Sample letter of recommendation for social work masters program

A Social Worker reference letter can be written for many situations, but the most common reason is when an employee wants to apply for another job or get admission to a college.


In these situations, it is important to understand a few things.

The first thing is that a reference letter can only be written by a person who has worked with an individual or supervised him or her for some time.

Prospective employers often provide instructions about who they want a reference letter from, so the decision to approach an ex-colleague or a previous employer is not really something that you need to look into.

What does a social worker reference letter actually say?

All the nice things! Yes, that is what reference letters are all about.

You cannot write anything negative in a reference letter – if you do not have anything positive to write, it is best to politely refuse to write one.

And if something negative does come to your mind when writing one, ignore it.

The basic idea behind writing a reference letter is to convince a prospective or next employer that the candidate is worth every cent and second that will be spent in hiring and training him or her.

  • Social Worker Resume
  • Social Worker Cover Letter

Here is a sample reference letter that you can refer to when writing one:

Social Worker Reference Letter Example

August 29, 2022

To Whom It May Concern

I am writing in full support of Mr. Gregory Page’s job application as a Social Worker for your organization. Gregory has been working as a social worker under my supervision for 7 years, and I have not come across a single incident of the complaint.

Social work is not something that one learns – the basics come from within. And that is exactly why Gregory is so successful at what he does since the will to help comes from within him. Having worked in this capacity for so long, he is a wizard when it comes to identifying people who need help, and assessing their needs, situations, strengths, and support networks.

On many occasions, he has been applauded and commended for his exceptional ability to develop and implement individualized plans to improve assigned clients’ well-being.

Gregory is easy to get along with, mild of nature, and exceptionally talented in handling client advocacy activities. I am positive that he will be a great asset to your organization, as he was to ours. If you need any further information about him and his work, please feel free to call me.


(Sign Here)

Steven Walker
Steward Healthcare
120 Monroe Avenue
San Jose, CA 19383
(000) 145-2124

Grad school recommendation letters are an essential part of every graduate school application package–even in this (almost) post-COVID era of remote work and Zoom classes. Nearly all applications to graduate school still require at least two recommendation letters from individuals who can discuss your abilities, competencies, and personal character in a coherent way and recommend you for admission to graduate school.

Many referees have difficulty writing these recommendations themselves (for language issues or simply because they are busy) and some rely on the applicant to pen the draft of the letter and receive confirmation before submitting it to the graduate school. But regardless of who is writing the letter, there are a few key elements the recommender needs to include to craft a stellar recommendation for their graduate candidate.

Who should write a recommendation letter for graduate school?

Choosing which professors, supervisors, or advisors to request a graduate school recommendation letter from can be somewhat overwhelming. Should you choose someone who does not know you personally but who has connections to your target graduate school? If a famous professor writes you a grad school recommendation letter, will this automatically give you an advantage with the admissions committee? 

In general, graduate recommendation letters should come from people who know you well, who respect you enough to say glowing things about you as a student and researcher, and who hold positions in school or work that are above your own. At least one letter of recommendation should be submitted from a past or current professor or academic advisor. 

Another could be from someone in a slightly different role, including an employer, a research adviser, a senior colleague, or a professor from a different department or kind of class (e.g., a discussion class professor instead of a lecturer). No matter who it is, the recommender should know the applicant and recognize their accomplishments. It also helps if the recommender understands some details about the program to which their candidate is applying.

Here are some guidelines to follow when choosing who to ask for letters of recommendation for graduate school. Select someone who:

  • Knows you well and can answer positively. Choose an individual who you have spent time with outside the classroom if possible. They should also be familiar with your career goals and hold a favorable view of you. 
  • Has known you for quite a while. A recommendation letter for graduate school carries more influence if the person has known you for months or years instead of months. If you can, find someone who knows you from various contexts, such as a professor who is also your advisor. 
  • Can speak to your strengths in relation to your graduate program. Choosing a finance professor to write your recommendation letter for an MBA program would be a good idea because they can write about the qualities that will aid you in pursuing an MBA (qualities you can also include in your MBA essay) and a broader career in business. 
  • Has substantive stories to share about you. Who was fortunate enough to see you succeed in an academic, extracurricular, or professional setting? Having someone write your LOR who has good stories to share about you is certainly going to benefit you more than someone whose class you took with two hundred other students. 

