Malibu coconut rum and iced tea

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Iced Tea and Malibu is a very popular drink combination on the patios in Calgary Alberta, Canada.

Stir ingredients together in a highball glass, and serve.

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Calories (kcal)
Energy (kj)

1 g
125.2 g
16 g


0 g
0 mg
478 mg
20.4 g

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Complete drink recipe for Lipton iced tea 🍾 based cocktail 🍹 is mixed with 1 extra ingredient 🍾: Malibu coconut rum in Highball glass

If you are going to order Iced Tea and Malibu in a bar, don’t forget to mention all the ingredients to the bartender. Iced Tea and Malibu can be served with different ingredients in different places.

Iced Tea and Malibu Ingredients

  • 9 oz Lipton iced tea
  • 3 oz Malibu coconut rum

Iced Tea and Malibu Equipment

  • metal straw or teaspoon to stir properly, if you want to be a pro: use bar spoon

Iced Tea and Malibu Recipe

  1. mix ingredients together
  2. fill ice filled Highball glass

Recommend: serve in Highball glass

The highball (or hi-ball) and collins glasses have a lot in common. They can both be used for tall beverages and hold the same amount of liquid, which can range from 8 to 16 ounces.

Cheers ! Enjoy your drink !

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Why was Gin and Tonic invented?

The Gin and Tonic was invented by the British in the 19th century as a way to make tonic water more palatable. Tonic water was originally used to prevent malaria but it was so bitter that it was difficult to drink. The addition of gin and lime made it much more palatable and turned it into a popular cocktail.

Tonic water was originally created by the British Army or Navy, as a medicinal drink to help fight malaria. The active ingredient in tonic water is quinine which has been shown to be effective in treating the disease. Today tonic water is still consumed for its medicinal benefits although it is also commonly mixed with gin or vodka to create a refreshing cocktail.

  • Lipton Iced Tea

    Iced tea is mostly black tea brew, served cold and with ice. It’s a different form od drinking fermented/oxidised tea, which is otherwise drunk hot.

  • Malibu Coconut Rum

    A Coconut Rum is a White Rum made following the usual fermentation of sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice, then distillation of it into a clear liquid, which is then aged in stainless steel barrels. White Rums are colourless since they are aged in steel barrels where as Dark Rums get their hue from the charred oak barrels they are agedin.

    A Coconut Rum is essentially thus a white Rum infused with coconut flavour by steeping coconut meat in Rum and leaving to infuse for at least two weeks. Then once infused, the coconut is filtered out and the flavoured Rum is bottled and sold. From the infusion it attains a rich tropical flavour and creamy texture and is a favourite tropical drink to uplift your mood, where ever you are.

Iced Tea and Malibu1for Drinking Age Adultsauthentic Iced Tea and Malibu cocktail recipePT5M

Iced Tea and Malibu

  • Lipton Iced Tea 27 cl
  • Malibu Coconut Rum 9 cl

highball glass

iced tea and malibu is a popular Rum cocktail containing a combinations of Lipton Iced Tea,Malibu Coconut Rum .Served using highball glass

Iced Tea and Malibu Ingredients

Lipton Iced Tea,Malibu Coconut Rum,

Iced Tea and Malibu Recipe

Stir ingredients together in a highball glass, and serve.

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Good Reads

  • Highball Glass

    A highball glass is a glass tumbler that can contain between 240 ml and 350 ml ( 8 to 12 US fl oz ) it is used to server highball cocktails and other mixed drinks. A highball glass is taller than an Old Fashioned glass (lowball) and wider and shorter than a Collins Glass.

    The highball name comes from the class of cocktail it is used to serve, a cocktail with a base spirit ( usually two to three ounces and a larger amount of non-alcoholic mixer.

    For a good explanation on which glass to use for which drink. Read this post from Bottleneck Management.

  • Simple Guide to Cocktail Glassware

    When there is no specific glass suggested for a cocktail, it's up to you to chose a glass.
    Either you just go ahead and serve using any glass available to you following these simple rules
    A. Go for Tall or Collins Glasses, Highball Glasses or even Hurricane Glasses for cocktails with loads of non-alcoholic mixes, and those that require crushed or cubed ices,
    B. But if your cocktail is aromatic and liqueur based, and has a complex character that must reach the nose use a wide mouthed Cocktail Glass.
    C. Red Wine Glasses for cocktails that have a Red Wine as the base spirit. Red Wine Glasses have a wider mouth and a long stem, so that the wine can be swirled an aerated to release the aroma while the long stem keeps the fingers away and avoid quick warming of the wine.
    D. White Wine Glasses for cocktails with a White Wine base, since White Wines must not be aerated as much as a Red Wines, since they oxidise fast when in contact with air, White Wine glassware, in contrast to the wide mouthed bowl of a Red Wine Glassware, is narrow with a narrow mouth. A White Wine has much lighter and delicate notes and the narrow mouth and less surface area in contact with air helps retain the aroma.
    E. If your cocktail is based on a Sparkling Wine like Champagne then a Flute Glass is more suitable since a Sparkling Wine is a White Wine with a secondary fermentation that produces the bubbles, and the narrow mouth flute prevents the bubbles from escaping.
    F. If it's winter and you are in the mood for some hot cocktails like the Irish Coffee or Hot Toddy, go for the Irish Coffee Glass, it has a heat resistant glass and a handle.
    G. Martini Glasses for Martinis or "Tinis" in general, but since these glasses have fallen off of favour these days, a Cocktail Glass will be good too.
    H. IF you are serving Margaritas, don't look for Margarita Glass if you don't have one at home, Double Old Fashioned Glass or other glasses are more common these days, for serving Margaritas.
    I. If you are the adventurous one, and are serving shots or shooters, of course the Shot Glass is your choice of glass,
    J. Finally, if you are going all out and serving depth charges and car bomb shots, all you need is a Double Old Fashioned Glass or a Beer Mug for the beer and a shot glass to drop the bomb in.

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All photos used are representative and don't reflect the actual look of a cocktail. Representative Cocktail Photos are watermarked with FreePik logo and are mostly random cocktail images from FreePik.
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Can you mix Malibu with ice tea?

Malibu Island Spiced Ice Tea. There's nothing better than ice tea to cool you down after a hot summer's day, and this one's even better with added malibu island spiced rum.

Is coconut rum good in iced tea?

It sweetens up your tea and gives a really great coconut flavor. Of course, if you are looking for more of a bang with your iced tea, you might just want to pour the Malibu Rum straight into your tea, but for a party, this is a great option for your iced tea bar.

What is the best thing to mix with Malibu rum?

Good Mixers for Malibu Rum.
Pineapple juice..
Tropical flavored vodkas, such as pineapple..
Lime, grapefruit, or orange juice..
Lemon-lime soda and a dash of grenadine..
Cranberry juice..
Ginger ale or ginger beer..

What does coconut rum mix well with?

What Mixes Well With Coconut Rum.
Ginger ale..
Ginger beer..
Club soda..
Lemonade or limeade..
Orange juice..
Pineapple juice..
Guava juice..


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