What is a good credit limit for my income

If you have ever used a credit card or tapped into a line of credit, you probably know that you have a credit limit. But what is it exactly? A credit limit is the maximum amount of money a lender will allow you to spend on a credit card or a line of credit. Knowing your maximum, however, does not mean it’s a good idea to reach it. In fact, learning how to manage your limit responsibly now will likely improve how much you can borrow down the road for such things as a home or a car. Here’s what you need to know.

MAS introduced the Credit Limit Management Measure (CLMM) to help borrowers to avoid becoming highly indebted with early intervention.

Under the CLMM, if a borrower has accumulated outstanding unsecured debt (i.e. unpaid, interest-bearing balances) exceeding 6 times their monthly income, a financial institution (FI) will not be allowed to grant them any increase in credit limit or any new unsecured credit facilities that will cause their total credit limit to exceed 12 times their monthly income.

Affected borrowers can continue to draw on their existing credit facilities and will not be required to reduce their existing credit limits.

What Counts as Unsecured Debt

This measure applies to interest-bearing balances of unsecured credit facilities such as credit cards, personal loans and overdrafts.

It does not apply to certain loans, such as:

  • Secured credit facilities such as housing loans and motor vehicle loans.
  • Loans for medical, education or business purposes.

Refer to MAS Notice 635 or the Banking (Credit Card and Charge Card) Regulations 2013 for full details.


The following examples illustrate how the rules are applied:

Example 1

Mrs Wong earns S$4,000 a month, and her current total credit limit is S$48,000, or 12 times her monthly income. She owes S$8,000 outstanding unsecured debt.

Since her debt is less than 6 times her monthly income, Mrs Wong can apply for more credit.

Example 2

Mr Hafiz earns S$4,000 a month, and his current total credit limit is S$40,000, or 10 times his monthly income. He owes $26,000 in outstanding unsecured debt.

As Mr Hafiz's outstanding debt is more than 6 times his monthly income, he can apply for additional unsecured credit of up to $8,000 (2 times his monthly income).

Example 3

Mr Lim earns S$4,000 a month, and his current total credit limit is S$52,000, or 13 times his monthly income. He owes S$40,000 outstanding unsecured debt. His debt is over 6 times his monthly income, and his credit limit is over 12 times his monthly income.

Few things influence your spending power more than your income, so it makes sense for credit card companies to consider this factor when deciding how much of a credit limit you should be able to access. Yet income is far from the only factor at play in this decision. So, what’s the average credit limit by income — and is it even possible to deduce your credit limit based on your salary?

From the get-go, we have to admit something: Credit card issuers aren’t known for freely giving out crucial information about their lending practices, so we don’t have access to data on the averages. 

However, we’ll explain the link between your income and credit limit. We’ll outline which factors affect credit limit, the role of your income and how to work on boosting your credit limit if it’s not where you want it to be right now. 

How creditors decide credit limits

Let’s rewind for a second. When you make a credit application, credit card companies will ask you a range of questions about your personal information and check your credit history to see what kind of borrower you’ve been in the past.

The aim is to determine how creditworthy of a borrower you are. The more you’ve shown that you regularly pay your credit card balances, the more likely creditors are to give you a credit card with a lower rate and a higher limit. 

When deciding on your credit limit, some factors credit card providers consider include:

  • Payment history: Including any missed or late payments in the past, whether you’ve ever been bankrupt and how long your accounts have been open

  • Debt balances: The total amount you owe to lenders and how much credit you can currently access (including your credit card accounts and other loans)

  • Income: Whether you’re able to pay your bills and debts comfortably

  • Accounts open: Including loans and other accounts

  • Recent credit applications: Whether you’ve made any recent applications for a new card or loan

  • Credit score and credit report: Looking for signs of a good credit file and strong borrowing history

In some cases, economic conditions may also be relevant. During times of uncertainty, lenders often tighten their lending criteria for new accounts, meaning even the most responsible borrowers may face lower credit limits. 

Also, some credit cards and providers are known for awarding higher credit limits, such as American Express and the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card.

Credit limit and income

As you can see, income is on the list of factors that affect your credit score. Assuming you’re over 21, valid income sources include:

  • Employment income

  • Income from self-employment

  • The income of your partner 

  • Social Security

  • Distributions from a retirement fund

  • Investment income

Applicants 18 to 21 years old can also report income from financial aid (such as scholarships and grants).

In most cases, you won’t be asked to verify your income, but if you are, you can provide proof with pay stubs or tax returns. Some lenders may ask you at regular intervals whether your income has changed to ensure their records are up to date. 

