Severe nerve pain on top of foot

put an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas in a towel) on the painful area for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours

  • wear shoes with plenty of room for your feet, which have a low heel and soft sole

  • use soft insoles or pads you put in your shoes

  • try to lose weight if you're overweight

  • try regular gentle stretching exercises of your foot and ankle

  • take paracetamol

  • Don’t

    • do not take ibuprofen for the first 48 hours after an injury

    • do not do any sports or other activity that you think is causing the pain

    • do not walk or stand for a long time

    • do not wear high heels or tight or pointy shoes

    A pharmacist can help with foot pain

    You can ask a pharmacist about:

    • the best painkiller to take
    • insoles and pads for your shoes
    • if you need to see a GP

    Find a pharmacy

    Video: an exercise to reduce pain in the top of the foot

    This video shows an exercise that can help with pain in the top of foot.

    Media last reviewed: 17 April 2022
    Media review due: 17 April 2025

    See exercise video safety information

    The exercises in this video are suitable for most people. They are general exercises only and are not aimed at treating any specific cause of pain or condition.

    Get advice from a GP or health professional before trying it, especially if:

    • you have any concerns about your health
    • you are not sure if the exercises are suitable
    • you have any pre-existing health problems or injuries, or any current symptoms

    Stop the exercise immediately and get medical help if you feel any pain or feel unwell.

    Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:

    • pain in the top of your foot is stopping you doing normal activities
    • the pain is getting worse or keeps coming back
    • the pain has not improved after treating it at home for 2 weeks
    • you have any tingling or loss of sensation in your foot
    • you have diabetes and a foot pain – foot problems can be more serious if you have diabetes

    Immediate action required: Go to an urgent treatment centre or A&E if:

    • you have severe pain in the top of your foot
    • you're not able to walk
    • your foot has changed shape or is at an odd angle
    • you heard a snap, grinding or popping noise at the time of injury
    • you feel faint, dizzy or sick from pain

    These might be signs of a broken bone after an injury.

    Find an urgent treatment centre

    What we mean by severe pain

    Severe pain:

    • always there and so bad it's hard to think or talk
    • you cannot sleep
    • it's very hard to move, get out of bed, go to the bathroom, wash or dress

    Moderate pain:

    • always there
    • makes it hard to concentrate or sleep
    • you can manage to get up, wash or dress

    Mild pain:

    • comes and goes
    • is annoying but does not stop you doing daily activities

    Common causes of pain in the top of the foot

    Pain in the top of your foot is often caused by exercising, especially if it involves running, kicking or jumping.

    It may also be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight and some conditions, like gout.

    Your symptoms might give you an idea of what's causing your pain. Do not self-diagnose – see a GP if you're worried.

    Some of the possible causes of pain in the top of the foot.SymptomsPossible causePain, swelling, bruising, started after intense or repetitive exerciseSprain or strainPain, swelling and stiffness that lasts a long time, a grating or crackling sensation when you move the foot, a lump along a tendonTendonitis or osteoarthritisRed, hot, swollen skin, sudden or severe pain when anything touches your foot, pain usually starts near the bottom of the big toeGout

    Many forms of foot pain start with joints and tendons. The former enable movement and the latter connect muscles to bone.

    But if you feel pain on the top of your foot, or through your arch, a nerve might be to blame. You might feel burning, shooting, or stabbing pain when a nerve in your foot is irritated or damaged.

    These sensations can occur while you're moving or while you're at rest. Sometimes, even the area closest to the nerve will be sensitive to the touch.

    This article will discuss the most common nerve-related causes of foot pain and how to recognize them. It also addresses some other common causes.

    Severe nerve pain on top of foot
    Severe nerve pain on top of foot

    Verywell / JR Bee

    Morton's Neuroma

    Morton's neuroma involves a thickening of the nerve that runs between the third and fourth toes. Typical symptoms include a burning or shooting pain in this area, most often while walking.

    Another common symptom is a vague feeling of pressure beneath the toes, as if a sock was bunched up underneath them.

    Common treatments include shoe modifications, arch supports, and cortisone injections to decrease swelling. Typical shoe modifications include lifts and rocker soles, which provides cushion where it's needed.

    Morton's neuroma occurs more frequently in women. A possible explanation is that many women wear high-heeled shoes.

