What crystals can i shower with

Crystals have many uses and benefits. Today, we want to touch on how you can use crystals with water. It’s important to note that not all crystals can be used in water. Some crystals will dissolve in water and some will rust, so always check before exposing your crystals to water.

Water Safe Crystals

Besides using crystals in your bath or for making crystal drinking water, you can use water to cleanse your crystals. But, again, be sure and check if the crystal is water safe first. The hardness of a crystal will determine if it is safe to place in water. 

You can use Moh’s Scale of Mineral Hardness to see how hard your crystals are but it isn’t very comprehensive. Any crystal from the quartz family is safe to put in water, as are calcite stones. Here’s an article from Amarisland that has a great list of which crystals are water safe and which ones aren’t. 

Here’s a summary based on the crystals we mention inFreeing the Butterfly.

Water Safe

  • Clear quartz

  • Rose quartz

  • Amethyst

  • Citrine

  • Obsidian (can break if the water is extremely hot or cold)

  • Aventurine

  • Calcite

  • Carnelian (not safe for salt water)

  • Moonstone

  • Amber

  • Agate

  • Bloodstone

  • Super Seven

Not Water Safe

  • Lepidolite

  • Hematite

  • Turquoise

  • Fluorite

  • Selenite

  • Pyrite

  • Apophyllite

What is Crystal Water?

Crystal water is water that has been infused with crystal essences. You can make crystal-infused water to drink or crystal-infused water for your bath. If using crystals that are safe to place in water, put your crystals in a glass or mason jar then fill with water. Leave the water out in the sun or under the moonlight to help the energy of the crystals infuse the water.

For crystals that aren’t safe to put in water, you can make crystal-infused water by placing them next to your glass or mason jar and leaving in them under the sun or moonlight. If you don’t want to put your water outside, you can leave it in a window sill or anywhere the sun and moonlight will reach it.

Make sure you strain the water before drinking in case there is any debris left behind from the crystals, or make your water by placing crystals next to your water instead of in it if you are worried about this.

Do the same thing for making crystal bath water and add it to your bath for a crystal infused bathing experience.

Benefits of Drinking Crystal Water

Crystal-infused drinking water offers many health benefits including strengthening our bodies and helping us feel calm. People have been drinking crystal-infused water for centuries. The benefits of drinking crystal-infused water depend on the crystal you choose.  

If you want to feel more grounded, try smoky quartz. To detoxify the body, try shungite. Rose quartz will help strengthen your heart chakra, and citrine will help attract prosperity into your life.

What is a Crystal Bath?

In addition to making crystal-infused water for your bath, you can also place your crystals directly in your bath (for water safe crystals) or around your tub (for crystals that aren’t water safe). You can combine crystals in and around your bath to achieve different results based on what you’re working on.

Benefits of Crystal Baths

Taking a bath with your crystals is a great way to relax and recharge. Just like with crystal-infused drinking water, the benefits of a crystal bath will depend on the crystal(s) you use. Calcite is great for relieving pain. Quartz can help you feel more confident, and amethyst can awaken your creative spirit.

Whether you are bathing with your crystals or making crystal-infused drinking water, always remember to check if it’s safe to use your crystals in water. If you can’t find a clear answer, then it’s better to skip the water and place the crystal beside it instead.

You’ll find more tips for working with crystals on our blog and in our book Freeing the Butterfly.


Interested in bathing with your crystal companions? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Having a crystal bath is one of my favourite ways to connect with crystals. 

But before you jump in the water with all of your crystals, you need to know that you can’t use just any crystal inside your bath. And the reason for this is that not all crystals are water safe. So you might be wondering what crystals you can add to your bath; fortunately, I have you covered. In this post, I am sharing my top five favourite crystals for a crystal bath with you. 

Note: I am not a medical doctor. Please consult with your doctor to ensure this is right for you. Use the information here at your own risk.

Top 5 Favourite Crystals for a Crystal Bath

When choosing crystals for any purpose, it’s always best to use your intuition as your guide; this is because what ultimately works for me may not work the same for you. If you feel drawn to any of the crystals listed below, trust that! You can find these crystals inside my favourite online crystal shops if you wonder where to look.

If you feel drawn to connecting to crystals in a bath outside of this list, always make sure that the crystals you use are water safe

So let’s talk about my favourite crystals to use in a crystal bath:

(1) Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the crystal of love. It’s a great assistant when working on unconditional love, self-love, and healing relationships. Rose Quartz assists us with the healing of the heart chakra. 

Rose Quartz also assists with acceptance and self-forgiveness. Naturally, we are our harshest critics, and just as we need to learn to forgive others, we need to forgive ourselves too. 

I like to add Rose Quartz to my crystal bath when I’m feeling worn down, need a boost of love, and have difficulty accepting what is.

(2) Carnelian

Carnelian is a stone of creativity. This stone assists with healing the sacral chakra, the home of your creative and sexual energies. Carnelian is excellent for passion, inspiration, courage, creativity, and embracing change and transformation. Carnelian also assists with connecting you with your emotional self. 

I like to add Carnelian to my bath when I am in a creative funk. When I doubt my creative ability, I find Carnelian helps me regain my footing and confidence. I also like to connect with Carnelian when I need the courage to overcome my fears and take action.  

(3) Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is known for its grounding properties. It helps to strengthen your connection to the earth and physical self. Tiger’s Eye assists with the healing of the root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras. 

I love connecting with Tiger’s Eye on days when I feel scatterbrained, unfocused, unbalanced and ungrounded. Tiger’s Eye helps me strengthen my foundation so I can make decisions from a grounded place

Caution: Do not use the fibrous form of Tiger’s Eye as it can contain asbestos. Always use the tumbled/polished form of Tiger’s Eye. 

(4) Natural Citrine

Natural Citrine is known as a stone of manifestation and abundance. It assists with healing the solar plexus chakra as well as the root and sacral chakras. 

I like to connect with natural citrine when I find myself stuck with self-limiting thoughts about what I can manifest in life. I also connect with it whenever I doubt my self-worth, when I’m working on manifesting, when I need to re-energize after a long day, and when I need the courage to make difficult choices or actions

Note: I am referring to natural citrine here, not heated citrine. Heated citrine has a very different energy from natural citrine. 

(5) Amethyst

Amethyst is a powerful protection and purification crystal. It assists us with healing the third eye and crown chakras. 

I love to connect with amethyst when I want to get more in tune with my intuition and spiritual team. It’s excellent for meditating in the bath. I also like to connect with amethyst when I’m feeling the need for spiritual protection and purification. Also, when I need a relaxing bath, I often add amethyst to my crystal bath. 


You can add Clear Quartz to any crystal you add to your bath to amplify its energies. Clear Quartz is a great amplifier! Clear Quartz is known as a master healer because it’s the only crystal that can be used for everything.  

Related: How to Connect With Crystals in a Bath

So there you have my favourite crystals to use in a crystal bath. Remember to always research your crystals before using them in water. Happy Crystal Bath!

Interested in learning how you can confidently integrate crystals into your daily life? Learn more here >>

With Love,

Featured Photo Credit: Seth Doyle

What crystals do you use in your bath? Let us know in the comments below!

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Yes, amethyst can be worn in the shower. Important to keep in mind, however, is that the crystal should not be exposed to hard or exfoliating soap. Only gentle soap is recommended in terms of exposure in the shower or bath.

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According to Negin Niknejad, the New York–based esthetician behind the natural skin-care line JustBe, there is: crystals. Yes, those crystals populating bookshelves and Instagram feeds now also belong in the bathtub, where their good vibes are in good company with calming essential oils and mineral-rich bath salts.

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