Salvation army central territory commissioning 2022

Do you want to be a part of Commissioning 2022? We need your participation! We are collecting videos from around the Central territory that show a simple phrase on a sign that explain how you are serving suffering humanity. Although we are asking for videos, we have taken some photos to show examples to help visualize this request.We have included instructions for creating the sign, filming the best possible video as well as how to submit the video to the Visual Communications Department. While we greatly appreciate all submissions, we cannot guarantee every video will be used.

Preparing your sign:

  1. Think of ways that you are serving suffering humanity in your neighborhood, community, corps, or throughout the world. (Some ideas to get you started: Giving socks away to the homeless; Handing out care packets to those living on the street; Raising funds for World Services; Organizing a meal train; Giving someone a ride; Paying it forward in the drive-thru; Shoveling a neighbor’s driveway; Praying; Sitting by someone at church who is alone;

    Visiting nursing home residents; Befriending a cashier)

  2. Using a thick, dark sharpie and a large piece of cardboard or paper, write a short phrase to describe how you are serving suffering humanity. Letters should be 1 inch thick and 5-6 inches tall.

Filming Directions:

  • There are three key elements we want to see in every shot
    • The Subject (looking at camera) – could be one person or a small group of people who serve together
    • The Sign (held by subject and readable) – one sign per video
    • Context (location/background)
  • Your phone should be set to record video in 1080 HD or 4k.
  • Hold your camera horizontal/sideways, so the shot is wider than it is tall.
  • Hold the camera steady
    • With your feet about shoulder width apart, hold the camera about chest high with your elbows tucked to your side. This will provide a stable base and minimize shake.
  • The audio of your video will not be included in the compilation. Do not talk or explain your poster, let it speak for itself!

  • We need 15 solid seconds of the subject engaged and looking at the camera. So, you may want to shoot about 20 seconds of video. Tell the subject ahead of time that you’re going to film for 15 seconds and it might seem like a long time while filming.
  • Avoid shooting with bright lights/sun behind the subject.
  • If the sign looks washed out, tap on the screen where the sign is. This will tell the auto settings to calibrate based on that point (the sign).
  • Don’t shoot too far away from the subject, we want to read the sign. Hips up on most subjects should work fine.  The further in front of a background the subject stands, the more background we will see.
    • If there is way more background than moving the subject will show, get two shots: 1. A close up so we can see the subject, the sign, and some background, and 2. A wide shot so we can see the subject and the background (we might not be able to read the sign from this distance, but that’s why we shot the closer version too). Shoot 15 seconds of both.

Upload Directions:

When uploading your video, upload the original raw video you shot. If your phone asks you to “compress” or send a smaller version of the file, ignore it and send the original.

Upload Directions from Phone:

  1. Open link in browser on your phone (//
  2. Click “Add File” down in the bottom corner.
  3. Select the location where you want to upload from (on my iPhone, I would choose “Photo Library”)
  4. Chose file and add
  5. Click UPLOAD in bottom right (This step might be easy to miss because there’s a quick file prep after you’ve chosen the file, but it will not upload unless you click “UPLOAD”)
  6. Allow video to upload to folder and you are finished

Upload Directions from Computer:

  1. Open link in browser (//
  2. Two options:
    • Drag and drop method
      • Drag your file from the computer to the center of the webpage where you see the “+”
      • Click “BEGIN UPLOAD” at bottom right of box
      • Allow file to upload and you’re done.
    • Click “Add File” button method
      • Click “Add File” at bottom left of the box on screen
      • Browse to the file you want to upload and select it
      • Click “BEGIN UPLOAD” at bottom right of box.
      • Allow file to upload and you’re done.

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