    Pinched Nerve

    A pinched nerve, known as nerve entrapment, can occur in various regions of the foot. Trauma—from swelling, blunt impact, or even a tight shoe—is the most likely cause.

    A pinched nerve can feel like shooting or burning pain. Or the surrounding area on top of the foot may feel sensitive.

    Pinched nerves in the feet are treated much like Morton's neuromas. Rest, wearing roomier shoes, and anti-inflammatory medications may also help.

    Nerve Problems Hurt

    Nerve problems often make their presence known; you may feel burning or shooting pain.

    Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

    Another common type of nerve entrapment is tarsal tunnel syndrome. It includes "anything that produces compression on the posterior tibial nerve," the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) says.

    The tibial nerve is located near the heel. And the burning, tingling, or shooting sensations often radiate from the instep (arch).

    Other symptoms include numbness and foot cramps. Both can worsen while the foot is at rest, such as when you're sitting or sleeping.

    Twin Conditions

    There's a good reason that tarsal tunnel syndrome sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome, which affects the wrist. Both conditions involve a nerve being squeezed in a tight space, the ACFAS says.

    Sometimes, placing padding in a shoe (where the foot is being compressed) can relieve foot pain. Other times, more elaborate orthotics are necessary. Orthotics are prescription medical devices that you place inside your shoes.

    Tarsal tunnel syndrome often recedes with cortisone shots or other anti-inflammatory treatments. As a worst-case scenario, surgery may be necessary to release the nerve.

    An Overview of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

    Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

    The long-term high blood sugar (glucose) associated with diabetes can lead to a form of nerve damage. This is known as peripheral neuropathy.

    Like other forms of nerve damage, neuropathy pain feels like burning or shooting pain. And it often appears overnight.

    The pain of neuropathy may come and go. It may also be marked by a gradual loss of feeling in the feet. Often, it begins in the toes and moves up the foot.

    It's estimated that one in four people with diabetes will experience painful neuropathy.

    Treatments for diabetic neuropathy include blood sugar control, medications like antidepressants, or anti-seizure drugs. Vitamin B and the dietary supplement alpha lipoic acid may also help.

    Home Remedies for Nerve Pain in Feet

    Other Causes of Foot Nerve Pain

    Other conditions can spawn nerve damage and the ensuing pain. Some examples include:

    • Physical trauma, such as after surgery or an accident
    • Certain cancer drugs, antiviral drugs, or antibiotics
    • Complex regional pain syndrome
    • Tumors that compress a nerve
    • Liver or kidney disease
    • Vitamin deficiencies
    • A herniated disc in the lumbar spine
    • Infectious diseases, such as complications from Lyme disease, or viral infections

    You should call your doctor if:

    • The pain worsens over several days.
    • A numb, tingling or burning feeling gets worse over several days.
    • Your foot begins to swell.
    • You have trouble walking or holding up your weight.


    Four common nerve problems can cause foot pain: Morton's neuroma, tarsal tunnel syndrome, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and a pinched nerve.

    You'll probably know when trouble strikes. Nerve problems often trigger burning or shooting pain. And the sensation can be so intense that it can rouse you from a deep sleep.

    See your doctor if the pain and related symptoms get worse, or if you have trouble standing or walking.

    What causes nerve pain on the top of my foot?

    Pain on the top of the foot can be caused by different conditions, the most common of which are due to overuse in activities like running, jumping, or kicking. Conditions caused by overuse include: Extensor tendonitis: This is caused by overuse or tight-fitting shoes.

    What nerve affects the top of the foot?

    The common peroneal nerve branches from the sciatic nerve and provides sensation to the front and sides of the legs and to the top of the feet. This nerve also controls the muscles in the leg that lift the ankle and toes upward.

    Can you pinched a nerve in the top of your foot?

    Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve in the Foot If a nerve is inflamed or compressed, it may not be able to relay messages effectively, causing discomfort in the feet, toes, and heels. Symptoms of a trapped nerve may vary from patient to patient, but will often include: Pain.

    How do you deal with chronic nerve pain?

    5 Ways to manage the emotional stress of nerve pain.
    Practice self-care. Surround yourself with friends, family and people who give you support. ... .
    Manage your stress. Pain is worse when you are stressed. ... .
    Talk about how you are feeling. ... .
    Control what you can. ... .
    Seek physical relief from pain..