Is it better to drink apple cider vinegar in the morning or at night

Have you been looking for creative ways to lose weight? Some people have read online that taking apple cider vinegar may help with weight loss, and they may commit to taking a shot of the sour stuff every day, sometimes at bedtime. But experts recommend against this practice for several reasons.

“Apple cider vinegar hasn’t been shown to aid with weight loss in humans, despite the things you may have read on social media, and it may be harmful if people ingest it the wrong way or at the wrong time of day,” says Elliot Rudnitzky, M.D., cardiologist at JFK University Medical Center.

Here’s what you should know about apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider hasn’t been proven to help with weight loss

Some research has shown that obese rats who consumed apple cider vinegar consumed less food and lost weight, but similar results have not been proven in humans. Little research has been done to study the effects of apple cider vinegar on appetite and weight loss in humans, and the handful of studies have been inconclusive. In studies where people did curb their appetite or lose weight with the help of apple cider vinegar, the weight loss was modest, not dramatic. People shouldn’t expect life-altering, shocking-before-and-after-pictures weight loss from apple cider vinegar consumption.

You may know someone who swears that apple cider vinegar has helped them curb their appetite or lose weight, but that information is anecdotal, not research-proven. Just because a weight-loss tactic has worked for your friend doesn’t mean that it will work for you.

Bedtime isn’t an ideal time to take apple cider vinegar

“Because apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, some people experience acid reflux after consuming the liquid (or foods containing the vinegar),” says Carla Rodriguez, M.D., internal medicine specialist at Palisades Medical Center.

People who are prone to heartburn, acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) would want to avoid consuming anything acidic at least 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime to minimize the chances of experiencing burning and discomfort.

If you’re prone to reflux, the sphincter between your stomach and esophagus may relax when you lie down in bed at night, allowing anything that’s still in your stomach to flow upward into your esophagus. Apple cider vinegar rising into your esophagus may lead to uncomfortable burning in your chest.

Taking apple cider vinegar earlier in the day may be a better option.

Apple cider vinegar may hurt you more than it helps

People who are hoping to glean the possible benefits of apple cider vinegar may assume that taking it straight – swallowing a shot of vinegar – may be the best way to get the substance into their system. However, apple cider vinegar is very acidic. Swallowing it undiluted may irritate the esophagus, leading to heartburn-like symptoms. It may also gradually wear down the enamel coating on your teeth, if you consistently drink the vinegar plain, which may cause permanent dental problems. In some people, too much vinegar may alter potassium levels, and certain people with diabetes may unknowingly alter their insulin levels by consuming apple cider vinegar.

Better ways to consume apple cider vinegar

If you choose to ingest apple cider vinegar regularly for the possible health benefits, dilute it to minimize its potential harm. Safer ways to consume apple cider vinegar include:

  • Combined with equal parts apple cider vinegar and cold-pressed olive or avocado oil to make a nice salad dressing (a little bit of honey can keep it emulsified)
  • Mixing 1 or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar into a tall glass of water, which dilutes the acidity
  • Within an apple cider tonic or beverage containing other ingredients, preferably with little to no added sugar
  • Apple cider vinegar supplements, although some of these products (including gummies) contain sugar, which may counteract any possible advantage of taking them

Consuming apple cider vinegar alone won’t help with weight loss. You’ll have a greater chance of succeeding if you eat healthy and exercise more while you take the vinegar.

“There is no ‘magic bullet’ that will promote sustainable weight loss,” says Marissa Winters, integrative nutritionist. “It really is about taking care of yourself with lifestyle choices that contribute to health overall.”

Next Steps & Resources:

  • To make an appointment with a doctor near you, call 800-822-8905 or visit our website.

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.

Are you wondering when to drink apple cider vinegar to best harness its health benefits?

What is apple cider vinegar?

Used in food and beauty since the time of ancient Greece1, apple cider vinegar is still hugely popular today.

These days, apple cider vinegar (often shortened to ACV) is widely used for its health benefits, which are said to include weight loss, better digestion and boosted immunity.

ACV is made from apples which have been fermented with yeast and bacteria which naturally forms during the fermentation process. When the sugars from the apples ferment, acetic acid is created. It’s this substance which is thought to hold health benefits.2

Why drink apple cider vinegar?

Drinking apple cider vinegar is said to bring better health, so you’ve probably heard people extolling the virtues of a daily shot of ACV.

When should you drink apple cider vinegar?

And is it better to drink apple cider vinegar in the morning or at night? Find out below!

Drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning

Some people recommend you drink apple cider vinegar in the morning when you wake up, before you’ve eaten or drunk anything.

The benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning are thought to include:

  • Fresher breath
  • A boost for the digestive system

What’s the evidence?

