Los abuelos de la nada mil horas lyrics

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    Calamaro, author and composer of the song.

    Mil horas (English:One thousand hours) is a song by the Argentinian band Los Abuelos de la Nada (The Grandparents of Nothing), included in the second album Vasos y besos (Glasses and kisses), published in 1983. Composed by the keyboardist and singer Andrés Calamaro, the song became one of the band's biggest success and was one of the most well known songs of Rock in Spanish in the 80s. It holds 5th place on the 100 best songs of the 80s in Spanish list according to VH1 Latin America, and the 14th place on the 100 hits of Argentine rock by Rolling Stone.


    Origin and meaning of the song[edit]

    One of the interpretations is about the use of drugs, and not to singing to your beloved one, or a composition on the avatars of the life, also is interpreted like a self-evident against the War of the Falklands.

    With the peak of the Latin Top list rock in Spanish, the success of the band keeps youth and force by dint of intensive repetition in the local radios that have stood up the song 25 years after having been edited.

    Included in the second album of Los Abuelos de la Nada, Vasos y besos, Mil horas is probably the mother of all his songs accoring to Calamaro. It is also one of the original seeds of a compound discography.

    «Perhaps the public of The Round wants me by the sentence bite the hook and go back to start afresh (of the fear Argentinian Habits), that is one of the one thousand that wrote to speak of drugs without that noticed. Or by One thousand hours, that speaks of a red star that was an acid. Or "A red star on Argentina" was an image on the blood? I do not know it. But yes I know that I was born at 22 August, the same day of the massacre of Trelew. To have a rocket in the trousers is the porro. I spoke of all this when nobody spoke of this, confessed Calamaro in an interview to the daily Page/12.[1] A red star on Argentina» wrote Andrés in years of political transition, when the albiceleste remained deleted of Spain 1982, while he looked for words that rhymed with 'ina'.

    On the way, to «One thousand hours» have gone out him several homages at the front, between them in voice and music of the Enanitos Verdes, The Taken out and The Tipitos. The understood some time thought that the subject had arrived to his last border with the version of the Argentinian Union of the Hip Hop, but a recent cover of Magic Juan seems to show that «One thousand hours» continues re-discovering in new registers.


    The song has two different versions, the first belongs to the studio album in where a part says a red star that imagines all to him/herself" ((in Spanish) "...una estrella roja que todo se lo imagina"); whereas in some recitals, like the 1983 one at the Buenos Aires Luna Park, Calamaro sings a red star flying over Argentina ((in Spanish) "...una estrella roja volando sobre Argentina").


    • Andrés Calamaro: keyboards and voice leader
    • Miguel Abuelo: percussion and choruses
    • Gustavo Bazterrica: guitars and choruses
    • Cachorro López: Bass and choruses
    • Daniel Melingo: sax, clarinet and choruses
    • Polo Corbella: Drums


    1. ^ "RADAR Ocio, Cultura y Estilos en Página/12". www.pagina12.com.ar.

    ¿Qué quiere decir la canción Mil Horas?

    Una de las interpretaciones es acerca de la apología a las drogas, y no un canto al desamor, o una composición sobre los avatares de la vida, también es interpretada como un manifiesto contra la Guerra de las Malvinas.

    ¿Que cantan los abuelos de la nada?

    Entre su repertorio se ubican reconocidos clásicos de la música argentina tales como «Costumbres Argentinas», «Himno de mi Corazón», «Lunes por la madrugada», «Mil horas», «Sin gamulán», «Cosas mías», «No se desesperen», «Tristeza de la ciudad», «Chalamán», «Guindilla ardiente», «Medita Sol», entre otros.

    ¿Quién es el cantante original de mil horas?

    La Sonora DinamitaMil horas / Artistanull

    ¿Qué tipo de música es mil horas?

    Publicada en 1983, "Mil horas" es uno de los himnos más importantes del rock latinoamericano. Escrito por un joven Andrés Calamaro, este track formó parte de Vasos y besos, segunda placa de la otrora banda Los Abuelos de la Nada. Pero los clásicos siempre esconden algo entre sus versos y este tema no es la excepción.


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