Should i put lotion on my face before bed

Curious if you are making a huge mistake in your skin care routine each night before bed? Convinced you aren’t taking care of your skin as you should, but aren’t sure where to start? Although this article isn’t going to address the many full skin care routines that might be beneficial to you, it is going to address the reasons why moisturizing before bed is a step everyone should embrace.

When to Moisturize

Many people are under the impression that moisturizing is something you do after showering or bathing, and perhaps in the morning, but not on a regular basis. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Our skin layers are highly absorbent, and as easily as they take in moisture and nutrients, they also dry out just as quickly.

To help hydrate your skin, smooth out wrinkles, and combat dryness and skin oil, you need to moisturize regularly through the day. This means you start with a full body moisturizer and add to areas that can be problematic, such as elbows and knees through the day. You should end your day with another full body moisturizer – using specific lotions for delicate facial, neck, and chest areas.

What to Moisturize

As mentioned, your whole body deserves moisture and getting into a routine can help combat skin conditions and premature aging. It also can help smooth out signs of aging and help improve the health and elasticity of your skin. Healthy skin also doesn’t show sun damage as often, and when you choose a moisturizer that includes UVA and UVB protectants, you are providing an even more meaningful layer of protection against environmental factors.

If you are a bit lazy with your moisturizing practices, there are some crucial areas you want to be sure you don’t avoid. Your face, neck, chest, and hands are the most commonly exposed areas to environmental changes and pollutants. If you moisturize nothing else at least twice a day, make sure to focus on these areas specifically.

What Does Moisturizing Before Bed Do?

Moisturizing before bed is a great way to allow your skin to recover and heal while you rest. In particular, moisturizing your face, neck, and chest repairs environmental damages, plumps cellular structures, refines wrinkles, and minimizes the effects of aging. It also can work to combat pigmentation and acne.

Using serums and lotions specifically designed for these more delicate skins work to clear pores, kill bacteria, and oxygenate the skin layers as well.

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How to Find the Best Nighttime Moisturizer

During the night you can take advantage of being out of the public’s eye and use a heavier and more advantageous moisturizer while you sleep than you might choose for daily wear. Moisturizers made specifically for nighttime use are often designed with incredible moisturizing and healing ingredients. Take a look at some options you might find beneficial:


These clear the pores to help acne from growing and heal persistent skin problems. They also are helpful in reducing wrinkles and work to increase blood flow and collagen production.


Peptides are firming and help smooth out skin.

Vitamin E

Healing and nourishing, it works against bacteria and lessens redness.


Works as a skin protectant, evens skin tone, firms, and works to promote collagen growth.

Glycolic enzymes

Retexturizes and moisturizes, smoothing out skin and firming areas of looseness. It also helps to exfoliate.

Vitamin C

Healing and healthy, Vitamin C lightens darker patches of skin, heals skin damage, and smooths skin texture.


Moisturize, heal, soothe, get rid of redness, and protect against environmental damage.

Colloidal oatmeal

Moisturize, heal, protect, and calm redness in a soothing formula mixed most often with niaminicide.

Fatty acids

Boost moisture and protection, and smooth out the skin surface.

Salicylic Acid

Exfoliate and destroy acne bacterias, while protecting against future breakouts.

Hyaluronic acid

Binds to water for visible plumping of the skin, giving a dewy look, while providing a protective moisturizing barrier.

The Ideal Nightly Routine Before Moisturizing

Of course, everyone should find a routine that works best for them, but certain steps should be taken for delicate skin areas each evening before applying a moisturizing lotion.

  1. Be sure to wash your face with warm, not hot, water using a cleanser that is specific to your skin needs. Foaming washes and gently exfoliating washes are particularly popular to help get deep into the pores to remove dirt and bacterias.
  2. Consider using a facial cleansing brush or deep exfoliator several times a week to truly get deeper into your pores and provide a good deep clean.
  3. Use a facial mask at least once a week to help pull impurities from the skin; revitalize, tone, and tighten; as well as soothe.
  4. Use a toner each night after washing to help pick up leftover skin cells and dirt from pores.
  5. Apply a nighttime moisturizing lotion developed specifically for the face, neck, and chest. Use small, outwards, circular strokes. Allow it to soak in well.


Not only should you moisturize before bed, you should regularly get into the habit of moisturizing your exposed skin surfaces on a regular basis through the day, with specialized attention to your delicate skins both morning and night.

Choose from moisture retaining and skin healing ingredients in your nighttime regimen to help protect and heal your face, neck, and chest areas each night. VItamins, antioxidants, and specialized acids and enzymes all work to create a healthier skin surface and combat the signs of age and sun damage.

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What should I put on my face before bed?

The application of moisturising cleansing milk before bedtime hydrates your skin for the night and allows your skin to breathe. After you've applied the cleansing milk, complete the ritual by applying a toner that suits your skin type.

Can I apply body lotion on face at night?

The bottom line. Putting body lotion on your face once or twice probably won't cause any lasting harm. All the same, body lotion isn't meant for facial skin, so it could make some skin concerns worse. Sticking to products specifically formulated for your face will generally do more to benefit your skin in the long run.

What happens when you don't moisturize your face at night?

Your skin wants a layer of moisture, and if it doesn't have it the normal protective barriers and correct pH levels of the skin can be disrupted. This protective layer disruption can come along with dryness, redness, and an overall low level of inflammation in your skin.


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