I think i have narcissistic personality disorder reddit

Well I obviously can't speak for everyone with NPD, but for me it's probably true. I think my narcissism evolved as a defense mechanism. I praise myself because nobody else does. I like attention because nobody would give me any when I was a child. I'm unable to process complex emotions because I don't want to get hurt.

I actually haven't talked to any other people about why their NPD formed, so I can't give you multiple points of view.

I do have two friends who were insecure about certain things and formed a god complex about it, thinking that then they wouldn't have or at least show any insecurities or weaknesses, that seems to be fairly common on the more severe end of the NPD spectrum.

So, I (20f) am kinda confused. As far as I can remember, I’ve never loved or cared about anyone (not my friends, not even my family members). If one of my friends is upset I just think it’s a bummer because I can’t talk to them about the things I want to. And all of my friendships are kind of shallow because I’m in them for the benefits and I can drop them whenever I want to because I just don’t really care for those people.

But a few years ago I discovered this singer. At first, I just looked up to him cause I’m interested in singing and music in general and he’s very talented. Then I thought “wow, he’s a genuinely nice person, I would like to meet someone like that”. Already a bit weird for me.

But a few months after that I realized his mood affected mine which never happens. I’m not empathetic at all. But if he was upset, I was upset. If he was happy, I was happy. I was even happy for his achievements! Any time one of my friends achieves something I just either don’t care or am jealous. Same with other artists and musicians. But not with him. I couldn’t make sense of it. But I just accepted the fact that he’s the only person I love (platonically, of course).

The kicker is that a couple of months ago I realized I’m attracted to him. For some context, I’m asexual. So he’s literally the only person on earth who I’m attracted to! I’m so confused. I don’t even know this man but he managed to awake feelings in me I have never felt for anyone else before or since.

I guess I just wanted to ask if this is like a common thing? Does anyone else have a specific person (wether you know them personally or not) that just goes against everything you thought you were capable of feeling?

besides, whats the difference between being genuinely polite/agreeable or pretending to be? you get the same result.

Most neurotypical people wouldn't think of morality in terms of personal gain or material result though. The standard narrative would just be that it's better to put others above yourself. It's even better if you don't have any ulterior motives or if it comes at a large cost to yourself. I guess it's one of those things that people presume is intuitively true. I do think it's one of those things that is debatable though tbh.

Idk, I'm nuerotypical and I really want to help people as much as possible. I like making feel happy. I used to help people even when it didn't make me feel good. A lot of the time helping people used to make me feel worse or make me feel guilty. I don't know why I wanted to help people back then when it didn't benefit me materially or mentally. Nowadays it at least makes me feel better or makes me think of myself as a better person. I don't really have a rational reason for why it's better though.

Idk if you found that at all interesting. I'd imagine most people on this sub have thought about this kind of subject more than me.

As the title says: I think I have a lot of narcissistic tendency, I think I'm the shy/vunerable type.

But I can not imagine that I don't have any empathy. I have a relationship for over 7 years, and I am honestly convinced that I love her. Isn't it impossible for NPD to care or have empathy for another human being?

I have a lot of similarities in my life that other people with NPD have, but I honestly think I have empathy, it is really screwing with my mind. The thing is, I was living in some mental prison, thinking I was better than everyone else because I found out I have high IQ. I also was way to over-optimistic about my situation, resulting in extreme procrastination. I am 34 and I have no carreer. I haven't worked a lot the past few years because I always think I am too good/too smart for manual labor jobs/or cleaning jobs (cleaning is the job I have the most experience in).

I don't think I actually abused my gf verbally, definitly not physical. I sometimes get anxious and moody and make big trouble over nothing, and a few hours later I'm like: wtf was that all about? I should not have been such a dick. Often this happens when I just quit smoking tobacco for 24hours or more, so the addiction stress triggers it even more.

I'm addicted to arguing online aswel, I think that is my way of seeking validation (likes on my youtube comments) but even on websites where there is no comment rating I still enjoy arguing about my believes too much. I'm not into social media, maybe because it is too stressfull to be "perfect" for anyone who I have ever met, I want them to think I'm better than I actually am doing. Most of the time I spend online, gaming or watching youtube, reading newspaper.

I have low self esteem and I'm extreme procrastinator, game addicted and I play victim too much, and I think about myself too much. Now that I understand NPD I can all of a sudden see all of my flaws. I actually toned down on being so arrogant and feeling better than everyone else, like I had an ego death of some sort.

Am I actually full NPD (is it a spectrum or an absolute thing?) Or do you think I suffer from some other mental issues.

What does it feel like to have NPD Reddit?

Loneliness, depression, anxiety, self loathing. It's that niggling feeling that is always in the back of your mind that says “you're wrong, you're disgusting, you'll never be good enough, everyone secretly hates you.

Can narcissism be self diagnosed?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a formal mental health diagnosis. It's not a personal choice of behaviors. It requires a proper diagnosis by a mental health professional.

How do you identify yourself as a narcissist?

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder.
Grandiose sense of self-importance. ... .
Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur. ... .
Needs constant praise and admiration. ... .
Sense of entitlement. ... .
Exploits others without guilt or shame. ... .
Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others..

Can you be a narcissist with anxiety?

One of the main characteristics of individuals with increased levels of vulnerable narcissism is anxiety. Inter alia because of their high hypersensitivity and insecurity, they often experience high levels of anxiety in social interactions, and therefore tend to avoid social contacts in the offline world [9, 23].