Vulvar itching worse at night home remedies

  • Introduction:
  • What Causes Vaginal Itching?
  • Symptoms of Vaginal Itching:
  • Suggested Home Remedies for Vaginal Itching:
    • 1. Coconut oil and Tea Tree oil
    • 2. Yoghurt and Probiotics:
    • 3. Limit Sugary Foods
    • 4. Hygiene Habits
    • 5. Good Sexual Health
    •  6. Other Tips to Prevent Vaginal Itching Include:
  • When to Seek Medical Help?
  • Conclusion:
  • Frequently Asked Questions:
    • What are the home remedies to treat vaginal itching?
    • Can vaginal itching be caused due to other health conditions?
    • What lifestyle changes do I need to make to prevent itching in the vagina?
    • Is vaginal discharge dangerous?
    • Should I be worried about my vagina itching?
  • References:


Itching at the vagina can make women uncomfortable and create difficulty in concentrating on tasks. In addition, this vaginal itching can be a symptom of a more severe problem. For example, vaginitis is a terminology used to describe various disorders that cause the vagina to become inflamed and infected. Itching in the vagina can be a symptom of vaginitis.1 There are various causes for your vagina to itch. Read on to find out more about the symptoms and causes of vaginal itching and how to take care of it.

What Causes Vaginal Itching?

There are different types of infections that may cause vaginal itching and irritation. Here, the vaginal itching is accompanied by vaginal discharge. The infections are:

  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Vaginal yeast infection
  • Bacterial vaginosis2

Other causes of vaginal itching and discharge include:

  • Low estrogen levels and menopause (end of menstruation)
  • Forgotten foreign body or tampon in the vagina
  • The products used in daily life that contain chemicals include detergents, fabric softeners, feminine sprays, creams, ointments, contraceptive foams, douches, and or jellies or creams. The chemicals present in these products may irritate the vagina or the skin around the vagina.2

Less common causes of vaginal itching include:

  • Cancer of the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, or fallopian tubes
  • Skin conditions, such as desquamative vaginitis (inflammatory vaginitis) and lichen planus (a condition that causes inflammation on the skin)2

Symptoms of Vaginal Itching:

The symptom of vaginal itching involves itching on the skin of the vagina and the surrounding area (vulva). This symptom is sometimes accompanied by vaginal discharge.2

1. Coconut oil and Tea Tree oil

You can use warm coconut oil to ease vaginal irritation and itching. Tea tree oil can also be used by dropping a few drops in a warm water bath and soaking the pelvis area. Caution should be exercised while using tea tree oil as it might cause a burning sensation if used in large quantities.3

You can make the following changes in the diet to help manage vaginal itching:

2. Yoghurt and Probiotics:

You can try yoghurt and probiotics that contain lactobacillus. There is some scientific evidence that yoghurt and probiotics containing lactobacillus might reduce vaginitis infections.1

3. Limit Sugary Foods

Limiting sugary foods to prevent the growth of yeast might be recommended. You can ask your healthcare provider if this is something you can adopt.1

You can follow these measures to take care of your vagina and keep the area clean:

4. Hygiene Habits

  • You may avoid using soaps and use water to rinse and clean the area.
  • You can try soaking in a warm water bath, as it will ease the symptoms. However, it is important to dry thoroughly after a wash.
  • Avoid douching. Douching removes even the healthy bacteria that line the vagina and may worsen the situation. These bacteria help prevent infections.
  • You should also avoid hygiene sprays, fragrances, or powders in the genital areas.2

5. Good Sexual Health

Maintaining sexual health is an important factor to help prevent catching or the spread of infections; you can maintain good sexual health by:

  • Practising safe sex2
  • Using condoms and dental dams can help prevent the passing of infections between partners
  • Avoid staying in a wet bathing suit or sweaty workout clothing for too long. A warm and moist atmosphere would promote yeast and bacterial growth.
  • Regularly getting a screening from a gynaecologist: Going for a complete gynecologic exam is a good health habit. The gynecologic exam should be taken at regular intervals by discussing with the healthcare provider.1

 6. Other Tips to Prevent Vaginal Itching Include:

  • If you have diabetes, you should keep your blood sugar levels in good control.
  • Avoid using tampons when you have an infection; use pads instead.
  • You can allow more air to reach the genital area, by
    • Wearing loosely fitted clothes
    • Wearing cotton underwear and not synthetic ones. Cotton is known to increase the airflow and decrease moisture buildup.2
  • You must know ways to properly clean your genital area while bathing or showering.
  • You should wipe appropriately after using the toilet, always from front to the back.
  • You must wash the area thoroughly before and after using the toilet or bathroom.2

Also Read: Effective Home Remedies For Period Pain

Though there are studies that show the benefits of the given herbs and home remedies in this condition, these are insufficient and there is a need for further studies to establish the true extent of the benefits of these herbs and home remedies on human health. Thus, these should be only taken under the guidance and supervision of your ayurvedic physician.

