot see with our physical eyes. God’s Word also says that “without faith it is impossible to please God…” (Hebrews 11:6).

We operate by faith daily. For example, when I turn on a switch I exercise faith that electricity will illuminate the bulb although I never see the electricity.

As a Christian, I have faith that God exists and that he sent Jesus to die for my sins so that I might be forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life. I do not pretend that I know everything about God. But the things I know and believe about God are those that he has chosen to reveal through the Bible.


Kenneth G. Lucey, UNR philosophy/religion professor

In William James’ 1902 book “Varieties of Religious Experience” he asks, “Why are some people’s minds so open to faith and belief, and others locked tight against those ideas?” What is faith anyway? The simplest answer is that faith is a species of belief. Anyone who says he/she has faith in something is just saying he/she believes in that thing. What is it to believe something? No one is really unclear about what it is to have a belief. What is important is how one acquires a belief. Suppose someone has faith that God exists. That is just to say that he/she believes that God exists. Most people believe they have free will. Does that mean that we are free to believe whatever we wish? Certainly not! What we believe is a function of our education and our experiences. For anything one believes, there is a cause of that belief.


Sherif A. Elfass, Northern Nevada Muslim Community president

Faith in Islam is merely based on the unshakable conviction in the Unity of God and His revealed guidance. Muslims believe in one God, all of His messengers without any discrimination, in all His scriptures and books, in His angels, in the Day of Judgment, and in the Divine Preordainment and Divine Decree. Believing Muslims should have strong faith in Allah, His ultimate knowledge and Power. He is Wise, Just and Loving, and whatever He does must have a good reason, although we may fail sometimes to understand it fully. However, faith in Islam does not mean that man should do nothing waiting for Allah’s decree. In contrast, man should think, plan and make sound choices and then put their trust in Allah. Meanwhile, faith by itself is not enough to ensure salvation. It has to be accompanied by good deeds. Believing is a choice, but faith is a blessing.


Charles T. Durante, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno vicar general

The word “faith” is used in many contexts with a variety of meanings, but in the context of religion it connotes a belief in a power higher than ourselves, whom we call God, who is generally also understood as creator. God walks among us in order to invite us into relationship, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church says, “The adequate response to this invitation is faith” (142). Thus faith means to be in relationship with God. As such, it must be free. Real faith comes as an invitation freely given, that cannot be coerced or manipulated, but can only be freely received with the cooperation of human reason. Faith is centered in love for God, so it strives to act as God wills and is, therefore, manifested in more than just words but also in actions. “Faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (James 2:17).


Jikai’ Phil Bryan, Buddhist priest and meditation guide

Buddhism relies on practice. Faith means growing trust and confidence through experience. Buddha famously insisted to the Kalamas that teachings be measured by reason and experience, not accepted on authority. No faith leaps are necessary, only enough interest to begin experimenting with Buddha’s medicine for life’s troubles. As confidence develops through mindfulness practices, trust also grows. Trust blossoms into faith characterized by mental and intellectual firmness. Mindful practices such as meditation, community work, and learning are self-reinforcing through internal rewards. Steadiness produces repeated tastes of inner happiness and peace. Such happy increments keep us on track, nourishing ever-increasing faith. Three trusted refuges gradually develop: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. These three define Buddhist Faith. Buddha means the historical Shakyamuni’s achievement, Awakening. Dharma is the demonstrable path of increasing joy and suffering’s end. Sangha is supportive community discoverable in positive interactions, never solely through authority.


Ryan J. Earl, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints assistant area public affairs director

Faith is a hope for things which are not seen, but are true (Alma 32:21; Hebrews 11:1). The scriptures encourage us to experiment and exercise a particle of faith, even if it is only a desire to believe in a portion of God’s word. If the word, or this seed planted in our heart, is a good seed, and we nurture it appropriately, it will begin to swell and sprout and enlighten our understanding. Through this simple experimental process, we can know if the seed is good, and our faith can be strengthened, even to the point of having knowledge (See Alma 32.)

The first principle of the gospel is faith in Jesus Christ. We have faith in Jesus Christ because of the key role he played in God’s plan for us, as more fully explained in a document entitled, “The Living Christ,” found on lds.org and other websites.