How to Request a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School

Knowing how to request a letter of recommendation for graduate school can directly impact the quality of the letter your referee writes for you. Show respect and consideration for the time that your recommender is taking to write a glowing review that will get you into graduate school and positively impact the rest of your life. 

With this in mind, it may seem obvious that the very best way to ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school is to do so in person. While this isn’t possible for all students (due to availability or schedule), it is the best route if you want to ensure that your LOR is not only written on time, but includes all the positive information about you that admissions committees want to see in a graduate candidate. When you cannot ask in person, sending an email is an appropriate second-best option. But remember to always be cordial and polite when making this request. 

What information should be included in a graduate recommendation letter?

Your referral letter should cover a range of skills, from academic abilities to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class. As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

Your letter of recommendation should cover a range of skills, from academic abilities to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class. As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

  • What is your relationship with the student?
  • Why should the graduate faculty listen to your opinion? (include your status, title)
  • What makes this student special? (discuss their characteristics, qualities, traits)
  • What specifically did this student do to impress you? (discuss their accomplishments, habits in class)
  • What makes this student qualified for graduate school and for this program? (include specific courses or interests of the student in addition to abilities and traits)
  • What do you know about the program the student is applying to?

What information does the LOR recommender need from me?

The recommender should be given sufficient time to write (and/or confirm) the letter. If it has been a while since you were last in contact, sending a background information file will make things easier. Include the following information so that the recommender can use a few details to bolster their letter:

  • Classes the student has taken with the recommender
  • Experiences you have shared
  • Transcripts
  • Resume/CV
  • Research experience and internships
  • Awards and achievements
  • Academic/career goals
  • Relevant professional experience

In addition to background information, make sure that the recommender has the necessary information to plan the writing in a timely manner and target the letter as much as possible:

  • Graduate program application due date
  • Copy of recommendation forms (if applicable)
  • Instructions for submitting LORs (hard copy, soft copy, or direct to school)
  • Details about the program and school the student is applying to

What style of writing should be used in a recommendation letter?

Although the letter of recommendation is more informal than academic writing, you should make sure that your language has no grammatical or mechanics errors and that it is of an academic level that reflects the author’s educational level and qualifications. Apply the following standards to the writing and the essay-drafting process:

  • Make your language more personal in tone than research writing.
  • Use the active voice and first-person point of view more often.
  • Write chronologically, starting from important traits and then moving on to actions and achievements.
  • Use lots of details—list course names, scores, and specific achievements of the student.
  • Edit your letter before submitting it to the graduate admissions faculty.

How to Write a Grad School Letter of Recommendation Letter: LOR Outline

A well-structured recommendation letter (like any organized essay) will guide the reader logically towards an understanding of why this student is worthy not only of praise but of admission to graduate school. Grad school requires quite a few high-level scholastic attributes that not all students possess, and therefore it is important to focus on both the achievements of the candidate and on their personal character and potential to thrive in a difficult academic environment.

Use this outline as a letter of recommendation template in which to input your candidate’s achievements, skills, and traits. Note that the flow of information moves the reader into greater detail, using form phrases and transitions that increase the readability of the letter.

1. Greeting to the recipient

Dear {Name}, or To Whom It May Concern,

To the graduate faculty of the {University / Department}

2. Opening paragraph: position; relationship to the applicant; general assessment of the applicant

It is my absolute pleasure to recommend {Name} for admissions to {Program} at {University}…

I am a professor of {area of study} in the department of {department} at {University}.

Sample letter of recommendation for social work masters program
Letter greeting; opening paragraph: position; relationship; general assessment of the applicant

3. Second paragraph: positive skill or trait; evidence of trait or skill; anecdotes demonstrating this skill

Jane has excellent communication skills. Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as interesting to read…

Sample letter of recommendation for social work masters program
Second paragraph: include specific traits; evidence of character and skills; anecdotes

4. Third (up to fifth) paragraph: Other skills or traits; evidence of character and skills; detailed anecdotes

At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality. She went well beyond the course expectations…

Sample letter of recommendation for social work masters program
Third paragraph: more traits; evidence of character and skills; anecdotes

Sample letter of recommendation for social work masters program

5. Final Paragraph: clear recommendation of the candidate to the specific school or program.

Jane is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study in {Program Applying for}. Jane’s work in “Developments in Anthropology” suggests that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study…

Sample letter of recommendation for social work masters program
Fifth paragraph: “call to action”—why this student will fit in with THIS program

6. Closing line: polite offer to be contacted if needed

If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sample letter of recommendation for social work masters program

Letter of Recommendation Template and Useful Phrases

Admission essays often contain template phrases or “form phrases” that allow the writer to plug in their specific information while not spending too much time deciding how to compose every single aspect of the writing. This can be especially useful for ESL authors because conventional expressions used in academic and essay writing can be difficult to learn and memorize. Use the following form phrases to help craft a more professional letter of recommendation.

