Prayer for healing after surgery and strength for a friend

Prayer for Friend's Strength

Heavenly Father, we recognize that You are a shelter in a time of storm. You are our strength when we are weak. You are the one who lifts us up and makes us soar on wings like eagles. Trusting Your promises, God, I ask that You would grant that strength to my friend right now who is going through a tough time in his/her life. 

Give him/her the means to overcome these obstacles, God. Let him/her look to You in this time of trouble. May You also protect his/her heart from worry; instead, enable him/her to fully rely on You. Be his/her comfort, Lord, in this trying time. 

As my friend undergoes this challenge, allow him/her to gracefully endure each and every step. Guide his/her way, God, that they may always walk the right path. Would you also grant him/her Your wisdom so that every decision he/she makes is a sound one. May Your Holy Spirit also be his/her constant reminder of his/her ultimate source of strength. All these I pray in Your Name, Amen.

Prayer for Friend Who Is Sick

Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You today to commit my good friend who has fallen ill. He/She is in pain physically as well as emotionally. It also pains me when I see him/her laying in bed and struggling. 

But I know, God, that You are the great Healer. Whatever disease my friend has is nothing when compared to the power of Your Name. I ask You, dear Lord, to touch my friend with Your healing hands. May You ease his/her pain and be his/her comfort in this time of need. Reveal Yourself and Your power in a very special, personal way to my friend today. 

I know, Lord, that You alone are able to make miracles in the lives of those who are sick. Just as You were able to make the lame man walk, the blind man see, and the leper be healed, so I believe that You are also able to help my friend recover his/her health. I trust that my friend will be healed soon through Your power, God. These I pray in Your Name, Amen.

Prayer for Friends and Relatives

Have mercy, O Lord, on all those tied with us in the bonds of friendship and family, and grant that they, with us, may be so perfectly conformed to your holy will, that being cleansed from all sin, we may be found worthy, by the inspiration of your love, to be partakers together of the blessedness of your heavenly kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Old Gallican Sacramentary

Prayer For Successful Surgery And Recovery For A Friend: In these times of uncertainty and change, If you have a friend who is going in for surgery or any other kind of difficult medical procedure, send these prayers and wishes so he\she will find peace and comfort along with your best wishes for his/her speedy recovery.

