Pineapple juice honey and apple cider vinegar weight loss

Drinking apple cider vinegar is great for gut health and reducing inflammation. Try it in this Turmeric Pineapple Shrub Morning Cocktail recipe! It’s a delicious detox apple cider vinegar drink with turmeric and pineapple juice. Although this is a medicinal morning cocktail recipe, you can make it an actual cocktail by adding a splash of your favorite alcohol!

Hold up. Morning Cocktail? That’s a thing? Yep, it is at the Cotter household. Although, it has been known to show up at happy hour too, with a shot of tequila. Because yes, quality tequila (a little, not a lot)  can help regulate the absorption of fat in your intestines. Feel free to geek out with more of that info can in this Light Paloma Cocktail Recipe.

Okay okay, I’m not here to tell you to start happy hour in the morning, although it’s 5 o’clock somewhere (Thank you Jimmy Buffett). Rather, I’m here to share our go to “detox” morning cocktail that helps me feel the happy in the inside.  Turmeric Pineapple Shrub Morning Cocktail with apple cider vinegar. Ahh yes, this shrub drink uses the power of anti-inflammatory and digestive supportive ingredients to create one mega cup of health.

Before we jump to the nerdy nutrition talk, let me tell you exactly what is in this feel good cocktail. Mmm k?

Why is this morning cocktail called a shrub?

Dismiss any thoughts of green bushes – this is a shrub recipe. Entirely different.

A shrub is a drinking vinegar with three basic components- sugar, vinegar and fruit. The shrub cocktail is a light, refreshing drink that’s perfect for summer.

Shrub drinks were very popular in colonial America and are making a comeback.
The syrup served as the base for a drink that was topped with water, club soda or ginger ale. The tangy syrup also serves as a base for cocktails.

Shrubs are perfect for nearly any fruit, especially berries, citrus and stone fruits. This recipe features pineapple for a summery splash of taste.

Shrub syrup can be made in a big batch and kept in the refrigerator for six to eight weeks. Take out what you will need for the single serving and tightly close it again.

What’s in this shrub recipe?

Good for the gut “cleansing” ingredients:

  • Pineapple and pure pineapple juice
  • Drinking Vinegar –> Apple cider vinegar (Raw, unpasteurized) — Bragg’s ACV is a good example.
  • Turmeric and cayenne pepper
  • Raw honey
  • Grated ginger and lime
  • Mint leaves
  • Sparkling water (or regular purified water if that floats your boat).

Yes, friends; drinking vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar is a healthy thing!


All you need to do to make this drink is simply blend everything together, minus the sparkling water and add ice! You can use a hand blender or stand blender. This creates the concentrated/base of the drink. Store it in a bottle in the fridge until ready to drink. Once ready to drink, simply add a splash of sparkling water and optional ice. It’s like love potion number 9, but for your body. A little goes a long way! Haha.

That being said, this apple cider vinegar drink can be a good-for-your-gut morning cocktail AND/OR a delicious summer cocktail.Just add a splash of vodka, tequila, or rum and it becomes the perfect summer evening party drink.

Okay, now that we know how to make it, let’s get nerdy! Nutrition Nerdy. You ready?

Benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar

Drinking vinegar is great for resetting the body in the morning, whether you’re healthy or not. Dieters who add apple cider vinegar to their daily routine lose nearly twice as much weight as those who do not.

Apple cider vinegar lowers blood pressure almost overnight. It also helps with digestion by increasing the acidity in the stomach before eating and balancing the gut.

Some other benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar include:

  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • increases good cholesterol
  • improves circulation and heart health

How much apple cider vinegar should you drink a day?

It’s easy to get in your daily dose of apple cider vinegar. One to two tablespoons per day will provide all the health benefits of drinking vinegar.

Keep each serving to about one tablespoon at a time and dilute it in water or a shrub drink like this to avoid feeling nauseous.