Brian E. Melendez, American Indian spirituality scholar

Faith as it pertains to indigenous understanding is comprised of both logic and reason, formulated from a time when the laws of nature prevailed. Faith originating from natural events — life and death, day and night — have consistently proven certain. When life and death function as pillars of balance, “uncommon” experiences become more noticeable.

The world is very magical and all of our ancestors’ (yours and mine) knew it. The good thing is that people are waking up; becoming less focused on themselves and more involved with nature, community and balance. Have faith in the Moon and the Sun.

Spend less time focusing on the Man. You’ll feel much better about everything... I promise. The only thing as strong as faith is action. So find your flow and live the way you were intended to. Remember, it doesn’t matter what you believe in to strengthen your faith... don’t be lazy.


ElizaBeth W. Beyer, N. Tahoe Hebrew Congregation & Temple Beth Or rabbi

In Hebrew, faith is “emunah,” which is different than the modern definition. “Emunah” is not a “leap of faith,” rather it is to be fastened with security, an assurance, a certainty, along with concepts of loyalty and honesty. There is to be emunah between husband and wife. In a Jewish wedding ceremony, the bride is “betrothed in faithfulness” (Hosea 2:21). There is emunah between G-d and people. This means that we believe, trust in, and rely upon G-d to do what G-d says. G-d takes care of us and “as a man carries his son,” G-d is faithful to support us (Deuteronomy 1:31, Psalm 31:24). Abraham, the first Jew, had emunah (trust in) towards G-d and G-d considered that righteous (Genesis 15:6). It is in this sense that Hebrew uses the word faith. Faith does not mean that we leave our capability of reason behind.


Stephen R. Karcher, St. Anthony Greek Orthodox Church presiding priest

Faith is a strong spiritual weapon. It’s given to everyone because everyone is created in the image and likeness of God. This strong weapon is left unused by many, often remaining hidden inside them until times of trouble. Moreover, a person may not exercise faith because of the way she or he lives. But faith can be awakened, meaning that we can observe it working in the lives of others and become persuaded of its value. Then, imitating the lives of the faithful, I can put it into practice for myself. This is how I can experience something, even if at first I’m just experimenting, because even unbelievers have immortal souls. Faith now begins to become part of my own experience. Now I recognize that I’m a spiritual creature and I start caring for the salvation of my soul. Now I can begin to comprehend the real power of faith.


Justin V. Deverse, Bahá’í teacher

Faith is an ever-active process that involves search, service, and reflection. Unfettered search for truth is a process of discovery that leads to knowledge. Faith is often misunderstood to be in opposition to knowledge; however, a primary virtue of the human temple is the rational intellect, which appears because of the conditions and powers of the soul. Therefore reason is a spiritual attribute, and we can see that Faith arises through its application. Knowledge alone is not enough, so when spiritual and intellectual search produce certitude, it must then be put into action. This results in the transformation of the individual and of the community. Faith put into action naturally gives rise to tests and difficulties, but they enable us to receive divine confirmations, and the opportunity to reflect. Reflection strengthens faith and increases our capacity for service. Therefore Faith can be understood as conscious knowledge expressed in action.


Guest panelist Shelley L. Fisher, Reno Buddhist Center staff priest

Buddhists have faith in the Dharma and the teachings of the Buddha, and try to live a life of peace and harmony in order to help others live a happier life. This “faith” is not blind faith, but considered and reasoned faith through studying the Dharma and engaging in community (the Sangha). By learning and practicing the Dharma we are constantly practicing our faith. Having faith that all beings possess the ability to become enlightened is a core belief. Amida Buddha is Infinite Compassion and Wisdom in the Universe. Many world cycles ago, out of deep compassion, Amida Buddha vowed to aid all sentient beings. If a being from any universe desiring to be born into his state of clear understanding take refuge with a faithful heart will be guaranteed rebirth there. This true entrusting faith in Amida’s Pure Land is our belief and chanting The Name is our core mindfulness practice.

Next week’s topic:

Should we act on inner wisdom or strictly rely on scriptures?

Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue on religion coordinated by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to .

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What is the Bible definition for faith?

SCRIPTURAL DEFINITION Faith is the assurance that the things revealed and promised in the Word are true, even though unseen, and gives the believer a conviction that what he expects in faith, will come to pass.

What is a good definition of faith?

: belief and trust in and loyalty to God. (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion. b(1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof.

What did Jesus mean by faith?

To have faith in Jesus Christ means to trust Him and obey His commandments. Faith is much more than passive belief.