Income is an important factor since it demonstrates a cardholder’s spending power. However, the relationship isn’t as clear cut as you might think. Credit card companies consider your income alongside the other factors outlined above. 

Someone with an annual salary of $50,000 could end up with a higher credit limit than someone with a salary of $100,000 if they score well in other aspects, such as having a better FICO™ Score.

They may also consider your debt alongside your income to work out your debt-to-income ratio, which is monthly debt divided by monthly income. The lower the ratio is, the better. If a high earner is using a high percentage of their earnings to cover their debts, giving them a high credit limit may be more risky than someone with a lower income but little to no debt.

Average credit limit by income

The average credit card limit across all borrowers in 2020 was $30,365, according to Experian data — but bear in mind that this number is an individual’s overall credit limit and may include limits on multiple credit cards.

Credit card issuers don't usually make their lending practices public, and data surrounding credit limits is few and far between. It’s hard to find information about the credit limits for specific credit cards, never mind the average credit limit by income. 

But we can still make a few deductions.

A report by the Federal Reserve on lending requirements noted that, “While borrowers with higher earnings generally face lower rates and higher credit limits, the differences across income groups are small.” In other words, although a higher income has some level of influence, a borrower’s credit history has a greater impact than their income.

You may also be able to estimate the kind of credit limit range you can expect based on how much money you have left each month after covering necessary expenses and any debts. 

When opening a new account or increasing a credit limit, card providers are required “to consider the consumer's ability to make the required minimum periodic payments … based on the consumer's income or assets and the consumer's current obligations." 

Considering a credit card’s minimum payment typically ranges between 2% and 4%, someone with $300 left over each month after their other obligations and a minimum payment requirement of 4% may receive a credit limit of around $7,500 (300 divided by 0.04). 

However, this will only be a rough estimation since so many other factors come into play, and each credit card company has their own credit limit policies.

Why your credit limit matters 

Increasing your credit limit isn’t just about having more cash to spend each month. Your credit utilization rate (the percentage of available credit you use each month) has a significant influence on your credit report and credit score because it indicates how much you rely on credit. 

If you have a lower credit limit and want to make large purchases, it can be tough to keep your credit utilization ratio low, and is another reason why having a high credit limit can be beneficial.

How to increase your credit limit

So, how can you secure a credit limit increase? 

For one, keep your credit card debt to a minimum. If you demonstrate good borrowing habits, your credit card company may increase your credit limit gradually over time without you even having to ask them.

But if you want to build credit more quickly, consider contacting your lender directly and asking them. Assuming you have a good history with mostly on-time payments, they may be willing to increase it by 10% to 20% — especially if you can mention that you’ve had a recent pay raise or improved your credit. 

Alternatively, you could consider opening a new credit card. Provided you fare well in the aspects we’ve outlined above, you stand a good chance of increasing your credit limit significantly. Even if your new credit card has the same credit limit as your current credit card, your overall credit limit would double.

However, the new application would appear on your credit report as a hard inquiry, which may have a small, short-term negative impact.

Don’t let this limit you

Figuring out the exact average credit limit by income might be tough, but there’s one thing we know for sure. Having a high income and a strong borrowing history give you the best chance possible of boosting your credit limit, which in turn can help you achieve a strong credit score.

If you need to work on your credit history to improve your chances of securing a better credit limit, it might be time to hone your knowledge of personal finance. Subscribe to Tally's† newsletter for plenty of tips and tricks sent straight to your inbox.

†To get the benefits of a Tally line of credit, you must qualify for and accept a Tally line of credit. The APR (which is the same as your interest rate) will be between 7.90% and 29.99% per year and will be based on your credit history. The APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Annual fees range from $0 - $300.

Is credit limit based on income?

The credit-based limit This means that factors such as payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, credit mix and recent inquiries will impact your new card limit. Issuers will likely also consider things like your household income, employment and monthly expenses.

Is 10000 a high credit limit?

What is considered a high credit card limit? Your definition of a high credit limit may vary based on what you want from a credit card, but we consider a $5,000 to $10,000 limit to be a good starting point for the “high” range for rewards credit cards.

Is an $11000 credit limit good?

As such, if you have one of these cards, you might consider a $5,000 credit limit to be bad and a limit of $10,000 or more to be good. Overall, any credit limit of five figures or more is broadly accepted as a high credit limit.

What is considered a high credit limit?

What is a high-limit credit card? A high-limit credit card typically comes with a credit line between $5,000 to $10,000 (and some even go beyond $10,000).


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