  • Darling God, please protect my friend and her family; comfort them and guide them during this difficult time. And please let her have a successful surgery and complete recovery. May she be healthy and happy for many years to come.
  • My wish is that all of your surgery and recovery are successful. I love you and I will pray for you every day during this difficult time. Stay strong, my friend, and know that I am here for you.
  • Dear God, Thank you for all of the blessings you have given me. Please give my friend Norman strength and comfort during his upcoming surgery and he will continue to be a blessing in my life. Thank you again for everything.
  • I pray for your recovery and speedy return to health. Please, be restored, healed, and whole again! I really need you. All my love.
  • Please join me in prayer for my dear friend. He has serious surgery tomorrow morning, so please say a little prayer for him and his family.
  • My friend, I am so glad we met and that our friendship has grown into what it is today. If there is any consolation in knowing that you will be in God’s loving and caring hands while you are through this trial, know that when you find yourself on the other side, I will be waiting to hold you in my arms once again.
  • Please God, watch over him and protect him from any harm. Wrap your loving arms around him and keep him healthy. We love you.
  • I pray for the best for my friend Stephanie. Guide her through the difficult surgery. Give her courage, strength, and love. Please watch over her and help her recover safely. Grant her a successful, smooth surgery from which she emerges well and healthy.
  • God please be with my friend in his surgery tomorrow and help the doctors to perform a perfect job. Please say that you are proud of him and keep him safe. Please let him recover fast so he can be happy again. We love him and need him to stay with us for a long time. We’re all praying for him. Thank you, God!
  • Our Lord, bless my friend with the strength and courage to recover fully from her surgery. Keep her calm and relaxed during the process so she can return back to us as soon as possible. Help her not be afraid of any part of the surgery and recovery, so that it may go smoothly. Bless my friend to undergo a successful surgery and speedy recovery!
  • Dear God, I have faith in you and I know that everything will be ok. Please watch over my friend and heal his wounds. I love him very much and I need him to get better so we can hang out again every day!
  • Dear God, please protect this special lady as she goes under the knife today. Help her to be brave, and instill in her a sense of courage we all know she possesses. Give her the strength to go through with the procedure and then help her heal quickly.
  • Please help my friend get through this whole ordeal. Keep him strong so that he may successfully overcome it. Empower him with strength and endurance so that he might get back to sports and his many hobbies as quickly as possible.
  • Dear Lord,I know that you have given me the ability to put other people first and if necessary I will be willing to lay down my life for any one of my loved ones, and it is for this reason that I ask you for the strength to help [name] and the courage to stand by his side.
  • I am so sorry for what you are going through and I hope that everything goes well. We all love you very much, and please know that we are here for you if you need anything during this difficult time. God Bless.
  • I’m sure you’re up there right now asking why this had to happen. It’s just not right. I feel like your are gone forever and even though I know it’s selfish I need you back, at least part-time…
  • I am sending this to you with God’s love and light…for a successful surgery and recovery!
  • Please give the doctors wisdom, knowledge, and insight to lead my friend to better health. Allow them to make decisions that will benefit her recovery process. Shield her from despair and give her strength to tackle any obstacle.
  • Dear God, Please bless our friend and help her on her journey to recovery. Watch over her during her surgery and show yourself to the doctors, nurses, and all staff involved in this procedure. Amen!
  • Dear Lord, please protect my friend, keep her safe and get her through this difficult time in her life. Please let them find cancer early and rid her of it for good. Please give her the strength to complete her job, home, and family during this surgery.
  • Dear God, please help my friend, Give him the strength and courage for his upcoming surgery. Keep him safe and healthy during this time. Let his family be close to him, so he knows how much he is loved.
  • Please keep my dear friend in your thoughts and prayers. He had surgery this morning, and I know that he must be terrified. Help him to recover as quickly as possible, and heal all damage done to his precious body.
  • I hope this letter finds you well. I hope the surgery goes well and that you will be able to get your life back in order! I want to thank you for being there for me when I was so sad, for listening to me, and for offering a kind word of encouragement.
  • I know that everything will turn out fine. I ask that you are healed, pain-free, and strong in this tough time. Please take care of yourself. Get some rest and please try to eat something. I love you always!
  • I’m sending good thoughts, prayers, and love to you. I know you will conquer this as you have so many other obstacles in your life. You are a strong and wonderful person. Keep up the fight and never give up! Love ya girl!
  • Hey God, please watch over my friend while he is recovering and heal him in your time. I will continue to pray for his well-being until he is healed and this situation is resolved. And if there is anything that I can do please let me know.
  • I have no way to talk to you right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you and praying for a successful surgery and recovery. I hope this finds you soon, and that it’s ok to miss you while you’re away. I love you so much!
  • A prayer for a friend facing surgery and recovery. Lord, I ask for healing for my friend and that this may be an opportunity for him to change his habits. Let him make wise food choices and trust you with his health!
  • Today you are having surgery, I will be praying the entire time. Please get well soon and know that your loved ones care about you. We are all here for you.
  • I know that this surgery is going to be hard on you and will cause a lot of pain, but I want you to know that I am here for you. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me if you need anything. You are one of the most important people in my life, and I love you very much.
  • My best friend, I want you to get well, recover fully and be happy again. You’re one of a kind and I cherish our friendship. Wishing you only the best.
  • Dear God, please heal and protect my friend Jamie. Let the doctors do their best to heal her issues.  May God help her with the pain, inflammation, blood, and all other issues. Thank you, God. Amen
  • Throughout your entire life you have battled your illness and in the process developed a heart of gold. In your weakened state, I hope you can find the strength to overcome this last obstacle and be able to live a full and healthy life.
  • Dear God, please help ( insert friend’s name here ) with successful surgery and a quick, painless recovery. She needs your help and I know you will be there for her no matter what the circumstances may be.
  • Please help my friend’s surgery be a success and bring him back to health. Please let him be recovered, feeling better, and be ready to start his new life. Bring peace and harmony in his life, and let him know that he is valued and loved. Thank you!