Drinking apple cider vinegar can be an effective way of neutralising bad breath. It’s anti-microbial and kills the bacteria which thrive in your mouth overnight and cause that nasty morning breath.3 

Drinking apple cider vinegar first thing is also thought to have a ‘detoxifying’ effect on the digestive system when the stomach is empty of food.4 

Many people attest to a laxative effect after drinking ACV first thing in the morning.

ACV is thought to contain traces of pectin, a type of soluble fibres which apples are rich in.5 Pectin acts as a natural laxative.6 

Scientific studies on the laxative effects of ACV are lacking, although anecdotally, people can feel as though knocking back ACV in the morning helps them feel less bloated and sluggish.

What’s our verdict?

If you want to drink a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar first thing, there shouldn’t be any harm in doing so. You could experience better digestion and fresher breath throughout the day.

If you’re wondering how to drink apple cider vinegar in the morning due to the strong taste – it’s easily masked with a squeeze of lemon juice, or even added to warm herbal tea.

Apple cider vinegar is acidic and can cause erosion of tooth enamel and the lining of your oesophagus so always dilute it.

Drinking apple cider vinegar before meals

Should you be taking apple cider vinegar before meals to reap health benefits?

These benefits are thought to include:

  • Reduced hunger
  • Lower blood sugar

What’s the evidence?

The acidic taste of apple cider vinegar is thought to work as an appetite suppressant when taken before meals.

Specific studies are lacking, but researchers at Imperial College London have found that acetate – a key component in acetic acid – plays a key role in regulating appetite.7 

Apple cider vinegar can slow the emptying of your stomach after eating. This has the effect of keeping you fuller for longer as well as minimising blood sugar spikes that usually come with rapid digestion and the quick conversion of food into energy.

This link has been confirmed in clinical studies, although further research is needed.8,9

What’s our verdict?

To see if ACV works for you as an appetite suppressant, you can try diluting two tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water and drink 30 minutes before a meal.

This could help reduce overeating and contribute to weight loss.10

To help balance blood sugar following high-carbohydrate or sugary meals, an apple cider vinegar drink taken before meals can be beneficial.

Drinking apple cider vinegar after meals

Should you be drinking apple cider vinegar after meals? If so – why?

  • To aid digestion

What’s the evidence?

The cloudy substance at the bottom of bottles of unfiltered apple cider vinegar is known as ‘The Mother’. This is a collection of strands of bacteria and enzymes which act as a prebiotic.

Prebiotics encourage the growth of friendly bacteria help you maintain a healthy gut flora (known as a microbiome).11

Our verdict

You could drink diluted apple cider vinegar after a meal, but we think it’s best to drink it before a meal (as above).

The reason for this is that there are proven benefits to drinking it before a meal (namely the blood sugar balancing effect) and drinking it before a meal would have no adverse effect on any prebiotic qualities.

To get a mid-meal fix, you could add apple cider vinegar to cooking. It is excellent used in dressings, sauces and marinades just as you’d use white wine vinegar.

Drinking apple cider vinegar before bed

It’s hardly as soothing as a cup of chamomile tea, but could it be even better for you? Should you drink apple cider vinegar before bed?

  • It might help lower blood sugar overnight
  • It could help stop leg cramps

What’s the evidence?

Ingesting ACV before you go to sleep might help you wake up with stable blood sugar.

A study published in the Diabetes Care journal found that taking vinegar at bedtime moderates glucose concentration when you wake up, especially in adults with type 2 diabetes.12

Low potassium levels in the body can lead to muscle cramps. Many people suffer from these at night, so drinking potassium-rich apple cider vinegar could help keep cramps at bay.

What’s our verdict?

If you’re concerned about blood sugar levels, or if you experience night-time muscle cramps, you could take two tablespoons of ACV before bed to help balance them overnight.13

However, be aware that due to the acidic nature of ACV, doing so might cause acid reflux in those prone to indigestion, heartburn or GERD, in which cases it should be avoided.

Again, be sure not to drink it straight as it can damage your tooth enamel and the delicate lining of the oesophagus. Why not add your ACV to a cup of calming chamomile tea, being sure to rinse your mouth afterwards.

Read more: 9 health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Last updated: 22 March 2021

What is the best time to drink apple cider vinegar?

Sip your apple cider vinegar drink first thing in the morning or right before a meal. Taken before a meal, the vinegar drink can help you feel full faster, which can aid in weight loss.

Is it okay to drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach in the morning?

Taking a shot of apple cider vinegar in the morning on an empty stomach is one practice that many wellness gurus claim helps you lose weight, reduce hunger, and remove toxins from your system.

What happens if you drink apple cider vinegar every morning?

Some people recommend you drink apple cider vinegar in the morning when you wake up, before you've eaten or drunk anything. The benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning are thought to include: Fresher breath. A boost for the digestive system.

What time is best to drink apple cider vinegar for weight loss?

The best time to drink ACV for weight loss is before each meal. This will help you reduce the amount of food that you eat and control your blood sugar levels. For the best results, drink it diluted with water or add it to salads or other dishes.


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