What are the chances of pre ejaculation causing pregnancy

What are the Chances of Getting Pregnant from Precum?

The common answer is your chances are very low. However, there are rare cases where living sperm can be present in the precum and conception subsequently possible. Precum is one reason that we suggest that all couples who are not trying to get pregnant use a condom the whole time there is penetration (when the penis enters the vagina).

What is Precum?

Precum is more accurately known as pre-ejaculate fluid. This is a bodily fluid that is released from the penis during intercourse. Most men don’t even notice discharging precum when it happens. More importantly, men do not have any control over it.

Are There Sperm in the Precum?

Studies indicate the majority of pre-ejaculate fluid has dead or no sperm at all. But, it is possible for small amounts of sperm to exit his reproductive system and make its way into the precum or pre-ejaculate.

Can You Get Pregnant Without Penetration?

For all practical purposes, you cannot get pregnant without penetration. However, if ejaculate fluid/semen comes in contact with the vagina even without penetration, it is possible that sperm could enter and fertilize an egg.

Can I Get Pregnant if He Pulls Out?

Anytime there is a possibility of sperm in the vagina there is a risk of sperm fertilizing an egg. That’s why it’s wise to wear a condom the whole time there is genital contact.

How Long Does Sperm Survive?

Sperm will live 3-5 days in the vagina. That’s why, whether you want to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy, it’s important to know your ovulation cycle and your fertility window. Our free Ovulation Calendar can help you discover your most fertile days.

Should I Take Plan B?

Plan B is similar to birth control pills. Its single tablet delivers 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel to delay or prevent the release of an egg from the ovary.  Because it uses such a high dosage, Plan B is not meant to be used as a regular birth control method. From pills to patches and IUDs, there are many choices when considering types of birth control.
If you have questions, we’re happy to talk with you on our chat line or helpline, 1-800-672-2296.  

Want to Know More?

  • How to Get Pregnant
  • Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period?
  • What is Ovulation?

Sex is great, but it can often be pegged as a taboo topic because of the many unwanted consequences that could come as a result of it. Sometimes it feels like there are so many ways in which sex can go wrong. The condom could break, you could forget to take the pill, or your birth control doesn't end up providing the protection you assumed it would. Sometimes, you may not even use a contraceptive at all, instead opting for the pullout method to protect you. But, as you probably already know, that's not the most effective form of birth control, mostly because of something called precum (or pre-ejaculation as One Medical Provider Dr. Natasha Bhuyan calls it). To learn more about precum and the chances that it could get you pregnant, I talked to Dr. Bhuyan to answer all your burning questions.

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What is precum?

You might be asking, what even is precum? Basically, it's exactly what is sounds like. Precum is the "fluid that comes out of the penis during arousal," Dr. Bhuyan explains, before the sought after orgasm and ejaculation. While it's main intention is to act as a lubricant during sex, precum can carry some sperm, which is where people often run into a problem.

Can you get pregnant from it? What are the chances?

When a couple engages in the pullout method as a form of birth control, they aren't taking into account the sperm that is in precum. So, if you’re having sex with someone who has a penis and it’s removed before ejaculation, precum will have already been released, meaning there will be sperm inside the vagina. Dr. Bhuyan estimates that there is around a 14-24% chance that you can get pregnant from precum, even if you do pull out.

How can you prevent precum from causing an unwanted pregnancy?

The only way to prevent precum (or any cum, for that matter) from causing an unwanted pregnancy is by using a reliable form of birth control. Dr. Bhuyan suggests the pill, an IUD, a patch, or whatever you are comfortable with. She also states that it is important to use a condom "anytime there is contact between the vagina and penis." While this won't completely eliminate you chances of getting pregnant, it will decrease them greatly.

If you have any other questions, reach out to your doctor. They will be sure to help you out by answering even your most embarrassing questions professionally and honestly.

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Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health. On her off time, she's probably watching Ru Paul's Drag Race, traversing NYC for the best donuts, or, most likely, enjoying time in her favorite place in the world: her bed. 

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