It’s best to drink ACV on an empty stomach. For the greatest health benefits, wait at least 20 minutes after finishing this shrub drink before eating.

Medicinal benefits of this morning cocktail

  1. Turmeric and cayenne have anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Pineapple and apple cider vinegar aid in digestion.
  3. Mint and ginger soothe upset stomachs and aid in digestion.
  4. Raw honey provides minerals and antimicrobial properties.
  5. Pineapple is full of Vitamin C and manganese for bone and joint health.
  6. Turmeric is linked to improved brain function and decreased brain disease.

Phew, that was a lot to take in, but at least now you know all about apple cider vinegar (acv). Consider this your go to recipe and a valuable resource.  ?

Let’s blend!



Drinking apple cider vinegar is great for gut health. Try it in this Turmeric Pineapple Shrub Morning Cocktail recipe! A detox apple cider vinegar drink.

  • 1/4 cup 100% pineapple juice
  • 1 cup diced pineapple fresh
  • 2 tbsp honey – raw (maple syrup may be substituted for vegans)
  • 24 tbsp apple cider vinegar (adjust to taste)
  • 23 fresh mint leaves, plus extra to garnish
  • (1/4 tsp) pinch of cayenne
  • (1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp) pinch of turmeric
  • Optional grated ginger – 1/2 tsp
  • 1 to 2 tbsp lime juice (sliced lime to garnish – optional)
  • Sparkling water
  • Crushed iced

  1. Place ingredients (minus sparkling water and ice) in blender or large cup with hand blender! Blend until combined. This creates the concentrated/base of the drink. Taste and adjust as needed. For example, if you want it extra spicy, add more cayenne. If you want it a little more zesty or tangy, add more apple cider vinegar, mint, and lime.
  2. Pour mixture into a bottle and store in the fridge until ready to drink. Once ready to drink, simply add sparkling water (adjust to taste) and optional ice. Lime and mint to garnish.


  • Want to make it into a happy hour cocktail? Simply add a splash of tequila or rum to each drink and mix.
  • Taste and adjust as needed. For example, if you want it extra spicy, add more cayenne. If you want it a little more zesty or tangy, add more apple cider vinegar, mint, and lime. When ready to serve, add sparkling water or even kombucha! Adjust to taste.

  • Prep Time: 5
  • Category: drink
  • Method: blend
  • Cuisine: american


  • Serving Size:
  • Calories: 83
  • Sugar: 18.3 g
  • Sodium: 2.6 mg
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 21.5 g
  • Fiber: 0.2 g
  • Protein: 0.5 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg

Keywords: cocktail, apple cider vinegar, drink, healthy, paleo, blender, gluten free cocktail, detox

Do you have a morning “cocktail” drink? I also love sipping on matcha tea or kombucha, but this ACV drink is PERFECT for those summer mornings, ya know?

Stay thirsty my friends!  And while you’re at it,  stay happy (inside and out). Mwah!



Does apple cider vinegar and honey work for weight loss?

Honey and vinegar have been used for medicinal and culinary purposes for thousands of years, with folk medicine often combining the two as a health tonic ( 1 ). The mixture, which is typically diluted with water, is thought to provide a range of health benefits, including weight loss and reduced blood sugar levels.

What are the benefits of drinking pineapple juice and apple cider vinegar?

Turmeric and cayenne have anti-inflammatory properties. Pineapple and apple cider vinegar aid in digestion. Mint and ginger soothe upset stomachs and aid in digestion. Raw honey provides minerals and antimicrobial properties.

What happens to your body when you drink apple cider vinegar and honey?

The vitamins in honey and vinegar boost the immune system, aid in bone and heart health, assist in memory and cell production, and help blood clot. Honey and vinegar contain antioxidants, which play an important role in reducing harmful oxygen molecules (called free radicals) in the body.

Can pineapple juice burn belly fat?

Pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme is found in the juice of pineapple and helps in metabolising protein, which in turn helps burn away the excess belly fat. The flesh of pineapple is also a decent source of fibre.


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