What foods are good to boost your immune system

How can you improve your immunity? This must be the commonest question we all have during this COVID-19 pandemic situation.

People are insanely searching options to increase their immunity through various medicines, diets, exercises, and so on. Eating a bunch of superfoods won’t keep you healthy. But eating the right food not only helps you stay lean but boosts your immune system too.

Immunity system is the defense mechanism of our body. When a foreign body or germs enters your body, your body activates its immune system to kill that foreign body or germs. White blood cells (WBC) play an important role in the immune system.

  • Immunity-Boosting Foods
    • 1: Green leafy vegetables  
    • 2: Dry fruits and nuts  
    • 3: Ginger and Garlic  
    • 4: Turmeric and other Indian spices
    • 5: Dairy products
    • 6: Mushrooms
    • 7: Meat and fish
    • 8: Eggs  
    • 9: Sweet potatoes  
    • 10: Berries
    • 11: Citrus fruits  
    • 12: Brown rice
    • 13: Tea  
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Immunity-Boosting Foods

An immune-boosting food includes a combination of vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants, and other compounds which boosts your immunity. Here are some foods to enhance immunity

1: Green leafy vegetables  

Spinach? Broccoli? We all make weird faces whenever they listen to these names. But remember, these amazing veggies are full of antioxidants, vitamins (vitamin A, C, E), minerals, and fibers. These nutrients increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune system. Green vegetables provide a bioactive compound to enhance the immunity of guts. Always try to eat these veggies raw or minimally cooked to retain its nutrients.

2: Dry fruits and nuts  

The powerful antioxidant is a key to a healthy immune system. Vitamin E containing nuts like almonds, walnuts, and cashew are great antioxidants to keep you fit. Eat a handful of almonds to stay healthy. They are also high in proteins and fats which keeps the energy levels high for a longer time.

3: Ginger and Garlic  

Ginger and Garlic are incredibly famous herbs for their flavor and medicinal properties. Both have been used as a medicine for cough and cold. Ginger is loaded with gingerols, paradols, sesquiterpenes, shogaols, and zingerone which are powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidants to boosts your immunity. Garlic contains allicin which reduces the risk of getting cold. Daily a cup of ginger tea acts as a health tonic for you.

4: Turmeric and other Indian spices

Indian spices like turmeric, clove, asafetida, pepper, cinnamon, etc. are immunity-boosting spices. They cleanse your body and raise your body’s defense mechanism.  Turmeric is a bitter, yellow spice commonly used in cooking. It contains curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects on the body. Curcumin is an immunity booster and also acts as an antiviral.  A cup of kadha or decoction of these spices can improve your immunity.

5: Dairy products

Yogurts, smoothies are some yummy foods that can increase your immunity. Probiotics are good bacteria present in your gut for digestion. Low-fat yogurt and fermented dairy products are rich in probiotics which can actually boost your immunity and keep you healthy. These products also rich in proteins, fats, vitamins which help to enhance your immunity.

6: Mushrooms

Button mushrooms are loaded with selenium and vitamin B complex, minerals that help to boosts your immunity. A good mushroom-omelet loaded with veggies works wonderfully to boost your immunity.

7: Meat and fish

Whether it is chicken, red meat, beef, pork, or seafood all are loaded with proteins that our body needs to build and repair tissues. When you have a cold, a bowl full of chicken soup feels like heaven. The protein in chicken contains some amino acids which help to form antibodies against infections. Shellfish such as oysters, crab are packed with zinc to keep you strong.

8: Eggs  

Egg yolks are full of nutrients that enhance your immunity. Egg contains vitamin D and proteins which helps to keep you safe from cough and cold.

9: Sweet potatoes  

Kids love sweet potato pancakes with eggs a lot. It is actually very beneficial as sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene which increases the white blood cells which ultimately increases the immunity of your body.

10: Berries

Berries like Blueberry, Elderberry, and Acai berry are full of antioxidants that help your body to fight against infections.

11: Citrus fruits  

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapes are an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts your immunity and reduce your cold, cough suffering duration by improving your immunity.

12: Brown rice

Brown rice is loaded with magnesium which promotes a healthy nervous system.

13: Tea  

A cup of black tea can fresh your mood and also boost your immunity as it is full of oxidants. Various teas including green tea, Anise tea acts as an antioxidant that contains polyphenols and flavonoids that are credited to boost your immunity.

Besides healthy immunity-boosting foods, there are other ways to enhance your immunity such as –

  • Exercising regularly
  • Getting sound sleep
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Minimizing stress
  • Maintain hygiene like washing hands

Also Read: Zincovit Capsule

Disclaimer:  The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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Six Tips to Enhance Immunity.
Eat Well. Food Assistance. ... .
Be Physically Active. Regular physical activity helps you feel better, sleep better, and reduce anxiety. ... .
Maintain a Healthy Weight. Excess weight can affect how your body functions. ... .
Get Enough Sleep. ... .
Quit Smoking. ... .
Avoid Too Much Alcohol. ... .
In Summary..

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5 Foods To Boost Your Immune System.
Citrus Fruits. At some point, you've probably been told to drink orange juice to help recover from a cold. ... .
Spinach and Broccoli. These two items are packed with vitamins A, C and E but also provide the body with needed antioxidants. ... .
Sunflower Seeds. ... .
Green Tea. ... .

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5 Fruits That Boost Your Immune System.
Oranges. Oranges are exceptionally good for you at any time of the year. ... .
Grapefruit. Just like oranges, grapefruits are a great source of vitamin C. ... .
Blueberries. ... .
Apples. ... .

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10 foods to boost your immune system.
Berries. With a wide variety to choose from, you can't go wrong adding these little nutrient packed sweet treats to your regular diet. ... .
Fish oil. ... .
Leafy greens. ... .
Nuts and seeds. ... .
Spices. ... .
Citrus fruits. ... .
Poultry. ... .
Brightly colored vegetables..


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