Introducing yourself

  • My name is {Author} and I have been a Professor of Math at {University} since {date}.
  • I write to you today to proudly express my support for {Student} in applying to your prestigious university.

Discussing your relationship with the applicant

  • I first came to know {Student} while teaching him/her in my {Course Name} course…
  • I was {Student}’s thesis advisor during his/her senior year.
  • I have known {Student} for several years now and can attest to his/her strengths and quality of character.

Discussing the student’s general positive traits

  • {Student} has excellent communication skills and displays them regularly in class discussions.
  • He/She is a highly intelligent and competent student who excels in many areas.
  • Not only is {Student} hard-working and thoughtful, but he/she also demonstrates kindness and generosity towards his/her peers.

Demonstrating evidence of student’s character and skills

  • She/he has shown herself/himself to be a true leader who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them in his/her work.
  • {Student} demonstrated his/her independence daily, completing difficult lab exercises by researching outside of class.
  • During his/her internship, {Student} consistently managed his/her work responsibilities diligently and learned quickly. For example…

Discussing the school/program the student is applying to

  • As {University} is renowned for its {Program}, I believe this is an ideal place for {Student} to solidify his/her abilities and cement his/her knowledge of {area of study}.
  • The learning environment that {University} is famous for creating excellent opportunities in which {Student} to apply his/her skills.

Final endorsement and offer to be contacted

  • For the above reasons, I am confident that {Student} will make an excellent addition to your graduate program, and I wholeheartedly support him/her for admission to your program.
  • Thank you for your time and attention in reading my endorsement.

Further Tips for Writing Admissions Essays

  • Highlight your self-motivation, competence, and potential in this essay
  • Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in the active voice.
  • Demonstrate through examples; don’t just write that you are a “persistent person”—show it!
  • Approach every topic with continuity and focus.

The Final Step: Editing Your Recommendation Letter

As any good writer knows, it takes more than one draft to create a strong and compelling work of writing. After you have written your recommendation letter draft, there is still a lot of room for revision. One way to ensure that grammar mistakes and style errors do not get in the way of a strong letter is to let the admissions experts at Wordvice’s Admissions Editing Services edit and proofread your (of your candidate’s) letter of recommendation or other application essays, raising the chances that your candidate will be admitted to the program of their choice.

We edit thousands of admission documents each year for all kinds of authors of academic and admissions documents just like you. Furthermore, our application essay editing services, recommendation letter editing services, personal statement editing services, CV editing services, and SOP editing services are tailored to the needs of your specific admissions essay.

For more articles on writing and editing your essays and academic work, visit Wordvice’s Academic Resource page. 

Our Admissions Editing Services

How do I write a letter of recommendation for MSW program?

Here are some steps you can take to craft a great social worker letter of recommendation:.
Review key materials. ... .
Craft a brief introduction. ... .
Provide an overview of their skills. ... .
Elaborate on their strengths. ... .
Summarize your recommendation. ... .
Include your contact information..

What should be included in a letter of recommendation for a Masters program?

Include the following information so that the recommender can use a few details to bolster their letter:.
Classes the student has taken with the recommender..
Experiences you have shared..
Research experience and internships..
Awards and achievements..
Academic/career goals..
Relevant professional experience..

How do you write a character reference for social work?

What should I include in a character reference?.
Your relationship with the candidate..
How long you've known them..
Information and examples of their personality and work ethic..
Your contact details..

How long should a letter of recommendation be for masters program?

But, generally speaking, use the same rule of thumb for a letter of recommendation as for a resume: Stick to one page. Three to four nice paragraphs should suffice, hitting the highlights without bogging the reader down with fluff or hard-to-follow stories.