When to Seek Medical Help?

Seek medical help if you:

  • Experience vaginal discharge
  • May have been exposed to sexually transmitted infections
  • Have fever or pain in the pelvis or belly area2

In case of any infection, you may experience:

  • A sudden change in the amount, colour, odour, or consistency of discharge
  • Redness, itching, and swelling in the genital area
  • Symptoms that get worse or last longer than a week despite home care measures
  • Sores or blisters on your vagina or vulva
  • Burning sensation during urination or other urinary symptoms (this may indicate that you have a urinary tract infection).2

You must not rely on home remedies for the treatment of this condition you should consult a qualified doctor for any advice for the condition.

Also Read: Effective Home Remedies For PCOS


Vaginal itching or itching at the site of the vagina and vulva can have many underlying causes. Some of them are lack of good hygiene habits, certain infections, the presence of irritant chemicals in products, and menopause. Suppose the itching is due to chemical irritants. In that case, you can improve the symptoms by avoiding the products that contain these chemicals. If the vaginal itch you are experiencing is due to infection by bacteria or fungi, you need to seek medical treatment. 

Don’t be embarrassed to talk about your symptoms; talking to a healthcare provider will help you know and get rid of the cause and symptoms.

Also Read: 8 Effective Home Remedies For Vaginal Yeast Infections!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the home remedies to treat vaginal itching?

You can involve yoghurt and probiotics in your diet to help with vaginal itching. Apart from these diet changes, you can make some lifestyle changes and maintain sexual health and hygiene to prevent vaginal itching.1,2 You must consult a doctor if the problem persists.

Can vaginal itching be caused due to other health conditions?

Vaginal itching can be a symptom of health conditions like infections. If you have vaginal discharge, may have had exposure to sexually transmitted infections, or have fever or pain in the pelvis or belly area, you need to contact your healthcare provider.2

What lifestyle changes do I need to make to prevent itching in the vagina?

You need to follow good hygiene habits and maintain good sexual health. You need to also know how to properly clean the genital area while bathing or showering. You should also follow good toilet habits by wiping correctly after using the toilet, always from front to back and washing thoroughly before and after using the bathroom. Avoiding sugary foods in your diet will also help.1,2

Is vaginal discharge dangerous?

Vaginal discharge is normal. The vagina produces a discharge that is either clear or slightly cloudy. During the menstruation period, the amount and consistency of the discharge may change. If you experience a sudden change in the colour, amount, odour, or consistency of discharge, you should contact your healthcare provider.1,2

Should I be worried about my vagina itching?

If you experience other symptoms like vaginal discharge, pain in the pelvic area, or fever, along with vaginal itching, you should contact your doctor, as it can be a sign of infection.2

Want to get rid of vaginal itching naturally? Check out Tea Tree: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects


  • Vaginitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. [cited 2022 Apr 5]. Available from: //
  • Vaginal itching and discharge – adult and adolescent: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia [Internet]. [cited 2022 Apr 5]. Available from: //
  • Usages of Herbal Remedies for the Management of Vaginal Infection among Women in Jazan Area at Saudi Arabia [Internet]. [cited 2022 Apr 8]. Available from: //

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

About the author

Dr Rajeev Singh

BAMS, Rajiv Gandhi education society, ayurvedic Medical College and hospital, Ron, Karnataka

Work Experience - 6+Years

•Between 2016-17, he worked as a resident medical offer at Sadanand Hospital. From 2018 - 20, as a resident medical officer for ICU/ICCU at Criticare Hospital, Andheri (W), Mumbai - he was responsible for managing admitted patients, managing emergencies, performing different types of procedures, covid management, etc.

•As an ayurvedic physician, he is adept at diagnosing the disease as per the symptoms, Observing and performing the examination of samples for disease diagnose, using various diagnostic methods and equipment for making an accurate diagnosis.

•He has sound knowledge about Ayurvedic medicine and disease and diagnosis on the basis of dosha and dushya.

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Check your soap. ... .
Rethink using pads. ... .
Use an over-the-counter cream, like Vagisil. ... .
Apply Vaseline. ... .
Use yeast infection cream. ... .
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Treatment and home remedies.
using moisturizer..
taking OTC antihistamines..
using anti-itch creams or ointments..
trying oatmeal baths..
applying cold compresses to numb pain..
using lubrication if irritation occurs during sex..

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Apply a cold, wet cloth or ice pack to the skin that itches. Do this for about five to 10 minutes or until the itch subsides..
Take an oatmeal bath. ... .
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Which medicine is best for itching in private parts female?

Clotrimazole reduces vaginal burning, itching, and discharge that may occur with this condition. This medication is an azole antifungal. It works by stopping the growth of yeast (fungus) that causes the infection. The vaginal product comes in 2 forms (a vaginal cream or tablet).


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