Mitchell tenpenny mama raised the hell out of me lyrics

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Mitchell tenpenny mama raised the hell out of me lyrics


Mitchell tenpenny mama raised the hell out of me lyrics


Mitchell tenpenny mama raised the hell out of me lyrics


Lord knows I’ve tried to paint that town every shade of red
There’s a lotta whiskey bottles and skeletons
I broke more hearts than the strings on my guitars
But one was gold and damn sure wouldn’t bend She saw her baby in the crazy
Her child in the wild
She brought me in this world and kept me hereFive foot five
Full of grace, full of pride
She saw me coming a mile away
So far from heaven
No chance I would get in
She didn’t see mе that way
Oh, the devil only knows
The sinnеr I would be
But mama raised the hell outta me
Yeah, mama raised the hell right outta me
Curly phone cable, leaving tears on the table
Saying what did my boy do this time
Yeah, she could have hung up or gave up
Said she was fed up
But she looked up and prayed to Jesus the whole driveYeah, that devil downstairs sure tried hard to get me there
But he didn’t stand a chance againstFive foot five
Full of grace, full of pride
She saw me coming a mile away
So far from heaven
No chance I would get in
She didn’t see me that way
Oh, the devil only knows
The sinner I would be
But mama raised the hell outta me
Yeah, mama raised the hell right outta meShe saw her baby in the crazy
Her child in the wild
She brought me in this world and kept me hereFive foot five
Full of grace, full of pride
She saw me coming a mile away
So far from heaven
No chance I would get in
She didn’t see me that way
Oh, the devil only knows
The sinner I would be
But mama raised the hell outta me
Yeah, mama raised the hell right outta me
Right outta me

Lord knows I've tried to paint that
Town every shade of red
There's a lotta whiskey
Bottles and skeletons
I broke more hearts than the
Strings on my guitars
But one was gold and damn sure wouldn't bend

She saw her baby in the crazy
Her child in the wild
She brought me in this world and kept me here

Five foot five
Full of grace, full of pride
She saw me coming a mile away
So far from heaven
No chance I would get in
She didn't see me that way
Oh, the devil only knows
The sinner I would be
But mama raised the hell outta me

Yeah, mama raised the hell right outta me

Curly phone cable, leaving tears on the table
Saying what did my boy do this time
Yeah, she could have hung up or gave up
Said she was fed up
But she looked up and prayed
To Jesus the whole drive

Yeah, that devil downstairs sure tried
Hard to get me there
But he didn't stand a chance against

Five foot five
Full of grace, full of pride
She saw me coming a mile away
So far from heaven
No chance I would get in
She didn't see me that way
Oh, the devil only knows
The sinner I would be
But mama raised the hell outta me
Yeah, mama raised the hell right outta me

She saw her baby in the crazy
Her child in the wild
She brought me in this world and kept me here

Five foot five
Full of grace, full of pride
She saw me coming a mile away
So far from heaven
No chance I would get in
She didn't see me that way
Oh, the devil only knows
The sinner I would be
But mama raised the hell outta me
Yeah, mama raised the hell right outta me
Right outta me

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User: серега left a new interpretation to the line Boom bap, boom bap to the lyrics Campbullet - Boom Bap


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User: ViraNadia left a new interpretation to the line Таке вперше to the lyrics BRYANGIN, ARKUSH - Таке вперше

Залишається побажати лише одне... Нехай це буде в перше та й в останнє! Я дуже вірю в Українську Армію, та й в усіх нас - Українців! А руські нехай назавжди залишуться за порєьбріком зі своїм путлєром

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User: Лелека left a new interpretation to the line Принцеску таку казкову Так що зустрічайте На цій сцені - Надія Дорофєєва to the lyrics DOROFEEVA - Шанси

Увесь цей семпл - є промовою Ігора Кондратюка, і якщо я не помиляюсь - також там є голос Скрябіна. Саме тому, як я розумію, Надя надає нам посилання до того часу, коли їй був дан шанс. В одночас, для

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User: Olivec left a new interpretation to the line Біля мого вікна війна Прапор у крові, але Україна вільна! to the lyrics BURLA, СХОЖА - Біля мого вікна

Ось уже скільки часу пройшло з моменту виходу цієї пісні, але вона мені не набридла і так само дуже сильно чіпляє кожен нерв! Ця пісня написана від поцілунку Бога, від крику всіх постраждалих Українці

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User: Артем Піддубний left a new interpretation to the line Так, дивина Таке життя to the lyrics Two from Zoo - Діти не пішли в школу

Можу сказати, що в мене роздвоєння особистості від прослуховування цієї пісні, з одного боку, мені дуже сумно, з іншого - дуже гарна мелодія. Дякую Авторам за підтримку в цей складний час.

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