Most cost effective heating and cooling system

If you want to be comfortable in your home, then a heating and cooling system is going to be required all throughout the year. Unfortunately one of these systems can use a lot of energy, which can mean expensive bills that you can’t afford. Fortunately, technology has come a long way, and there are now more energy-efficient heating and cooling systems than ever. If you’re a homeowner, then choosing one of these is important whether you’re replacing your current system or are building a brand new home.

If you want the most cost-effective heating and cooling system, then a residential heat pump may be just what you need! This is something a lot of people don’t consider because of the name, but don’t let that fool you. This is a system that can keep you comfortable throughout the summer and winter, and can even save you money. Interested in the advantages of one of these systems? Then keep reading so you can choose the right system for you!

How do Heat Pumps Work?

A lot of people don’t realize that just one pump can both heat and cool their homes! Although the name “heat pump” does make it sound like it only heats, it can also work in the summer when you need cool air. So, how does this work? Well, when you need cool air instead of hot air, the heat pump will reverse the flow of the refrigerant that’s inside it. This can be done by just changing your thermostat temperature or flicking a switch on the unit! If you decide to use the hot air, then it will work as normal without reversing the flow of the refrigerant.

The way a heat pump works is really quite simple, making it a choice that a lot of homeowners take advantage of. You can use the heating or cooling capabilities whenever you want, which means always being comfortable inside of your home without the risk of sky-high energy bills. Not only is it one of the top choices when it comes to homeowners replacing their HVAC systems, but it’s also a popular choice for individuals who are building their homes from the ground up.

Are Heat Pumps Worth it?

Yes they are. Most people are glad they got units with heat pumps because they end up saving them so much money throughout the year. The heat pump produces more units of energy than it actually takes in using electricity. This means it works differently from most other heating and cooling units out there. For example, it only uses one unit of electric energy for every three units of heat that it delivers to you. The heat pump actually uses electric energy to move heat in the air where it needs to go. Since there is always some heat in the air (even down to minus 373 degrees Celsius), it is able to do its job in any weather.

The heat pump has special valves and controls that are meant to specifically provide you with hot air instead of cool air. If you decide to use the heat pump as an air conditioner, then it would work just as a normal air conditioner does. It offers pure and clean electricity that is very energy efficient, even under severe weather conditions. You can even use this in negative temperatures and you will still be able to enjoy the energy efficiency that it offers. No other system can give you the energy efficiency that this can, especially since it works with just electricity and no fire or fuel.

Will You Be Comfortable?

It’s true that different types of heating and cooling systems provide different results, so how does a heat pump compare? The temperature that a heat pump normally produces in the winter is 90 degrees. This can be compared to a gas furnace, which produces air at just around 130 degrees. So, the furnace is going to be hotter and dryer, but with a heat pump, you get the energy efficiency as well as more even heat. Most people that end up choosing a heat pump over a gas furnace say it’s worth it, as their home ends up being comfortable, and their bills are a lot less for energy during the months where they need heat the most.

The best heating and cooling system is the one that takes the size of your house, your lifestyle, and the climate that you live in into consideration.

The most efficient systems available on the market today are geothermal heat pumps; they are great for old or small houses and cold climates. For old houses that have a radiator system, opt for a boiler, and portable heaters can be an efficient option for tiny homes.

Below you will find all the information needed to choose the perfect heating and cooling system for your particular case.

The Energy Efficiency of Different Heating and Cooling Systems

Heating/Cooling System Efficiency Ratings
Heat pumps The ratings should be above 14 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating). Heat pumps with ratings above 18 are highly efficient.
Air conditioners The most energy-efficient air cons have a SEER between 20 and 26.
Furnaces Highly efficient furnaces have an AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) of 90% or higher. An electric furnace is the most efficient type and might have an AFUE that is as high as 100%.
Boilers According to ENERGY STAR, the AFUE rating of oil boilers should be at least 87% and the rating of a gas boiler – over 90%.
Portable heaters Practically all portable heaters are considered to be close to 100% efficient.
Wood heaters Some systems are up to 80% efficient.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps transfer heat from the outside during the heating season and pump the heat from the inside of your house to the outside during the cooling season.

These systems use electricity and do not generate heat. They simply transfer the air from one area to the other.

  • Air-source heat pumps

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

An air-source heat pump is a system that is connected by ducts. This type makes the heat travel between your home and the outside.

The newer models of air-source heat pumps can reduce your electricity consumption by up to 50% (if compared to a regular furnace). 

By the way, air-source heat pumps can do a great job at dehumidifying the air in your house during the warmer time of the year.

  • Geothermal heat pumps
Most cost effective heating and cooling system

You can get a heat pump installed in your house, even if you don’t have ducts. In such a case, go for a geothermal option.

These pumps transfer the heat between the home and a water source or the ground. The temperatures of the soil and water are relatively constant and this is exactly what makes this system extremely energy-efficient.

In fact, the system is able to reduce energy consumption by up to 60%. Moreover, the pump is able to control the humidity levels.

However, do bear in mind that a geothermal heat pump can’t be installed in every house. They are suitable only for homes surrounded by appropriate landscapes.


Most cost effective heating and cooling system

Out-of-date models are inefficient and sometimes even dangerous. But newer systems that utilize new technologies have extremely high efficiency levels.

Hint: an AFUE is an indicator of the efficiency of your furnace (the number helps you figure out how much energy is converted into heat). The systems that have an AFUE higher than 90% are highly efficient.