  • Dear God, please watch over my friend and guide her through her surgery tomorrow. I ask that you help the surgeons do a good job, and I pray for a positive outcome.
  • We are wishing you a fast and full recovery, and that the operation goes well. We need you here with us, the world is not quite the same without you in it.
  • I pray that God will shine His love, grace, mercy, and peace upon you during this difficult time in your life. I know you can beat this thing! And the good news is… So does God! And He wants to help you!
  • Dear God, I pray that you’ll protect and take care of our special friend. I pray that they recover quickly and experience a successful surgery. Please protect them from any potential complications and also, please give them strength and courage during this difficult time.
  • Love, joy, and peace. I pray for the safety of my friend as she undergoes surgery today. I pray for a speedy recovery, that the surgeon’s knife is swift and that all goes well. May your faith carry you through this difficult time, and may happiness and peace fill your heart upon waking, knowing that you are alive and well.
  • Dear Lord, please watch over my dear friend as he goes through surgery in a few hours. Give him the strength and courage to get through this and bring him back to health soon. All the best to him and his family during this difficult time.
  • I pray for your youthful health and speedy recovery. I know you have full confidence in your doctor and in God’s infinite love and mercy. May He protect you and give you peace, in His presence.
  • We pray for you and your surgery!  I pray that you will recover quickly and completely. You are strong and this heartless disease won’t win. Your passion for life is amazing, as well as the love you share with others. You are a beautiful human being by nature. May all your dreams come true.
  • Today is a sad day, as I found out that one of my best friends will be having surgery. Please pray for him, as he’ll need it! He’s the friendliest guy you’ll ever meet and always keeps good spirits, no matter what life throws at him. I love you, Mike! The world will be a darker place without your smile!
  • God, we come to you today asking for [Name] healing. We ask that you take away all pain and stand by her side through this difficult time. You are her strength and shield, help her no matter what comes our way.
  • I hope and pray for your speedy recovery. I don’t know how to really say this, but more than a man, you have always been my brother, my friend. I hope one day we can sit down and talk about this in person.
  • God, please bless my friend. Keep him safe and comfort him in this time of need. Give him courage, health, and strength to overcome this difficulty. Please help him heal quickly and regain his strength.
  • I pray for your success in surgery, and that you have a speedy recovery. I hope to be there for you when you wake up from your procedure and promise you my unconditional friendship always! God bless you my friend and all the best of health.
  • Dear God, please watch over [Your Friend], guide her during her surgery today and give her peace during it. Please mend her broken heart. Please be with her as she goes through this difficult journey and please touch the hearts of all people involved in whatever decision they have to make today.
  • Dear God, please protect my friend and make sure she makes it through the surgery. Give her the strength to fight through this. May you give her good health and happiness from here on out.
  • Dear surgery spirits, We ask that you allow the doctors to do their best and that your healing energies surround our friend. Please let them operate quickly and painlessly!
  • I keep thinking of your surgery on Friday. I know you will be fine and will make a full recovery. I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed you most. You’ve always been a true friend.
  • I pray that cancer has not spread too far and that your body can get rid of it with surgery. I pray that you are able to have an easy recovery and quick return to health so you may once again serve God alongside me on a church staff. We love you!
  • Remember, the only reason you are feeling the pain from this surgery is that your previous pain was soooooo awful! You can do it! And in 4 weeks you’ll be running around like nothing ever happened.
  • I don’t know what to say. I’m not sure how to pray. All I know is that I care and that I’m praying for you! We are all sending you good thoughts and wishing you everything in the world. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as well as my heart.
  • I will always love you, no matter what. And believe me, I’m OK with that! As we make plans to spend our forever together, I pray that your health is restored and that your new heart gives you years of joy. Your loving friend.
  • Today is a very important day for my dear friend. I want to wish her a very successful surgery and recovery process on this special day. I hope that everything takes place the way it should! I want the best possible outcome.
  • Dear heavenly Father, please watch over my friend Pam as she undergoes surgery tomorrow. Please keep her safe and let her recover quickly. I know every day is a gift from you and may she realize your divine presence in her life.
  • My prayers will be with you and your wife today as you have major surgery. My thoughts are with you. I hope things go well and that you will heal quickly.
  • God, please ease my friend’s suffering. Allow him to heal quickly and adequately. Comfort his family, friends, and loved ones. May he overcome all obstacles on the road to recovery and may your light always shine through him…
  • I must say I am very happy that you found a solution. I know, you will feel better if we take it. It’s not a big deal and it’s worth doing. God Bless for successful surgery, recovery, and health.
  • Dear God, thank you for watching over my friend [name]. Please watch over him and let him recover quickly. I love him so much. Thank you. Amen
  • I will really really really miss you. Please get better soon. I hope to see you soon. Love yah!
  • I just want you to know how much I appreciate you. You are so strong and kind, and it breaks my heart that you have to go through this. God bless you, and I will update you as much as I can!

What is a good prayer for surgery for a friend?

Dear God, Please watch over my dear friend as they go into surgery. Give them peace and still their anxious heart. Direct the doctor's hands skillfully as they undergo surgery on my friend. Let my friend feel Your hand upon them and let them be comforted by Your presence in the operation room.

What is the most powerful healing prayer for a friend?

We beg for deliverance, and submit that no healing is too hard for the Lord, if it be His will. We therefore pray that You bless our friend with Your loving care, renew her strength, and heal what ails her in Your loving name. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

What is a good prayer for strength?

Dear God, please give me strength when I am weak, love when I feel forsaken, courage when I am afraid, wisdom when I feel foolish, comfort when I am alone, hope when I feel rejected, and peace when I am in turmoil. Amen.

What can I say instead of praying for a speedy recovery?

Examples for Get Well Wishes:.
Feel better soon!.
Hope you feel better soon..
Hoping you find strength with each new day. ... .
Have a speedy recovery!.
I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery!.
May good health envelop you, spurring a quick recovery..