Never forget 3 types of person in your life

Never forget 3 types of person in your life

Often times, you think you know who would help you, never leave you or put you in difficult times. But the proof, as they say, is in the pudding. You don’t really know until it happens.

Sometimes the people we expect will be there, aren’t and the people we never thought would step up for us, do.

Who has helped you in difficult times?

Who has shown up for you in ways you never expected?

When I was in my early 20s, I worked for a temp agency and a receptionist assignment was available close to where I was staying at the time. I was broke and was so grateful to have this opportunity. The first day of it, we had a huge ice storm. The roads were a mess, but I made it to the job. Most people called out because it was so bad outside and the office manager at the company was surprised, I even made it in.

Over the next few weeks, I worked my ass off, hoping to stay there longer. The office manager called me into her office one day and asked me if I wanted to work there permanently. She said they didn’t have a job open, but, she liked my work ethic and wanted me there. So, she created a position for me. This was a big deal for them because since I came from an agency, that had to pay them a finder’s fee.

She really invested in me and my success. When she realized that I was spending 90 minutes every morning before work driving my boyfriend at the time to his job and back before coming to the office, she asked me what he did. It turns out he had been applying to jobs in our area, and one of the companies was one that her son owned. She made sure he looked at his resume and gave him a fair shot at the job.  

She made sure I had an outside health insurance plan before the one at the company kicked in. She really went over and beyond to help me when she owed me nothing.

Remember who was there for you during these times, and vow to become someone else’s light when they are going through darkness. Pay it forward when you can.

Who left you in difficult times?

Who left you when you needed them the most?

There have been times when I have been deserted when I needed emotional support from family and friends. I’ve always been one to internalize my own struggles and not really talk about them with others. But when there has been a medical crisis or injury, where I couldn’t just hide it, there were people who I thought would be there who didn’t show up in any real, meaningful way.

It sucks, but it is also clarity. I would rather know who is really there for me based on their actions, than think I know based on what they say or how I think I know them.

Who put you in difficult times?

Who has created difficult times for you?

I’ve taken an honest, long, hard look at who have put me in difficult positions and who I knew might do so and chose them or the situation anyway.

The truth is my difficult times were blessings for me. They were lessons that I needed to learn, even though it was so hard at the time. Those difficult times shined a light on patterns I needed to break so I could evolve and grow as a person and become a better version of myself.

Have you shown appreciation for the people who stepped up and helped you in difficult situations? Have you acknowledged those that may have hurt you by not showing up for you? What lessons have you learned from those who created difficult times for you?

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There are three types of people you should never forget in your life. The people who helped you in difficult times, the people who left you in difficult times, and the people who put you difficult times.

The People Who Helped You In Difficult Times

Always remember the people who were there to help you when no one else was. These are the people willing to go the extra mile for your wellbeing.

Make sure to remind them on a regular basis how much you care about them and how much you appreciate their help through the challenging points in life.

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The People Who Left You In Difficult Times

Some people will immediately abandon you the moment you have nothing to offer them in return. Once you need a little bit of help, they’re no where to be found.

Always remember these people. Don’t rely on them in the future. If someone isn’t willing to help you during difficult times, they should be around to enjoy the good times either.

The People Who Put You In Difficult Times

What are the three types of people?

John Newbern's Law: People can be divided into three groups: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Do not Forget three People in your Life?

There are three types of people you should never forget in your life. The people who helped you in difficult times, the people who left you in difficult times, and the people who put you difficult times.