  • Gas furnaces

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

The heating efficiency of natural gas is relatively low. But the operational costs of such a system are among the cheapest.

  • Oil furnaces

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

It is much more expensive to run an oil furnace than one that uses gas. But such heating systems have high AFUE ratings (between 84% and 90% for the newer models).

  • Electric furnaces

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

The main advantage of such a furnace is that it doesn’t burn any fuel, which means no gases that can pose a safety hazard.

Moreover, electric furnaces are able to convert 100% of electricity into heat, so it definitely has very high energy efficiency.


Most cost effective heating and cooling system

Even though residential boilers are not as common as furnaces and heating humps, they can still become a great heating option.

In fact, some boilers have an AFUE higher than 90%. Condensing boilers are even more efficient – their ratings can reach 95%.

The latter use exhaust gases to extract heat, while residential boilers work by heating up water which then travels through your house’s pipes.

Portable Heaters ; Wood Heating

  • Portable Heaters

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

Electric heaters are typically 100% efficient.

Such heaters can come in handy if you need to heat one room. However, trying to warm up the whole house with the help of portable heaters alone might not be the best decision as it would cost you a small fortune.

  • Wood Heating

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

In some cases, you’d be able to maximize the efficiency of your wood heater to about 75%.

You can choose to go for a centralized heater that burns not only wood but also combustible gases. Such an option might be great for areas that have plenty of wood, but overall, these heaters are made more for show rather than efficiency. 

Most Efficient Heating System for Old House

When it comes to improving an old house, the fewer changes are required – the better.

  • Boilers

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

Did you know that a lot of houses that were built in the 18th century already have a radiator system installed?

This means that the buildings have a boiler, pipes, and radiator units that will help you keep the house warm.

The great news is that existing radiators are, in the majority of cases, still in good condition. So, all you would have to do is install a new, more energy-efficient boiler.

You might want to go for a modulating-condensing boiler. This device doesn’t heat up all the water at once, it increases the temperature of a certain portion that is able to bring the home’s temperature to a comfortable level.

  • Heat pumps

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

Practically all old houses don’t have enough space for ductwork. That’s why the only thing that you can do is go ductless.

Heat pumps have a single outdoor condenser and one or more indoor units. These quiet systems require only a small hole in the wall.

Heat pumps are incredibly energy efficient as they offer zoned heating which means independent control over the air handlers and efficient targeted usage. 

Most Efficient Heating System for Cold Climates

A good-quality heat pump is the most efficient heating and cooling system for the majority of homes, including the ones located in cold areas.

A lot of homeowners might be hesitant about investing in a heat pump as they have heard that these systems become inefficient as soon as the temperatures drop.

Thankfully, modern heat pumps utilize advanced technology that allows the system to remove the heat from the air even when it becomes freezing cold outside. Such solutions will cost you a small fortune at the moment, but things are going to change for the better in the nearest future.

Until then, here are a few things that you should remember when using a heat pump to keep your house nice and toasty.

  • Don’t be afraid of the defrost cycle.

Every heat pump has such a mode for the times when ice forms on the outside unit. The system will need around 15 minutes to melt the ice and then it is ready to get back to its normal mode.

  • Pairing your heat pump with another heating source can be a good idea.

If you live in an area where it tends to get extremely cold, the system might not be able to cope with the freezing temperatures efficiently.

For such days, you can have a backup plan. For example, a gas furnace.

Such a ‘dual-fuel’ strategy is still much more efficient than simply having a furnace running all winter long.

Best Heating System for Small House

Your choice of the heating system would certainly depend on your specific case.

These are a few options that you might want to consider.

Heating System Features
Electric heater The easiest and cheapest option for a tiny home, but do bear in mind that such heaters take up valuable floor space.
Propane heater This one is relatively cheap, burns clean, and you can use the heater to cook.But it sometimes might be challenging to find the fuel.
Wood stove A good option for the people who enjoy the wood-burning process. Moreover, you are not dependent on electricity and you can sometimes use the top of the stove to heat food.However, wood-burners are messy and can be a safety hazard.
Heat pump With a heat pump, you can do both heat and cool your house. These systems are also highly efficient and don’t require any floor space.But the initial cost might be too high for some.

To Sum Up

What is the most efficient heating and cooling system?

A geothermal heat pump certainly does have the highest efficiency ratings, but it might not be the best choice for your particular situation.

Most cost effective heating and cooling system

So, make sure to take the climate you live in, the size of your house, safety, and, of course, the price point into consideration before making a final decision.

What is the most energy

For heating your home, the most energy efficient HVAC systems currently available are heat pumps (both geothermal and air source) and furnaces. Heat pumps are also a very efficient way to cool your home. For the summer, your most efficient cooling system will be either a heat pump or an air conditioner.

What is the cheapest most efficient way to heat a house?

As a general rule, heating your home with a natural gas furnace is the cheapest way to keep warm through the winter months. Electricity is usually significantly more expensive than gas, so even the most efficient heaters will be a bigger drain on your pocketbook than a traditional furnace.

What type of heating and cooling system is best?

Geothermal Heat Pump Geothermal heat pumps are the most energy-efficient, environmentally friendly HVAC system available. Like air-source heat pumps, the system moves heat rather than converting it from a fuel source. The difference is it transfers heat to and from the ground rather than the outdoor air.

Which type of heating is cheapest to run?

Generally speaking, Halogen heaters are one of the most inexpensive types of electric heater. They average around 1200W in terms of power output and because they provide instant-heat at close quarters, you shouldn't need to leave them on for long periods of time.